The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Sarasvatī Meditation and Mantra

English | བོད་ཡིག


A Concise Meditation and Mantra Recitation of Sarasvatī

from the Heart-Essence of the Ḍākinī of Suchness (Chönyi Khandrö Tuktik)

revealed by Sera Khandro


དབྱངས་ཅན་ལྷ་མོའི་བསྒོམ་བཟླས་ནི༔ དང་པོ་སྐྱབས་སུ་འགྲོ་བ་ནི༔

Begin your practice of meditation on, and mantra recitation of, Sarasvatī with refuge:

ན་མོ༔ བདག་གཞན་འགྲོ་དྲུག་སེམས་ཅན་རྣམས༔

namo, dakzhen dro druk semchen nam

Namo. I, along with all beings of the six realms,


chok sum kündü ngowo nyi

Take refuge in you, Sarasvatī,


yangchen lhamor kyab su chi

Embodiment of the Three Jewels—


ngendrö jik lé kyab tu sol

Pray keep us from the fears of the lower realms!


Recite the above three times. Then take the pledge to awaken (bodhicitta) with:

ཧོཿ མར་གྱུར་འགྲོ་བ་ཀུན་དོན་དུ༔

ho, mar gyur drowa kün döndu

Ho. For the sake of all beings, who have each had the experience of being a parent to me—


mönpa changchub sem dang ni

I generate the aspiration of bodhicitta


jukpa parol chinpa druk

And pledge to engage and accomplish


deng né tsam té drubpar gyi

The practice of the six perfect actions.

ལན་གསུམ་དང༔ ལྷ་བསྐྱེད་ནི༔

Recite the above three times. For the meditation upon the deity:

ཧྲཱིཿ རང་ཉིད་སྐད་ཅིག་དབྱངས་ཅན་ལྷ་མོའི་སྐུ༔

hrih, rangnyi kechik yangchen lhamö ku

Hrīḥ. Instantaneously I arise as Sarasvatī,


karsal dangden zhi dzum tsenpé gyen

Translucent white, peaceful and radiant as she smiles, adorned with the major and minor marks of perfection.


zhal chik chak nyi piwam nyampé dzin

She has one face and two hands that play a sitar.


tsedren dar chang rinchen gyenché dzé

Silken tassels hang from her jewel tiara.


zhab nyi pé dar kyang kum tsul du zhuk

She sits on lotus and moon disk with her ankles crossed and knees drawn up.


detar salwé né sum dru sum lé

The three places of her body are each marked with a syllable,


ö trö ku sum gyalwé zhing la pok

From which light radiates to the myriad buddha-fields of the three kāyas


gyal kün yangchen lhamö nampa ru

And invites the awakened in the aspect of Sarasvatī.


chendrang damyé yermé ro chik gyur

The invoked wisdom merges with and becomes of one taste with me, the visualized deity;


riktong jömé lhamö rang zhal jal

Awareness–emptiness, beyond all expression—behold the real face of the goddess.


saltong gakpa mepé ngang du da

Within unimpeded emptiness-luminosity, I recite the mantra:


om hring déwi pradznya wardhani yé soha

Oṃ hrīṃ devi prajñā vārdhani ye svāhā


If you recite this continuously with diligence
You will accomplish the goddess, Sarasvatī,
And be forever cared for by her,
Gain the dhāraṇī of wisdom and increased intelligence—
Of this there is no doubt! Samaya.

ཐུན་མཐར་ཉེར་སྤྱོད་ཀྱིས་མཆོད་ནས༔ བསྟོད་པ་ནི༔

At the conclusion of your meditation session make the traditional offerings and praise with:

ཧཱུྃ༔ དཀར་གསལ་སྟོན་ཟླའི་དཔལ་ལས་ལྷག་པར་མཛེས༔

hung, karsal tön dé pal lé lhakpar dzé

Hūṃ. Autumn’s full moon cannot eclipse your beauty,


sherab lodrö zung dang pobpa chang

You hold wisdom’s dhāraṇī and speak with confidence and eloquence,


yönten rabdzok khyentsé ter ngawa

All qualities are perfected in you—for your mind is the very treasury of love and wisdom.


yangchen lhamö ku sung tuk la tö

Sarasvatī, I praise your body, speech and mind.



gewé dak sok semchen malüpa

Through this merit may all beings


womin dakpé zhing la chöpar shok

Come to enjoy the highest, Akaniṣṭha, pure realm.


ཅེས་ལྷ་མོའི་བསྒོམ་བཟླས་བསྡུས་པ་འདི་ཡང་སྔགས་བཙུན་ཙྪེ་ད་ཀས་དར་བཅས་བསྐུལ་ངོར། སུ་ཁའི་མིང་གིས་བྲིས་པའོ།། དགེའོ།།

This concise meditation on, and mantra recitation of, the goddess Sarasvatī, was requested, together with a silken scarf, by the monastic mantrika Chhedaka, and written by the one named Sukha. May it prove virtuous!


| Translated by Sean Price and edited for Lotsawa House, 2019.


Source: kun bzang bde skyong dbang mo. "dbyangs can lha mo'i bsgom bzlas bsdus pa" In gsung 'bum/_kun bzang bde skyong dbang mo/. 6 vols. Chengdu: si khron dpe skrun tshogs pa/ si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2009. (BDRC W1PD108254) Vol. 3: 355–356


Version: 1.2-20220818

Sera Khandro


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