Advice for Sangye Drönma
Advice for Sangye Drönma, a Nun from Tsering Jong in Yoru, Central Tibet
by Adzom Gyalsé Gyurme Dorje
Ema! Faithful Sangye Drönma,
Pay attention for a moment as I offer some advice.
Now that you have secured a precious human form,
Quickly apply yourself to the sacred Dharma.
The experiences of this life—its highs and lows, joys and sorrows—
Do not endure but lack stability; this is certain,
As can be understood from direct sensory evidence.
Exert yourself now in the essential practice,
And establish a foundation of virtue in this and future lives.
From taking refuge through to the six extraordinary dharmas,
To accumulate and purify—not begrudgingly as if paying tax—is crucial.
You should exert yourself in the Dharma while you are young.
Reflect on this example: life is like a little bird in a treetop,
As one cannot be sure when it might fly away.
By the time you reach the gateway to old age,
The four elements will have deteriorated, making dharma practice difficult,
As can be understood by considering others.
Limit your plans, therefore, and focus on Dharma practice.
Exert yourself in offering heartfelt prayers
To the infallible sources of refuge for this and future lives,
The Three Jewels and Padma of Oḍḍiyāna,
Whereby obstacles to life and Dharma will naturally subside,
And in future you will certainly take birth in a place such as
Cāmara’s Copper-Coloured Mountain of Glory.
Keep this mind, therefore, O fortunate lady!
Thus, in response to a request from Semo Chimé Wangmo, I, Rigdzin Gyurme Dorje, offered this from Adzom Chögar. May it prove virtuous!
| Translated by Adam Pearcey, 2023.
Tibetan Edition
a 'dzom rgyal sras 'gyur med rdo rje. “dbus pa g.yo ru tshe ring ljongs btsun ma sangs rgyas sgron ma la gdams pa.” In mkha' 'gro’i chos mdzod chen mo. 53 vols. Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang, 2017. Vol. 52: 354
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