The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Advice for Riké Chatral

English | Português | བོད་ཡིག

Letter of Advice for Riké Chatral Rinpoche

by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö

Ḍāki namo![1]

The supporting instructions that distill the crucial points
Of the profound Whispered Transmission of Secret Conduct,
The secret essence of the precious lineage, are as follows:
Phenomena of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa are tricks of the mind.
Mind itself has no birth or cessation, no centre or periphery.
It is Samantabhadrī, the great mother of basic space
Pervading all of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa.
Vajravārāhī, the Black Wrathful Goddess,
Is the supreme enlightened body of the wisdom mudrā.
Enlightened speech is the wheel of secret mantra,
And enlightened mind is uncompounded luminosity.

Recognising this for oneself is the view.
Undistracted, free from grasping—this is the key to meditation.
And the self-liberation of whatever arises,
Unconstrained by hope or fear, is the king of action.
The fruition is realization of the actual ground.

Just so, by applying these crucial points,
The profound means of direct realization,
Through the instructions of the precious Whispered Transmission of Secret Conduct,
There is no doubt that you will attain liberation.

Pema Yeshe Dorje sent this letter of advice, just as it arose spontaneously in uncontrived awareness, to his own student Riké[2] Chatral Rinpoche. May virtue, excellence and auspiciousness abound.

| Translated by Adam Pearcey with the generous support of the Khyentse Foundation and Tertön Sogyal Trust, 2022.


Tibetan Editions

'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros. gsung thor bu/_'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros/ (rgya gar bir'i par ma/). 2 vols. null: null, null. (BDRC W21814). Vol. 2: 76–77

'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros. 'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros kyi gsung 'bum. 12 vols. Bir, H.P.: Khyentse Labrang, 2012. (W1KG12986). Vol. 8: 337–338

'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros. "ma gcig gsang spyod snyan brgyud las/ gnad kyi bcud phur" In thang stong rgyal po. gsung 'bum/_thang stong rgyal po. 4 vols. Thimphu: Kunsang Topgey, 1976. (W23919) Vol. 4: 283–285

Version: 1.0–20221208

  1. Homage to the Ḍākinī!  ↩

  2. In the three editions of Jamyang Khyentse’s writings in which this text appears the spelling is ri skegs. In the Thangtong Gyalpo collection, however, the name is spelled ri rked.  ↩

Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö

Riké Chatral

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