Nyingma Mönlam Series
English (51) | Deutsch (28) | Español (28) | Français (46) | Italiano (11) | Nederlands (5) | Português (7) | 中文 (6) | བོད་ཡིག (51)
The following texts are recited during the annual Nyingma Mönlam prayer festival in Bodhgaya:
Adamantine Magical Wheel
Amitābha Mönlam
Aspiration of Vajradhātu Maṇḍala
revealed by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa
Aspiration to Generate Bodhicitta
Barché Lamsel
Blazing Wheel
revealed by Tulku Zangpo Drakpa
Bodhisattva Vow
arranged by Chatral Rinpoche
Chanting the Names of Mañjuśrī
Dhāraṇī of Amitāyus
Eight Auspicious Ones
Final Words
Ground, Path & Fruition Prayer
Jigme Lingpa
Guru Rinpoche Prayers
by Longchen Rabjam and Jigme Lingpa
Guru Rinpoche Visualization
Heart Sūtra
Kunzang Mönlam
Le'u Dünma
Long-Life Prayers
Maitreya's Aspiration
Prayer for Spread of Nyingma Tradition
Resounding Drum of Truth
Rishi's Maledictory Incantation
Sage's Powerful Words of Truth
Śākyamuni Practice
Secret Vajra Knot
Seven-Line Prayer
Sixteen Arhats
Thangtong Gyalpo Prayers
Words of Truth
Yeshe Tsogyal’s Prayer
revealed by Pema Lingpa