The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Kongshak Dorje Töllu

English | Deutsch | Français | བོད་ཡིག

འུྂ༔ ཀློང་ཆེན་སྙིང་གི་ཐིག་ལེ་ལས༔ སྐོང་བཤགས་རྡོ་རྗེའི་ཐོལ་གླུ་བཞུགས༔

The Spontaneous Vajra Song of Fulfilment and Confession
from the Heart-Essence of the Vast Expanse

revealed by Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa


འུྂ༔ ཚོགས་ཀྱི་འཁོར་ལོ་ཕྱི་ནང་གི་འདོད་ཡོན་ལ་བརྟེན་པའི་དམ་ཚིག་སྐོང་བཤགས་ཆེན་པོ་ནི། རིག་འཛིན་གྱི་ཚོམ་བུ་དེ་དག་གི་ཐུགས་རྒྱུད་ཀྱི་སྤངས་རྟོགས་ཐེག་པ་རིམ་པ་དགུའི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་གྱི་ངོ་བོ་ཉིད་ཡིན་པས་རྣམ་སྤྲུལ་ཀྱང་མདུན་གྱི་ནམ་མཁའ་ལ་མགྲོན་ཐབས་ཀྱི་རྣམ་པར་སད་པར་བྱ་བ་ནི།

There follows the great confession and fulfilment of samaya by means of outer and inner sensory stimulants within the gaṇacakra. In this, the relinquishment and realisation in the minds of the assembled vidyādharas themselves comprise the very nature of the maṇḍalas of the nine successive vehicles. Although this is manifest, still as a means to awaken the guests in the sky before you, recite the following:


ན་མོ༔ བདེ་གཤེགས་སྙིང་པོས་འགྲོ་བ་ཡོངས་ལ་ཁྱབ༔

namo, deshek nyingpö drowa yong la khyab

Namo. The essence of the sugatas pervades all beings.


sem ni gyachen chok tu rab kyé ching

I generate bodhicitta—thorough, expansive, and supreme.


drowa didak malü sangye gyu

For all beings possess the cause of buddhahood;


di na nömin semchen gangyang mé

Not a single one is unsuitable as a vessel.



zheng shik zheng shik tob chu ngawé lha

Arise, arise, all you deities who possess the ten powers!


dü lé mi da tukjé wang gi na

Do not delay, but through the force of your compassion,


semchen dön la gongpé könchok sum

Come, Three Jewels concerned for beings’ welfare,


yi kyi trul zhing shampé né diru

To this place of offerings arranged and created through my own imagination,


gyalwa khor ché malü shek su sol

Come now, all you victorious ones, together with your retinues.

བཛྲ་ས་མ་ཡ་ཛཿ པདྨ་ཀ་མ་ལཱ་ཡ་སྟྭཾ༔

benza samaya dza | pema kamala ya satom

Vajra samāja. Padmakamalāyas tvaṃ


With these verses from the Moon Lamp Sūtra,1 the field of merit is created. The whole of appearance and existence is consecrated through the profound, clear vajra samādhi and transformed into the mudrā of offering.


Sprinkle the inner offering on the tormas as you recite:

ཨོཾ༔ ཀུན་བརྟགས་སྣང་བ་སྣོད་ཀྱི་གཏོར་གཞོང་དུ༔

om, küntak nangwa nö kyi torzhong du

Oṃ. In the torma container—the outer universe of imputed appearance—


zhenwang sipa chü kyi tormar jang

Dependent existence, the torma of the inner contents, is purified.


yongdrub chöying longchen gongpa yi

Through realization of the perfect, the vast expanse of dharmadhātu,


nangsi zhir zheng kunzang chöpé trin

Appearance and existence arise as Samantabhadra’s offering clouds, spontaneously manifest in the ground of reality,


pomé namkha dzö du ngawang gyur

And I gain mastery over the changeless treasury of space.

ན་མཿསརྦ་ཏ་ཐཱ་ག་ཏེ་བྷྱོ་བི་ཤྭ་མུ་ཁེ་བྷྱཿསརྦ་ཐཱ་ཁཾ་ཨུདྒ་ཏེ་སྥ་ར་ཎ་ཨི་མཾ་ག་ག་ན་ཁཾ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ། །

nama sarva tathagaté bayo bisho mukhebé sarva takham utgaté saparana imam gagana kham soha

namaḥ sarva-tathāgatebhyo viśva-mukhebhyaḥ sarvathā khaṃ udgate spharaṇa imaṃ gagana-khaṃ svāhā


(seven times)


ཨཱཿ རང་བྱུང་ལྷུན་གྲུབ་འཇའ་ཟེར་ལུས་ཀྱི་སྦུབས༔

ah, rangjung lhündrub jazer lü kyi bub

Āḥ. Within the sphere of the naturally arising, spontaneously perfect body of rainbows and light-rays


gyutrul tsok gyé rolpa sinpö drong

Is the magical display of the eight collections of consciousness, the city of rākṣasas.


nying ü zangdok palri podrang né

At my heart’s centre is the palace of the Copper-Coloured Mountain—


rikdü maha gurü tukdam kang

May the noble intentions of the great Guru, embodiment of all buddha families, be fulfilled.2



zhiying tongsal kuntuzangpo yi

The basic space of the ground, clarity and emptiness, is Samantabhadra,


zhinang longkü tsal lé gongpa pö

Whose realization is transferred through ground-appearance, the sambhogakāya expression,


da tsik lo lé depé kyilkhor né

In a maṇḍala that transcends symbols, words and the conceptual mind—


gonggyü dakpa nyiden tukdam kang

May the noble intentions of the mind-direct lineage of twofold purity be fulfilled.



ngepa ngaden lhündrub longkü tsal

The sambhogakāya’s expression, spontaneously perfect and complete with fivefold certainty,


rigdzin rigpé khor la da tön ching

Communicates through signs to the vidyādhara assembly of pure awareness,


gong dé dön gyü tsik dzok trulpé gar

So that dance-like emanations continue the transmission of the mind-direct and symbolic in perfect words—


nyengyü tödrol chenpö tukdam kang

May the noble intentions of the aural lineage that brings great liberation upon hearing be fulfilled.



tsönjé tak kyi da shok chenpö wang

By conferring the empowerment of the great scrolls of coded signs


lechen kyebü nying la kurwa lé

Upon the hearts of fortunate individuals with a karmic connection,


tsönja dön gyi gongpé sang dzö dol

The secret treasury of realizing the intended meaning is unlocked—


tegya mönlam wanggyü tukdam kang

May the noble intentions of the transmissions through entrustment-seal and empowerment-through-aspiration be fulfilled.



döné kuntuzangpo rangrig la

May all errors, such as parting from the all-pervasive realization


khyabdal gongpa güdu chepa dang

Of my own pure awareness, which is and has always been Samantabhadra,


sangye zhendu tsalwé nongpa kün

And searching for buddhahood elsewhere, be purified,


dak ne jatsol dralwé sa la kyol

And may I arrive at the state that is beyond activity and exertion.



General Fulfilment of the Nine Vehicles


kadak chokyen chenpö gongpa la

In the vision of vastness, primordial purity beyond all limits and dimensions,


drangjé tekpa tadé madrub kyang

There are no distinct vehicles to be enumerated.


küntok duljé kham wang sampé chir

Yet, to fit disciples’ ideas, temperaments, capacities and attitudes,


tekpa rim gur sharwé tukdam kang

Nine vehicles have arisen: may the noble intentions of the buddhas be fulfilled.


དེ་ལ་ནང་གསེས་ཀྱི་སྡེ་སྣོད་གསུམ་ལས༔ ཉན་ཐོས་འདུལ་བའི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར༔

The Three Piṭakas
1. The Maṇḍala of the Śrāvakas and the Vinaya


khorwa dukngal chenpor shepa yi

Having understood saṃsāra to be great suffering,


kündzob den zhi lam la rab zhuk né

And set out on the relative path of the four truths,


dakdzin chingwa chöpa nyentö kyi

Śrāvakas cut through the bonds of self-grasping—


tsombü kyilkhor nga yi tukdam kang

May the noble intentions of the five gatherings be fulfilled.



sotar dulwé denö chenpo yi

All faults that come from contravening the great Vinaya piṭaka of individual liberation,


ché dang rangzhin galwé nyepa kün

Both proscribed and inherently negative actions,


michab mibé nying né shakpar gyi

I neither hide nor conceal, but confess from the depths of my heart:


dak la pakpa drachom jingyi lob

May the noble arhats inspire me with their blessing.



2. The Maṇḍala of the Pratyekabuddhas and the Sūtras


lhakpé tsultrim labpé gyü dam shing

Controlling the mind through training in higher discipline,


pung sok rangzhin mepar tokpa dang

Realizing that the aggregates and the rest lack true reality,


tendrel chunyi luk lé dokpa yi

And reversing the twelve links of dependent origination—


ranggyal kyilkhor zhi yi tukdam kang

May the noble intentions of the four pratyekabuddha maṇḍalas be fulfilled!



namdak tsultrim miyo tingdzin gyi

With pure discipline and unwavering meditative absorption,


labpa dodé sung tsam nyampa kün

All breakages of precepts related to the training of the Sūtra piṭaka


gyöpé shak so jang zhing dakpa dang

I remorsefully confess: may they be cleansed and purified.


tsok dang serü ranggyal ngödrub tsol

Grant me the accomplishment of the group-dwelling and rhinoceros-like pratyekabuddhas.



3. The Maṇḍala of the Bodhisattvas and the Abhidharma


chö kün gyuma tabur shepé ngang

Recognizing that all phenomena are like magical illusions,


nyingjé zhendön drub la ché pa zhing

Courageously working for others’ benefit out of compassion,


den nyi lamkhyer ngönpé denö kyi

And bringing the two truths onto the path—may the noble intentions


kyilkhor chok kyi drangden tukdam kang

Of the Abhidharma piṭaka maṇḍalas, as numerous as the directions, be fulfilled!3



sosor tokpé sherab ting ngédzin

With the wisdom of discernment and meditative absorption,


takché mu zhi lam du golwa dang

May I purify the faults of straying into eternalism, nihilism and the four extremes,


nyingjé nyugu kampé nongpa kün

And of causing the shoots of compassion to wither,


dak né küntu ö kyi sa la kyol

And may I reach the level of Universal Radiance!



Three Outer Tantras of Secret Mantra
1. Kriyā


dakpa sum dang tsangdra sum chö ching

Upholding threefold purity4 and the three types of cleanliness,5


dam yé tadé jé khol nampar drub

Practising with separate samaya- and wisdom-being in the manner of lord and servant,


tepé dewa lam jeja gyü kyi

And making a path of the bliss that comes from gazing—


kyilkhor druk gi lhatsok tukdam kang

May the noble intentions of the deities of the six Kriyā-tantra maṇḍalas be fulfilled!


2. Caryā


kriyé tab dang yogé naljor la

By practising the method of Kriyā and discipline of Yogatantra


chanyam chöpé maning tekpa té

In equal measure in this, the neuter vehicle,


ngönjang nga yi kyilkhor gyal chok drub

Supreme victorious maṇḍalas are cultivated through the five manifest awakenings—


chögyü kyilkhor gyatsö tukdam kang

May the noble intentions of the ocean-like Caryā-tantra maṇḍalas be fulfilled.



jachö gyüdé lha ngak tingdzin dang

I openly confess all subtle and coarse impairments of the samayas


tra rak damtsik nyampa tol lo shak

Related to deity, mantra and samādhi in both Kriyā and Caryā tantra.


khachö lasok drubchen nam gyé kyi

May a shower of the eight great accomplishments—6


tünmong ngödrub dzemé char du nyil

Of the celestial realm and the rest—rain down unceasingly!



3. Yoga Tantra


chi nang sang sum namdak denpa yi

With the truth of threefold purity—outer, inner and secret,7


lha dang naljor nyimé chenpor tok

Deity and yoga are realized as great non-duality,


chakgya zhi dang zabsal tingdzin nyé

And the four mudrās and profound, clear samādhi are attained—


lingtsé guden yogé tukdam kang

May the noble intentions of the nine-sector maṇḍala of Yogatantra be fulfilled.



dak dang lha la zang ngen tepa dang

Viewing myself and the deity in terms of good and bad,


nyendrub chöpa jinsek chakpa dang

Discontinuing approach and accomplishment or the fire offering,


kyilkhor drubpé yenlak nyampa kün

And all downfalls in the branches of maṇḍala cultivation—


zöpar zhé né chok gi ngödrub tsol

Please forgive such faults and grant me the supreme attainment.



The Three Inner Tantras of Unsurpassable Secret Mantra
1. Tantra Mahāyoga


detong long yang tingdzin sum gyi bub

In the vast expanse of bliss-emptiness, the sphere of the three samādhis,


kyerim nöchü dakpa rabjam su

There arise, through the generation phase, the peaceful and wrathful deities of the Illusory Display, the Eight Herukas, and so on,


yong shar gyutrul zhitro kagyé sok

As the infinite purity of the outer world and its contents—


tsombü kyilkhor chunyi tukdam kang

May the noble intentions of the twelve maṇḍala gatherings be fulfilled.



sheja nga dang mipang dangdu lang

I confess all harmful actions and obscurations, impairments and breakages,


drub dang chéjé damtsik nyishu nga

Of such vows as the twenty-five commitments—five to be recognised,8 five that must not be abandoned,9


sang chu lasok nyamchak dikdrib kün

Five to be accepted,10 five to be accomplished11 and five to be enacted,12 as well as the ten secrets,13 and the rest.


shak so rigdzin nam zhi sa la kyol

May I reach the four levels of a vidyādhara!



2. Scriptural Transmission Anuyoga


köpa lü kyi zhalmé khangchen nang

Within the great celestial palace of the body’s subtle structure


tsa sum khorlo nga yi jazer bub

Are the three channels, five chakras and a sphere of rainbow light,


ying dang yeshe nyamjor rigpé tsal

The union of basic space and wisdom, the power of awareness—


anuyogé kyilkhor tukdam kang

May the noble intentions of the maṇḍala of Anuyoga be fulfilled!



namshé tsok gyé nyenyön nyishu dang

With the eight collections of consciousness, twenty secondary afflictions,


semjung ngabchu gyétri zhitong gi

Fifty-one mental factors and eighty-four thousand concepts


toktsok dak né dren dzok chakgyé ku

All purified, the form of the mudrā is perfect upon recollection—


lhenkyé dewa chenpö sa la kyol

May I reach the level of co-emergent great bliss!



3. Luminous Great Perfection (Atiyoga)


sherig zangtal nyukmé zhalyé su

In the innate celestial palace of unimpeded cognizance and awareness


yé dang drön druk jazer tiklé long

Are the six lamps of primordial radiance and the expanse of rainbows, rays and light-spheres,14


rigpa chü du minpa ati lha

Where awareness matures into the vital essence, deities of Ati—


zhal chak dzinpa dakpé tukdam kang

May the noble intention wherein clinging to faces and hands is purified be fulfilled.



rangdrol rigpa dorje lugu gyü

By training in the vajra chains of self-liberated pure awareness,


zhuk tang sum dang ziktang nam sum gyi

And by applying the three postures and three gazes,


chün té nang zhi chö zé dömé ying

May I attain the fourth vision, the primordial space in which phenomena are exhausted,


lhündrub dzogpachenpö sa la kyol

And reach the level of spontaneously present great perfection!



General and Specific Offerings to the Three Roots, Ḍākinīs and Oath-Bound Ones


dorna rabjam kyilkhor gyatsö long

In short, within the expanse of infinite, oceanic maṇḍalas,


tadé rigpé takpé si zhi drön

All the guests of existence and quiescence are designated through awareness as distinct. 15


dul nyé ma tsang mepa tamché dang

All of these, as numerous as atoms, with none omitted, as well as


nangwa yab kyi rangzhin rahula

The nature of appearances and the male protectors, Za Rāhula;


tongpa yum gyi ngowo ékatsa

The essence of emptiness and the female protectors, Ekajaṭī;


zungjuk tukjé benza sadhu sok

And appearance and emptiness indivisible in compassionate energy, Vajrasādhu:


nyingtik nyenpö kasung tamché dang

Together with all the guardians of the powerful teachings of Nyingtik,


orgyen gyagar balyul khaché ling

Those of Oḍḍiyāna, India, Nepal and Kashmir,


azhé yul dang drusha zangling yul

Of the land of Azha,16 Drusha17 and the Copper Land,18


serling ngayab langké lingtren dang

Of the lesser isles of Suvarṇadvīpa, Cāmara, and Laṅka,


gyanak jong yul gesar mak gi ling

Of China, the valleys of Yunnan,19 and the warrior country of Gesar,20


tsari tra dang lhomön dremö shong

Of Tsāritra,21 the southern district of Mön,22 Sikkim,


ngari korsum ütsang ru zhi dang

The three provinces of Ngari and four of Ü Tsang,


dokham gang druk bé né nyenpö yul

Of the six ranges of Dokham and sacred hidden lands,


jong nga ling druk ser ri lhünpö po

Of the five valleys, the six continents,23 the golden mountains and summit of Sumeru,


sumchu tsasum neyul durtrö nyen

Of the Heaven of the Thirty-Three, sacred places, and awesome charnel grounds,


chökhor tsuklak drubné wenné kyi

Of Dharma-wheeled temples, places of practice and isolated hermitages,


khoryuk jönshing drakri tso ling la

As well as warrior spirits, ḍākinīs and dharma-protectors,


nepé pawo daki chösung tsok

Who dwell in all the surrounding forests, rocky hills and islands;


zhal né sung dang jesu nangwa dang

Guardians of the direct teachings of the Buddha, teachings that he authorized,


jinlab lungten daknang tenchö dang

And those that came about through his blessing, as well as prophecies, pure visions, and treatises,


tukter gongter zabter dzéter sok

Heart treasures, mind treasures, profound treasures and material treasures—


ter rik chobgyé chö kyi katé ching

The eighteen types of terma and dharma that has been entrusted,


kyilkhor gyatsö muren la nepé

As well as all those who dwell on the perimeter of ocean-like maṇḍalas,


damchen daki tensung gyatso yi

All the infinite oath-bound ḍākinīs and guardians of the teachings—


tuk dang galgyur nongpa chichi pa

Whatever I have done to upset you, whatever errors I have made,


nying né shakso tsangpé zhalré tön

I confess from the depth of my heart: show me the expression of forgiveness, I pray!



takché tadral uma chenpö bub

The sphere of the Great Middle Way is free from the extremes of eternalism and nihilism.


khordé rokyang zungjuk chakgya cher

Through merging with the Great Seal that is the union of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa, rasanā and lalanā,24


jarwé nang sem zhen drol dzogpaché

There is the Great Perfection, free from attachment to appearances and mind,


tingdzin namkha dzö kyi gyutrul lé

And in meditative absorption the illusory display that is the treasury of space:


The Outer Offering


zungdzin pé kyi torwé jé zhik cher

‘Phaṭ’ scatters dualistic grasping, and, in the great aftermath of its destruction,


lodral tuk tré shepé ngowo ru

Upon encountering the essence of consciousness beyond the ordinary mind,


tsok gyé kané dakpé tashi tak

The eight collections of consciousness in their primordial purity are the auspicious signs;


nangwa gyen du sharwé gyalsi dün

Phenomena arise as adornments in the form of the seven royal emblems;


riktong jenpar drolwé döyön nga

The five sensory pleasures are liberated in naked awareness and emptiness;


kyen ngen lam du longpé chakgya gar

And negative circumstances, taken as the path, become the deity’s gestures and dance-like display.


bullo choktün ngödrub gyatsor kyil

With this, I offer! Let an ocean of supreme and ordinary accomplishments gather!

The Inner Offering


longchen zhönnu bumkü kapalar

In the kapāla of the vast expanse, the youthful vase body,


duk sum namtok drekpa tulwé trak

I offer the blood of subjugated arrogant spirits, thoughts related to the three poisons;


ku sum yongdrol chenpö balingta

The balingta of the great and total freedom of the three kāyas;


redok tsarchö sha nga dütsi nga

The five meats and five nectars that are the eradication of hope and fear;


nyidé dangma tsa gyé yenlak tong

The essence of the sun and moon with eight principal and a thousand minor ingredients—


rangjung lhündrub nang gi damdzé kün

All the self-arisen, spontaneously present inner samaya substances,


bullo tulzhuk tarchin ngödrub tsol

I offer: grant me the siddhi of perfecting yogic conduct.

The Secret Offering


dömé tongchen ying kyi bhagé long

In the expanse of the bhaga that is great primordial basic space


namkün chokden rigpé dorje yi

The vajra of awareness that is endowed with the supreme of all aspects


tendrel lukdok khorwé bakchak dral

Liberates saṃsāric tendencies by reversing the process of dependent origination,


detong ga zhi nyam tsal dzokpé gar

And the four joys of bliss-emptiness are experienced as the play of perfect mastery.


jordrol tulzhuk tarchin sangwé dzé

The secret substances of the perfection of the yogic disciplines of union and liberation,


bullo zhennang wang dü ngödrub tsol

I offer: grant me the siddhi of controlling others’ perceptions.



tsenma dzé dang tsenmé tingdzin gyi

With tangible substances and intangible samādhi,


lé zhi trinlé drubpé chakgya dang

I offer you the mudrās of accomplishing the four types of activity


shuk drol möpé tsöncha khyö la bul

And the powerful weapon of forceful liberation:


mönjuk semkyé drakpuk zha tar gyön

When a yogi who trains in the bodhicitta of aspiration and action and wears the roof of a cave as a hat upon the head,25


chakmé khorwa pangpé naljor la

And who is without attachment and has renounced saṃsāra,


ma nyé khayok chaldrok ngenjor shom

Faces unfounded accusations, idle gossip or malicious conduct,


drub la barchö tukgyü trukpa yi

Obstacles to practice or anything that disturbs the mind,


mönlam lokpé dra dré nyingtrak tung

Drink the heart-blood of such enemies and spirits of perverse aspiration!



tönting ralpé lekbam menché né

From the volume of text that is bound within my blue-black locks


dokpé nyerché tramo yenchö du

Down to the lowliest items that I possess and employ—


dorna naljor yi la dzawé dzé

Whatever, in short, this yogic practitioner holds dear,


tsa sum damchen daki lador bul

I offer as a life-stone26 for the Three Roots, oath-bound ones and ḍākinīs.



naktröwé ta tso ling drakkyib sok

In forests and remote lands, on islands, in rocky shelters, and other such places—


ngemé né su changchub drubpé chir

So that I might cultivate awakening in undetermined locations,


takmo risul drim tar gyuwé tsé

As I wander like a tigress passing through mountain valleys,


naljor lü la dribma zhindu drok

Please accompany this yogi as a shadow follows the body.


Aspiration Prayer


tenyo nang sem zhenpé chingpa yi

Bound through attachment to the inanimate world and animate beings, appearances and mind,


tra rak namtok gyagyü gyutrul chen

I am held in the illusion of deceitful thoughts, both coarse and subtle.


sizhi nyimé shardrol dünyam long

In the expanse of simultaneous arising and liberation, in which existence and peace are non-dual,


bullo chönyi zésar khyolwar shok

I offer: may I reach the level at which phenomena are exhausted into dharmatā!



künzhi ngang né lé lung yöpé trul

Through the movement of karmic winds from the state of the all-ground,


bakchak semnyi ngal gyar tumpa lé

Habitual tendencies envelop mind’s true nature, sealing it as in a womb.


jungwé sha trak drö uk pungpö kham

The elements of flesh, blood, warmth and breath—the body’s constituents—I offer.


bullo dak gi jalü drubpar shok

May I accomplish the rainbow body!



di tsön dü sum sakpé getsa kün

All sources of virtue amassed throughout the three times, as represented by this practice,


dren rik zakpa mepé yeshe kyi

Are, with the immaculate wisdom of pure presence and awareness,


khor sum yongdak chenpor gyé tab né

Sealed within the great and total purity of the three spheres,


neluk dzogpachenpö long du ah

And in the expanse of the Great Perfection, the natural state: āḥ!


གུ་ཧྱཿ དྷ་ཐིམ༔

Guhya. Let the signs be absorbed.

གང་འདི་འོག་མིན་དཔལ་གྱི་མཆིམས་ཕུ་ཡི༔ མཁའ་འགྲོའི་ཚོགས་ཁང་མེ་ཏོག་ཕུག་པ་རུ༔ བྷུ་སུ་ཀུ་པ་མཁྱེན་བརྩེའི་འོད་ཟེར་དེ༔ གཅིག་པུར་སྙིང་པོའི་སྒྲུབ་ལ་གཞོལ་བའི་སྐབས༔ རྣམ་གནོན་ལྕགས་འབྲུག་ཟླ་བ་ཤར་བའི་མགོར༔ བདག་ཅག་གི་སྟོན་པ་གྲོང་ཁྱེར་སྒྲ་སྒྲོགས་ཀྱི༔ རྒྱལ་པོ་ཨུ་ཏྲ་ཡ་ནས་སྤྱན་དྲངས་ཏེ༔ མཆོད་ཅིང་བསྙེན་བསྐུར་ཞུས་པའི་དུས་ཆེན་ཉིན༔ སྒྲུབ་པ་སྙིང་པོར་བྱེད་པའི་ཆ་རྐྱེན་དུ༔ ཡུལ་གྱི་རྟེན་འབྲེལ་དག་པས་མཚམས་སྦྱར་ཏེ༔ དག་པ་ཡེ་ཤེས་རིག་པའི་ངོར་ཤར་བཞིན༔ ཀློང་ཆེན་དགོངས་པའི་གསང་མཛོད་ནས་ཕྱུངས་ཏེ༔ བརྡ་ཚིག་ཡི་གེའི་ལམ་དུ་སྣང་བར་བྱས༔ བྱ་སླ་ཁྱེར་བདེ་ཟབ་མོའི་གནད་ཀུན་ཚང་༔ ཉམས་ཆག་སྡིག་སྒྲིབ་དག་ཅིང་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐང་༔ འཕྲལ་རྐྱེན་རྟེན་འབྲེལ་ངན་པ་བཟློག་པར་ནུས༔ བསམ་དོན་ཡིད་བཞིན་འགྲུབ་ཅིང་དངོས་གྲུབ་ཐོབ༔ དེ་ཕྱིར་འདི་ནི་ཨུ་པ་དེ་ཤ་སྟེ༔ བདག་རྗེས་འབྲང་བ་རྣམས་ཀྱིས་དང་དུ་ལོངས༔ སྙིང་ཐིག་གཉེན་པོའི་བཀའ་སྲུང་རྣམས་ལ་གཏད༔ སྐལ་མེད་ལོག་ལྟ་ཅན་ལ་ཨ་ཐཾ་རྒྱ༔

When I, the bhusuku Khyentse Özer, was alone, engaged in the heart practice in the Flower Cave, the ḍākinīs’ assembly hall, at Omin Palgyi Chimphu, at the first rising of the moon in the Iron Dragon year, on the day of the festival that commemorates King Udrāyaṇa of Roruka inviting our teacher and reverentially offering him gifts,27 through the favourable condition of performing the heart-practice, combined with the pure auspicious connection of the location, while pure wisdom arose as the essence of awareness, coded signs burst forth from the secret treasury of the vast expanse of realization, appearing in the form of letters. Easy and convenient to practise, complete with all the points of profundity, this is a means to purify all impairments, breakages, misdeeds and obscurations, and to restore commitments; it has the power to dispel sudden misfortune and inauspiciousness, to fulfil wishes and aspirations, and to bring about accomplishment. Therefore, my followers should adopt this upadeśa. It is entrusted to the powerful guardians of Nyingtik. Conceal it from the unfortunate who hold wrong views. Athaṃ. Gya.

ས་མ་ཡཱ༔ རྒྱ་རྒྱ་རྒྱ༔ ༔

Samaya. Gya. Gya. Gya.


| Translated by Adam Pearcey (with reference to the commentary by Muksang Tulku Pema Kunzang Rangdrol and with the kind assistance of Alak Zenkar Rinpoche), 2019.


Version: 1.3-20231129

  1. The Moon Lamp Sūtra is more commonly known as the King of Samādhi Sūtra (Samādhirāja Sūtra, Toh 127).
  2. The Tibetan phrase 'tukdam kang' (thugs dam bskang), which is repeated throughout this section, is notoriously difficult to render in English. Although it is often taken to mean 'restore the [heart] samaya' with a given deity, where the dam is understood as an abbreviation of dam tshig (samaya), that is not how the term is glossed in the commentary by Pema Kunzang Rangdrol (hereafter PKR), Klong chen snying thig gi skong bshags rdo rje'i thol glu'i tshig 'grel nyung bsdus. Instead, he glosses dam as an abbreviation of dam pa, meaning excellent, noble, sacred, holy, etc., and explains the entire phrase as 'confessing impairments and breakages that oppose the intentions of a given deity and restoring their noble delight' (thugs dang 'gal ba'i nyams chag bshags shing dgyes pa dam pa bskang ngo). Hence, the translation here as 'May the noble intentions be fulfilled.'
  3. That is to say, there are ten maṇḍala gatherings related to the Abhidharma piṭaka, equal in number to the ten directions.
  4. i.e., the purity of deity and maṇḍala, the purity of substance and enjoyment, and the purity of mantra and samādhi. (PKR)
  5. i.e., taking the three types of bath, changing the three sets of clothing and relying upon the three whites and three sweets. (PKR)
  6. i.e., the accomplishments of the celestial realm, the sword, the pill, fleet-footedness, the vase, the yakṣa, the elixir, and the balm of magic sight.
  7. i.e., the outer purity of the aggregates and elements, the inner purity of karma and afflictions and the secret purity of sensory objects and faculties.
  8. i.e., the true nature of the five aggregates, the five elements, the five sense faculties, the five sense consciousnesses, and the five sense objects.
  9. i.e., the five poisons of desire, anger, dull indifference, pride and jealousy, which are to be transformed into the five pure wisdoms.
  10. i.e., accepting faeces, urine, blood, semen and bone marrow.
  11. i.e., the five families to be accomplished: vajra, ratna, padma, karma and tathāgata.
  12. i.e., union, liberation, taking what is not given, lying and idle gossip.
  13. The ten secrets are the four general secrets of the view, meditation, action and fruition; the four intermediate secrets; what is worthy of secrecy; and the secrecy through entrustment.
  14. A note says that in addition to the four lamps as commonly enumerated in Dzogchen literature, the text here refers to the lamp at the time of the bardo, which leads to the primordial state though recognition of the arising of the naturally manifest maṇḍala of clear light; and the ultimate fruitional lamp, which is the wisdom that resides within basic space once the stronghold of the fruition is captured within the realm of the youthful vase body. The commentary says that this note was added by Jigme Lingpa himself.
  15. Some editions have sri zhu’i mgron, meaning ‘guests invited out of reverence’, but the translation here follows Pema Kunzang Rangdrol’s commentary and those editions in which the phrase is given as srid zhi’i mgron, i.e., the guests of existence and quiescence.
  16. Near Ngari in Western Tibet (PKR).
  17. Another name of Drugu (gru gu) (PKR).
  18. PKR identifies this with Sri Lanka.
  19. i.e., Sa tham ’jang yul (PKR).
  20. i.e., Trom (khrom) (PKR).
  21. More commonly known simply as Tsāri.
  22. i.e., Tibet’s southern border region.
  23. i.e., Candra (zla ba), Sītābha (’od dkar), Varaparamakuśa (ku sha), Kiṃnara (mi’am ci), Krauñca (khrung khrung) and Raudra (drag po). They are known as lands of enjoyment (bhoga-bhūmi; longs spyod sa). See also Vesna Wallace, The Inner Kālacakratantra: A Buddhist Tantric View of the Individual (New York: Oxford University Press), 2001, p.71.
  24. Rasanā (ro ma) here can be understood as multiplicity and lalanā (rkyang ma) as singularity, so union implies the merging of multiplicity and singularity. (PKR)
  25. In other words, the yogi remains constantly in retreat and does not go elsewhere. (AZR)
  26. bla rdo
  27. i.e., the second day of the first month of the Tibetan calendar, which is the second of fifteen days commemorating miracles that Śākyamuni Buddha performed.
Jigme Lingpa

Rigdzin Düpa and the deities of Longchen Nyingtik

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