The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Notes on the Empowerments

English | Español | བོད་ཡིག

Notes on the Empowerments

from the Khandro Nyingtik

Homage to the ḍākinī of the enlightened family!

It is said, "With regard to the rite of empowerment conferral through which those with a passion for the Heart-Essence of Ḍākinīs are introduced to the path…"

This is done over three days. On the first evening, offer torma to the local deities and take possession of the land. Set up a tiered maṇḍala platform. Perform the preparatory rite. On the second evening, having drawn a maṇḍala during the day, bring the students into the maṇḍala circle and bestow the vase empowerment upon them. It is also permissible to confer names.[1] Through this, the individual disciples are ripened collectively. On the final evening, do not allow there to be more than three qualified individuals. Without dissolving the maṇḍala, arrange many tsok offerings and tormas. At dusk, bestow the secret empowerment to the south of the maṇḍala. At midnight, bestow the knowledge-wisdom empowerment to the west of the maṇḍala. At first light, perform the elaborate introduction of the fourth empowerment to the north of the maṇḍala. Then, after dawn, enjoy the tsok feast. Sing, dance and play music. Then let the maṇḍala depart, offer the tormas, and recite verses of auspiciousness, dedication and aspiration.

I, Padma of Oḍḍiyāna have here set out some notes on the sequence of the four empowerments. Khathaṃ. Gya. Gya. Gya. May they meet with one who has the karmic destiny. Samaya. Ithi. Let it be virtuous!

| Translated by Adam Pearcey with the generous support of the Tsadra Foundation, 2024.


Tibetan Editions

"dbang gi tho yig" In snying thig ya bzhi. 13 vols. Delhi: Sherab Gyaltsen Lama, 1975. Vol. 10: 311–312

"dbang gi tho yig" In kun mkhyen klong chen rab 'byams kyi gsung 'bum. 13 vols. Pe cin : Krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang, 2009. Vol. 5: 206

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  1. The text here reads ming bcugs, which literally means to insert a name. The virtually identical Notes on the Sequence of the Four Empowerments has mi gzhan yang bcug which means other people are also permitted to enter.  ↩

Pema Ledrel Tsal

Pema Ledrel Tsal

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