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ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Lama Yangtik Dedicatory Colophon Verses

English | བོད་ཡིག

Dedicatory Colophon Verses for Lama Yangtik

by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö

Oṃ svasti!
Fully resplendent with the signs of the fortunate aeon,
Are the thousand guides whose precious teachings
Shine in brilliant light that pervades everywhere.
More excellent still is the advent of the threefold teaching.

Through hearing this—even the name of which is rarely heard
Through multiple existences—freedom and awakening are easily won.
The peerless guide and supreme sage is the Kinsman of the Sun,[1]
Through whose kindness the vehicle of definitive secrets appeared.

From Vajrasattva, the warrior-like Garab,
Great sovereign of all the vidyādharas,
This was transmitted symbolically to bhūmi-dwelling bodhisattvas,
And reached the ocean-like wisdom of Vimalamitra, crown-jewel among the five hundred paṇḍitas.

From the dharma-king Tsangpa,[2] great Nyangben[3] and the rest,
Masters of oceanic samādhi and clouds of dhāraṇī,
The jewel casket of clear light was transmitted in phases
And taken up by Drimé Özer, the thousand-eyed.

The contents of Dzogchen tantras, commentaries and pith instructions
Are herein distilled to their very essence, as if Samantabhadra
Were directly present, there in the palm of one’s hand.
Such is the Lama Yangtik, the Wish-Fulfilling Jewel.

All those who receive in the proper way the ripening empowerments
And liberating instructions for the fifty-six sections of this teaching
And put them into practice with irreversible faith and stable samaya
Will never again return to saṃsāra.

Therefore, this printing is a wondrous dharma contribution,
Through which a sole version multiplies to become hundreds—
A dharma gift through which there can be no shortage of copies,
Published by the great patron of the Omniscient Victor’s teachings,

The couple from the noble Pomda[4] family.
Through this virtue, may all beings, who are equal in number to the vastness of space,
But especially the late Sönam Dekyi, pacify any misdeeds and obscurations,
And throughout all their lives, enjoy the Dharma of the Supreme Vehicle.

May they awaken their propensity for the Luminous Vajra Essence,
Be accepted and cared for by a sublime sun-like protector,
Perfect the strength of realization, actualize the three kāyas,
And establish all three realms in the state of perfect freedom.

May this tradition never decline but flourish and spread,
May ceaseless enlightened activity pervade the entire world,
Those who have found primordial freedom fill mountain and vale,
And the essential teachings spread everywhere, far and wide!

Thus, when the great dharma patron bestowed the gift of the newly printed volumes of the sections of Nyingtik, the Heart-Essence, presented a divine silk scarf, and asked me to write a printer’s colophon, I, the one called Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö Rimé Tenpé Gyaltsen, who was empowered with the name of an emanation of Khyentse Wangpo, wrote this in the royal chapel at Gangtok, Sikkim on the fifth perfection of the waning phase of the first month of the Earth Pig year (4 March 1959). May it prove virtuous and auspicious!

| Translated by Adam Pearcey, 2024.


Tibetan Edition

'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros. "bla ma yang tig gi spar byang" In 'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros kyi gsung 'bum. 12 vols. Bir, H.P.: Khyentse Labrang, 2012. (BDRC W1KG12986). Vol. 10: 561–563

Version: 1.0-20240712

  1. nyi ma’i gnyen. A common epithet of Buddha Śākyamuni.  ↩

  2. Tri Songdetsen, who is also called Tsangpa Lha'i Metok.  ↩

  3. Tingdzin Zangpo  ↩

  4. The Pomda family were benefactors of many lamas, including Polu Khenpo Dorje (1897–1970). Note that the spelling varies; here it is given as spoms mda' in place of the more common spom mda'  ↩

Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö

Longchen Rabjam

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