The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

White Sur Offering

English | Español | བོད་ཡིག

༄༅། །དཀར་གསུར་ཞིང་ཁམས་ཀུན་ཁྱབ།

White Sur Offering That Permeates All Realms

by Jigme Lingpa


དཀར་གསུར་ཞིང་ཁམས་ཀུན་ཁྱབ་ཅེས་བྱ་བ། །དཀར་ཕྱེ་གཙང་མ་མར་དཀར་གྱི་ཁུ་བས་སྦགས་པ་སྣུམ་བག་ཅན་གྱི་ཁྲོད། ཤིང་ཏོག །དཀར་གསུམ། མངར་གསུམ། རིན་པོ་ཆེ། བདུད་རྩིའི་ཕུར་མ་སོགས་ཀྱང་བཏགས་ནས་འདྲེས་པར་བྱས་ལ་སོལ་མེ་དང་། སོ་ཏོག་ལ་སོགས་མ་ཡིན་པའི་མེ་ཐལ་འཇམ་པོ་ལ་བཏབ། ཆུ་གཙང་ཁོ་ནས་བྲན།

To perform the White Sur Offering That Permeates All Realms, prepare clean white flour mixed with melted white butter into an oily dough. Mix that with fruits, the three whites, the three sweets, precious things and powdered amṛta.1 Burn the mixture on mild hot ash, not on the charcoal fire or on the charcoal itself.2 Sprinkle it only with clean water.3

རང་ཉིད་ཇོ་བོ་ཁ་སར་པཱ་ཎིར་གསལ། སྐྱབས་སེམས་སྔོན་དུ་འགྲོ་བས།

Visualize yourself clearly as Khasarpaṇi and begin by taking refuge and generating bodhicitta:

ན་མོ། བདེ་གཤེགས་སྙིང་པོས་འགྲོ་བ་ཡོངས་ལ་ཁྱབ། །

namo, deshek nyingpö drowa yong la khyab

Namo. The essence of the sugatas pervades all beings.4

སེམས་ནི་རྒྱ་ཆེན་མཆོག་ཏུ་རབ་བསྐྱེད་དེ། །

sem ni gyachen chok tu rab kyé dé

I generate bodhicitta—thorough, expansive, and supreme.

འགྲོ་བ་འདི་དག་མ་ལུས་སངས་རྒྱས་རྒྱུ། །

drowa didak malü sangye gyu

For all beings possess the cause of buddhahood;

འདི་ན་སྣོད་མིན་སེམས་ཅན་གང་ཡང་མེད། །

di na nömin semchen gangyang mé

Not a single one is unsuitable as a vessel.


བཞེངས་ཤིག་བཞེངས་ཤིག་སྟོབས་བཅུ་མངའ་བའི་ལྷ། །

zheng shik zheng shik tob chu ngawé lha

Arise, arise, all you deities who possess the ten powers.

དུས་ལ་མི་འདའ་ཐུགས་རྗེའི་དབང་གིས་ན། །

dü lé mi da tukjé wang gi na

Do not delay! But through the force of your compassion,

སེམས་ཅན་དོན་ལ་དགོངས་པའི་དཀོན་མཆོག་གསུམ། །

semchen dön la gongpé könchok sum

Come, Three Jewels concerned for beings’ welfare,

ཡིད་ཀྱིས་སྤྲུལ་ཞིང་བཤམས་པའི་གནས་འདི་རུ། །

yi kyi trul zhing shampé né diru

To this place of offerings arranged and created through my own imagination,

རྒྱལ་བ་འཁོར་བཅས་མ་ལུས་གཤེགས་སུ་གསོལ། །

gyalwa khor ché malü shek su sol

Come now, all you victorious ones, together with your retinues.


All the various guests, high and low, from infinite realms arrive and remain in the sky in front.


om ah hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ


Recite this seven times.


duwa di döyön gyi lhamo zuk dorjé ma dzé shing ta na dukpa

The smoke appears as the goddess of sensual delights, the Vajra Lady of Form. She is beautiful to behold,

དབྱངས་སྙན་པ། དྲི་ཞིམ་པ། རེག་བྱ་འཇམ་པ།

yang nyenpa drizhimpa rekja jampa

Her voice is melodious, and she is sweetly scented and soft to touch.


chak nyi na lhé dütsi ro gya dang denpé bumpa nam né chöpé trinpung pak tu mepar tro zhing

In her two hands she holds a vase filled with divine nectar of hundreds of tastes, from which emanate masses of offering clouds


nöchü kyi nyamdrib dang mukpa dakpar jepé chitsuk na sangye rinchen mang chak yé chok jin gyi gyé ulwa sel zhing

To purify all the impairments, obscurations and veils of the world and its inhabitants. On her uṣṇīṣa sits the buddha Myriad Jewels,


döyön gyi longchö zé mishepé ter du trulpar gyur

Who with his right hand, in the mudrā of generosity, dispels poverty and emanates inexhaustible treasures of sensory delights and enjoyments.


nama sarva tatagaté bayo bisho mukhebé sarva takham udgaté saparana imam gagana kham soha

namaḥ sarva-tathāgatebhyo viśva-mukhebhyaḥ sarvathā khaṃ udgate spharaṇa imaṃ gagana-khaṃ svāhā



namo, chöku kuntuzangpo né drinchen tsawé lamé bardu jönpé gong da nyen gyü kyi lama dampa matsangwa mepa nam dang

Namo. To each and every sublime lineage guru of the mind-direct, sign and oral lineages, from the dharmakāya Samantabhadra down to my kind root guru,


tekpa rimpa gu

To the infinite hosts of maṇḍala deities of the nine gradual vehicles,


do gyu sem sum

Of the Sūtra, Illusion and Mind,


drubdé kagyé gyüdé chinang

Of the sādhana sections of the Eight Great Maṇḍalas and the outer and inner sections of the tantras,

དུས་ཀྱི་འཁོར་ལོ་ཕྱི་ནང་གཞན་གསུམ་གྱི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་གྱི་ལྷ་ཚོགས་བསམ་ཡས་གྲངས་མེད་པ་ལ་འབུལ་ལོ། །

dü kyi khorlo chi nang zhen sum gyi kyilkhor gyi lhatsok samyé drangmepa la bul lo

And of the Kālacakra’s outer, inner and alternative cycles, I present offerings.


dak gi rigdzin gyi dompa dang damtsik la nyepé kyön jungwa tamché sorchü né

Mend all the faults and lapses of my vidyādhara vows and samayas


chok dang tünmong gi ngödrub malüpa tsal du sol

And grant me all the supreme and common accomplishments without exception!



om ah hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ


chinö kyi jikten yum ngé rangzhin

To the outer vessel of the universe, which has the nature of the five mothers,


nang chü kyi semchen pawo khandrö drongkhyer

And to the inner essence of sentient beings—the cities of heroes and ḍākinīs,

ཡུལ་ཉི་ཤུ་རྩ་བཞི། གནས་སུམ་ཅུ་རྩ་གཉིས།

yul nyishu tsa zhi né sumchu tsa nyi

To the twenty-four sacred places, the thirty-two lands,


durtrö chenpo gyé

The eight charnel grounds,


khachö dang sachö kyi dakpo palden dorjé pakmo

The celestial and terrestrial realms and their mistress—glorious Vajravārāhī,


gyalyum dorjé naljorma

To Vajrayoginī, mother of all the buddhas,


tröma nakmo dang sengé dongchen

Krodhakālī, Siṃhamukhā,


kurukullé dang özer chen

Kurukullā, Mārīcī,


pal dang norgyünma

Śrī Devi,5 Vasudhārā,


tashi kyi lhamo gyé

The eight auspicious goddesses,


tronyerchen dang ritröma

Bhṛkuṭī, Śabarī,

ཡུམ་ཆེན་མོ་ལ་སོགས་ཏེ་གསང་སྔགས་དང་རིགས་སྔགས་གཟུངས་སྔགས་ཀྱི་ལྷ་མོ་རྣམས་ལ་འབུལ་ལོ། །

yum chenmo lasok té sang ngak dang rikngak zungngak kyi lhamo nam la bul lo

The Great Mother Prajñāpāramitā and to all the other goddesses of secret mantras, vidyā mantras and dhāraṇī mantras, I present offerings.


dak gi damtsik nyamchak tamché kong né trinlé nampa zhi tokmé du drubpa dang

Mend all my impairments and breakages of samaya, so I may accomplish the four enlightened activities unhindered,


chikhar né chö kyi dukngal minjung zhing lam na dang sünma dzé du sol

And at the time of my death, may avoid the intense pain of dying before you guide and welcome me.



om ah hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ


chomdendé shakya tubpé tsön kalpa zangpö sangye tong tsa nyi

To the bhagavān Śākyamuni, representing all the thousand and two buddhas of this fortunate age,


sangye gawé pal lasok chok chu dang marmédzé dang namzik lasokpa dü sum gyi sangye chok zung dang

The buddhas of the ten directions such as Ānandaśrī, the buddhas of the three times such as Dīpaṃkara and Vipaśyin, together with the Supreme Pair,


drachen dzin lasok nyentö kyi gendün zung zhi ya gyé

To those of the śrāvaka saṅgha who have reached the eight stages or the four pairs, such as Rāhula,


rangsang gyé rik nyi

The two kinds of pratyekabuddhas,

གནས་བརྟན་ཆེན་པོ་བཅུ་དྲུག་འཁོར་དགྲ་བཅོམ་པའི་ཚོགས་བསམ་གྱིས་མི་ཁྱབ་པ་དང་བཅས་པ་རྣམས་ལ་འབུལ་ལོ། །

neten chenpo chudruk khor drachompé tsok sam gyi mi khyabpa dang chepa nam la bul lo

And to the sixteen sthavirās with their inconceivable retinue of arhats, I present offerings.

བདག་གིས་སོ་སོ་ཐར་པའི་སྡོམ་པ་དང་འགལ་བ་ཐམས་ཅད་སོར་ཆུད་ནས་ངན་སོང་གསུམ་དང་མི་ཁོམ་པའི་གནས་རིགས་ལས་ཐར་ཏེ་ཉན་རང་དགྲ་བཅོམ་པའི་གོ་འཕང་ཐོབ་པར་གྱུར་ཅིག །

dak gi soso tarpé dompa dang galwa tamché sorchü né ngensong sum dang mikhompé né rik lé tar té nyenrang drachompé gopang tobpar gyur chik

Repair all my transgressions of the vows of individual liberation, liberate me from the three lower realms and the states that lack freedom, and help me to attain the level of the śrāvaka or pratyekabuddha arhats!



om ah hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ


pakpa jampal gyi tsön changchub sempé gendün nyewé sé gyé dorjé nyingpo dang

To Mañjuśrī, representing the saṅgha of bodhisattvas of the Eight Close Sons,

བློ་གྲོས་མི་ཟད་པ་ལ་སོགས། བསྐལ་བཟང་གི་སེམས་དཔའ་བཅུ་དྲུག །

lodrö mizepa lasok kalzang gi sempa chudruk

To the sixteen great beings of this fortunate age such as Vajragarbha and Akṣayamati,

ཆོས་འཕགས་དང་། རྟག་ཏུ་ངུ་ལ་སོགས་བྱང་ཆུབ་སེམས་དཔའི་ཚོགས་དཔག་ཏུ་མེད་པ་རྣམས་ལ་འབུལ་ལོ། །

chö pak dang taktu ngu lasok changchub sempé tsok pak tu mepa nam la bul lo

And to immeasurable hosts of bodhisattvas, such as Dharmodgata and Sadāprarudita, I present offerings.

བདག་གི་བྱང་ཆུབ་སེམས་དཔའི་སྡེ་སྣོད་ལས་གསུངས་པའི་ལྷུང་བ་ཉམས་སུ་མྱོང་བ་མཐའ་དག་ལྷག་མེད་དུ་བྱང་ནས་ཐེག་པ་ཆེན་པོའི་ལམ་ལ་བར་ཆད་མེད་པར་གྱུར་ཅིག །

dak gi changchub sempé denö lé sungpé lhungwa nyam su nyongwa tadak lhakmé du jang né tekpa chenpö lam la barché mepar gyur chik

Purify without exception all my downfalls and impairments that are spoken of in the bodhisattva piṭakas and clear away all obstacles on the path of the Great Vehicle!



om ah hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ


yeshe dang lé la drubpé chökyong magön chamdral

To the wisdom and karmic guardians of the Dharma—the Principal Protectors and their Vajra Brothers and Sisters,6

དཔལ་མགོན་བདུན་ཅུ་རྩ་ལྔ། དྲེགས་པ་ཕོ་རྒྱུད་མོ་རྒྱུད། ལྷ་ཀླུ་ཡུལ་ལྷ་གཞི་བདག །

palgön dünchu tsa nga drekpa po gyümo gyü lha lu yullha zhidak

To the Seventy-Five Glorious Protectors, the male and female arrogant demons, the gods, nāgas, local deities and earth lords,

འཛམ་བུའི་གླིང་དང་གངས་ཅན་ན་གནས་པའི་དགེ་བསྙེན་དཀར་ཕྱོགས་སྐྱོང་བ་མིང་དང་མཚན་ནས་མ་ཐོན་པ་ཐམས་ཅད་ལ་འབུལ་ལོ། །

dzambüling dang gangchen na nepé genyen karchok kyongwa ming dang tsen né matönpa tamché la bul lo

To all the virtuous Genyen spirits that reside in this world and in the Snowy Lands of Tibet, and also to all those who have not been mentioned, I present offerings.


sangye kyi tenpa sung

Protect the teachings of Buddha,


könchok gi upang tö

Elevate the status of the Three Jewels,


jikten gyi kham su charchu dü su pob

Ensure that rain falls in a timely manner,


né muk truktsö sol

And eliminate epidemics, famine and war.


naljorpa dakchak chö drubpé barché sung zhing yöndak dang né mal dzé du sol

Protect us practitioners from obstacles to accomplishing the Dharma, and ensure that we have benefactors and dwellings!



om ah hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ


zhenyang lha lu mi dang dramzé drangsong dentsik drubpé tsok

To the sages of the gods, nāgas, humans and brahmins who have accomplished the power of the words of truth,


nöjin dzambhala

To the yakṣa Jambhala


lhenchik kyepé lha gowé lha nga

And the five patron gods who have been with us since birth,

ཁྱིམ་ལྷ་དང་ཞིང་ལྷ་ལ་སོགས་ཁར་རྗེ་དང་དབང་ཐང་བསྐྱེད་པའི་ལྷ་འབྱུང་བ་བཞི་དང་རི་དང་ནགས་ཚལ་གྱི་ལྷ་རྣམས་ལ་འབུལ་ལོ། །

khyim lha dang zhing lha lasok khar jé dang wangtang kyepé lha jungwa zhi dang ri dang naktsal gyi lha nam la bul lo

To the household gods, gods of the fields and any other divinities who grant good fortune and authentic presence, and to all the gods of the four elements, the mountains and the forests, I present offerings.


dak gi lekpa dang karpö chok tamché kyepé dong drok dzé du sol

Please support all that we do to cultivate excellence and virtue!



om ah hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ


drizé gyalpo jönpa tagochen dang

To all the harmful spirits, represented by the horse-headed King Druma, king of the gandharvas,


lu dang gar la sepé driza rabga

The gandharva Supriya, who adores song and dance,


mi'amchi drongkhyer barnang la chepé detsen gyi tsön dön gyi rik su gyurpa tamché dang

And the kiṃnaras who dwell in towns between earth and sky,


lenchak shakhön chakpé rik

To all those with whom we have karmic debts and who crave our flesh,


trok mama bu ngabgya

To Hārītī with her five hundred children,

བགེགས་རིགས་སྟོང་ཕྲག་བརྒྱད་ཅུ་དང་བཅས་པའི་ཚོགས་ལ་འབུལ་ལོ། །

gek rik tongtrak gyechu dang chepé tsok la bul lo

And to all you obstructing forces, numbering eighty thousand, I present offerings!


dön dang nöpa ma dzé

Avert demons and refrain from harm,

ཁ་རྗེ་དང་དབང་ཐང་མ་འཕྲོག །

khajé dang wangtang ma trok

Do not steal our good fortune and authentic presence,

རུ་ང་དང་གདུག་རྩུབ་སྤོངས་ཤིག །

ru nga dang duktsub pong shik

And abandon malice and cruelty!



om ah hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ

ཁྱད་པར་དུ་འགྲོ་བ་རིགས་དྲུག །

khyepardu drowa rik druk

In particular, to all the guests invited out of compassion included in the six classes of beings,

ལམ་རྒྱུད་ལྔ། སྐྱེ་གནས་རྣམ་པ་བཞིས་བསྡུས་པའི་སྙིང་རྗེའི་མགྲོན་དུ་གྱུར་པ་ཐམས་ཅད་དང་།

lam gyü nga kyené nampa zhi düpé nyingjé drön du gyurpa tamché dang

The five ways of existing and the four types of birth,


ul zhing pongpar gyurpé yidak detsen nyi

To the two divisions of hungry ghosts, poor and destitute,


khar sang nang sam

And to you who, from the time when you lost the support of your physical body—whether yesterday, this morning,


naning gi loda zhak dü né ngamé lü ten bor

Last year, last month or any other day—


chimé lü ten ma nyé

Until you have found the support of another body,


sipa barma dor nyam ngawé trang la kyab dang kyobpa mepa

Are anxiously roaming on the perilous path of the intermediate state of existence, without refuge or protection,


gön dang pungnyen mepa

Without guardian or defender,


ngön gyi sak gyab mepa

Without the wealth or power that you had before,


gewé rada nyungwa

Without the company of virtue,


ming zhi düpé pungpo

Possessing only the aggregates of the four names,7


tsorwa dukngal gyi rangzhin

With sensations that are by nature painful,


jiktrak trulnang gi narwa

Overwhelmed by terrifying and confusing perceptions,


khyak tok kom sum gyi dungwa

Tormented by cold, hunger and thirst,


tsetsé ngepa mepa

And with a lifespan that is uncertain—


ja dro lung gi tekwa zhin

Like a feather carried on the wind,

གར་འགྲོའི་རང་དབང་དང་བྲལ་བའི་བར་དོའི་སེམས་ཅན་ཆེ་གེ་མོས་གཙོ་བྱས་པའི་བར་དོར་གནས་པ་ཐམས་ཅད་ལ་འབུལ་ལོ། །

gar drö rangwang dang dralwé bardö semchen ché gé mö tso jepé bardor nepa tamché la bul lo

Beings in the intermediate state, and (insert name) in particular, are powerless in where they are heading. To all of you in the intermediate state, I present these offerings.

གནས་གྲོགས་ལོངས་སྤྱོད་བཟའ་བཏུང་ཕུན་སུམ་ཚོགས་པ་དང་ཕྲད་ནས་བག་ཕེབས་པར་གྱུར་ཅིག །

né drok longchö zatung pünsum tsokpa dang tré né bakpebpar gyur chik

May you find perfect dwellings, friends, wealth and food and drink, and may everything go smoothly!



detar gyurpé möla pakpa chenrezik dang

Immediately after this, may they behold noble Avalokiteśvara


changchub sempa dribpa nam sel tong né bardo la bardo yinpar ngoshé

And the bodhisattva Sarvanivāraṇa-viṣkambhin and recognize the intermediate state for what it is.

འཁྲུལ་སྣང་རྒྱས་ཐེབས། བླ་མ་དང་དཀོན་མཆོག།

trulnang gyé teb lama dang könchok

May they seal confused perceptions with recognition and remember the guru, the Three Jewels,


yidam dang tawa jesu dren té

The yidam deity and the view.


lé ngenpé dribpa kechik la dak né rigpa la rangwang tob

May their bad karma be instantly purified, may they gain mastery of awareness,

བདེ་བ་ཅན་དང་པདྨ་འོད་ལ་སོགས་པའི་ཞིང་ཁམས་ཁྱད་པར་ཅན་བཙན་ཐབས་སུ་བགྲོད་ནུས་པར་ཤོག་ཅིག །

dewachen dang pema ö lasokpé zhingkham khyepar chen tsentab su drö nüpar shok chik

And may they find the ability to proceed, aided by powerful practices, to the extraordinary pure realms such as Sukhāvatī and Lotus Light!


རྒྱལ་བ་མཆོད་པས་མཉེས་གྱུར་ཅིག །

gyalwa chöpé nyé gyur chik

May all the buddhas be pleased with this offering!

དམ་ཅན་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང་གྱུར་ཅིག །

damchen tukdam kang gyur chik

May the solemn promise of the protectors be fulfilled!

རིགས་དྲུག་འདོད་པ་ཚིམ་གྱུར་ཅིག །

rik druk döpa tsim gyur chik

May the wishes of the six classes of beings be satisfied!

ལན་ཆགས་བུ་ལོན་འཁོར་གྱུར་ཅིག །

lenchak bulön khor gyur chik

May the enmity of karmic debtors be assuaged!



kham sum dakpé zhing

In all the lands throughout the three realms,


si sum tukjé drön

To the guests worthy of compassion throughout the three planes of existence,


malü khyabpé zé

Through this sustenance that pervades everywhere without exception.


chönyi nüpé tü

And through the power of the nature of reality,

འདོད་ཡོན་མི་ཟད་པའི་གཏེར་ལ་ལོངས་སྤྱོད་པར་གྱུར་ཅིག །

döyön mizepé ter la longchö par gyur chik

May all enjoy an inexhaustible treasure of sensory delight.

Giving the Dharma

སྡིག་པ་ཅི་ཡང་མི་བྱ་སྟེ། །

dikpa chiyang mija té

Commit not a single unwholesome action,

དགེ་བ་ཕུན་སུམ་ཚོགས་པར་སྤྱད། །

gewa pünsum tsokpar ché

Cultivate a wealth of virtue,

རང་གི་སེམས་ནི་ཡོངས་སུ་གདུལ། །

rang gi sem ni yongsu dul

To tame this mind of ours,

འདི་ནི་སངས་རྒྱས་བསྟན་པ་ཡིན། །

di ni sangye tenpa yin

This is the teaching of all the buddhas.

སོགས་པས་ཆོས་སྦྱིན་དང་བསྔོ་སྨོན་ཀྱང་བྱའོ། །

Recite such verses as the gift of Dharma and make prayers of dedication and aspiration.



Arranged by Rangjung Dorje with the wish that it might benefit others.


| Translated by Han Kop for the Longchen Nyingtik Project, 2023, with reference to earlier translations by the Padmakara Translation Group and others and the oral explanations of Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche.


Source: 'Jigs med gling pa. "dkar gsur zhing khams kun khyab", in klong chen snying thig rtsa pod. New Delhi: Shechen Publications, 2007. Vol. 3: 664–670.


Version: 1.3-20240216

  1. Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche explains that this refers to mendrup (sman grub), medicinal substances consecrated during special ritual practices.
  2. The reason why the mixture is not burned in a fire is that some beings, such as the bhūta and non-human spirits, are afraid of fire. (Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche)
  3. Clean water here refers to ordinary water, not water that has been ritually cleansed or blessed by mantras and deities, because that again might scare certain spirits. (Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche)
  4. This and the following lines are taken from the King of Samādhi Sūtra (Samādhirāja Sūtra, Toh 127).
  5. I.e., Lakṣmī.
  6. Tib. Magön Chamdral. Magön refers to Ekajaṭī and Maning Nakpo.
  7. I.e., all the aggregates except form: sensation, perception, formations and consciousness.
Jigme Lingpa

Avalokiteśvara (Khasarpaṇi)

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