The Kusāli's Instruction on the Nature of Mind
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The Kusāli's Instruction on the Nature of Mind
by Jamgön Kongtrul
Namo guru!
Although there are many ways of explaining view and meditation,
They all come down to sustaining the essence of one's own mind.
What we call 'mind' is not something that exists elsewhere—
It is the very thought that you are experiencing right now!
So without being swept away and following wherever it leads,
Look directly into its face, its very own essence,
At that time, there's no duality of 'looker' and 'looked at'.
As it is empty, there's no real substance.
As it is clear, it is aware of itself.
These qualities are not separate—they are a unity.
Out of nothing at all, anything at all can arise.
You need only sustain this with the mindfulness of never forgetting
This bare and simple recognition of the nature itself—
There's no need to search for some other object of meditation!
Untainted by fabricated hopes and anxieties— 'Is it?' or 'Is it not?'—
Allow the mind to settle, directly, just as it is.
This unfabricated and 'ordinary' knowing
Is the ultimate clear light of dharmakāya.
Although many special terms exist in Mahāmudrā and Dzogchen,
The real root of the practice boils down to simply this.
Not content with this, seeking 'Buddhahood' as some other excellence
Is merely to be bound up in hope and fear – something to avoid!
As a means of bringing about realisation in this way,
Devotion and the accumulations are of the utmost importance,
So always emphasise devotion for the guru and Lord of Orgyen,
And strive to practise virtue with your body, speech and mind.
In response to the request of my own student, Pema Chöpel,
A holder of awareness mantras from Gatö Trindu,
I, the kusāli Lodrö Thayé, wrote this from Dechen Ösal Ling.
May virtue and positivity abound!
| Translated by Adam Pearcey, 2015.
Tibetan Edition
ʼjam mgon kong sprul blo gros mthaʼ yas. zhal gdams snying gi bdud rtsi. blo gros mthaʼ yas paʼi mdzod, deb phreng 2. Kathmandu: Rigpe Dorje Publications, 2008, p. 96.
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