The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik Permission Blessing

English | བོད་ཡིག

༄༅། །འཆི་མེད་འཕགས་མའི་སྙིང་ཏིག་ལས། ཐུན་མོང་ཚེའི་རྗེས་གནང་བྱ་བའི་ཚུལ་གསལ་བར་བཀོད་པ་ཡེ་ཤེས་སྒོ་འབྱེད་ཅེས་བྱ་བ་བཞུགས་སོ།།

Opening the Door of Wisdom

A Clear Arrangement for Granting the Common Permission-Blessing of Longevity, from the Heart-Essence of the Sublime Lady of Immortality

revealed by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo

compiled by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye



Namo gurave!

འཆི་མེད་ཡེ་ཤེས་ཟླ་བའི་འཛུམ། །
གདུལ་བྱའི་སྙིང་ལ་རབ་བསིལ་ནས། །
དུས་ཀྱི་མུན་རུམ་འཇོམས་མཛད་དེར། །
གུས་པས་འདུད་དོ་རྗེས་འཛིན་མཛོད། །

With your moon-like smile of the wisdom of immortality,
You cool and soothe the hearts of disciples
And overcome the darkness of this age—
With devotion I pay homage to and beseech you: hold me in your compassionate care!


If you wish to grant the concise permission-blessing of longevity for the Heart-Essence of the Sublime Lady of Immortality, which matures the students and enables them to initially open the door of the Dharma, do as follows.

1. The Preparations

སྦྱོར་བ་སྟེགས་བུའི་སྟེང་མཎྜལ་ལ་འབྲུ་དཀར་གྱི་ཚོམ་བུ་གཅིག་བཀོད་པའི་སྟེང་། དབུས་སུ་འཕྲུལ་སྟེགས་ཀྱི་ཁར་བུམ་པ་ཉེར་ལྔའི་བཅུད་ལྡན་མགུལ་ཆིངས་དཀར་པོས་དཀྲིས་ཤིང་ཁ་རྒྱན་དང་བཅས་པ་བཀོད། དེའི་གཡས་སུ་བནྡྷ་མཚན་ལྡན་ནང་མངར་གསུམ་དང་སྦྱར་བའི་ཆང་གིས་བཀང་བ་དང་། གཡོན་དུ་ཚེའི་འབྲང་རྒྱས། མཐའ་སྐོར་ཚེ་རིལ་གྱིས་བསྐོར་བ་བཞག །མདུན་དུ་སྨན་རཀ་གཏོར་གསུམ་དང་ཆུ་གཉིས་ཉེར་སྤྱོད་ཕྲེང་ཚར་དུ་བཤམ། ལས་བུམ་སྔོན་གཏོར་སོགས་མཁོ་བའི་ཡོ་བྱད་རྣམས་ཀྱང་ཉེ་བར་བསྡོག་གོ །

Upon an altar1 construct a maṇḍala made from a heap of white grain.2 Upon it, in the centre, place a vase with a white scarf tied around the neck and an ornamental rim and fill it with the twenty-five substances. On its right, place an authentic kapāla filled with alcohol and the three sweets.3 On its left, place a drang-gye longevity torma surrounded by longevity pills. In front, place the amṛta-medicine, rakta and torma, the two waters and the regular offerings, nicely arranged in a row.4 Also gather all the other required materials such as the activity vase and the preliminary tormas.


2. The Main Part


It is enough to perform only the concise activities.


1. Taking Refuge

ན་མོ༔ བདག་སོགས་འགྲོ་ཀུན་བྱང་ཆུབ་བར༔

namo, dak sok dro kün changchub bar

Namo. Until we attain enlightenment, I and all sentient beings


könchok sum gyi ngowo nyi

Take refuge with unwavering devotion


lama yizhin khorlo la

In you, Guru Wish-fulfilling Wheel, you who are


miché güpé kyab su chi

The very essence of the Three Jewels!


Three times.

2. Generating Bodhicitta

ཧོ༔ མཁའ་མཉམ་སེམས་ཅན་མ་ལུས་ཀུན༔

ho, khanyam semchen malü kün

Hoḥ. Sentient beings are as countless as space is vast.


dukngal tso lé dral jé chir

In order to free them from the ocean of suffering


jetsün pakmé naljor gyi

By attaining immortality through this yoga of the exalted lady Tārā,


chimé drubpar semkyé do

I arouse bodhicitta, the heart of the enlightened mind.


Three times.

Expel the obstructing forces by exclaiming hūṃ syllables and the sumbhani mantra.

ཧཱུྃ་ཧཱུྃ་ཧཱུྃ། ཞེས་དང་སུམྦྷ་ནིའི་སྔགས་ཀྱིས་བགེགས་བསྐྲད། 

hung hung hung

hūṃ hūṃ hūṃ

om sumbhani sumbhani hung grihana grihana hung grihana paya grihana paya hung anaya ho bhagavan vidyaradzaya khorda hung phat

oṃ sumbhani sumbhani hūṃ | gṛhṇa gṛhṇa hūṃ | gṛhṇāpaya gṛhṇapāya hūṃ | ānaya ho bhagavān vidyārāja krodha hūṃ phaṭ

Meditate strongly on the protective circle.


benza jnana raksha om ah hung

vajra jñāna rakṣha oṃ āḥ hūṃ


om ah hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ


neyul dechen pemo kö

In the centre of the pure land of great bliss called Pemakö,


dakpa rabjam zhing gi ü

An infinite, pure buddha field,


chi nang sangwé chödzé kün

All outer, inner and secret offerings


namkha dzö kyi khorlor gyur

Become the wheel of the sky treasury.


om ah hung sarva pudza megha samaya hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ sarva pūja megha samaya hūṃ


Perform the consecration with this mantra, the sky treasury mantra, and mudrā.


The Generation of the Deities


om maha shunyata jnana benza sobhava atma ko hang

oṃ mahāśūnyatā jñāna vajra svabhāva atmako ’haṃ


khordé chö kün zöma né

All things in saṃsāra and nirvāṇa are primordially


ösal dezhin nyi ying lé

Clear light and the space of suchness.


zungjuk kün nang nyingjé tsal

Their union, all-illuminating compassion


gyu yi tingdzin tam karpo

Arises as the causal samādhi, a white tāṃ,


kha lé jatsön zhindu shar

Appearing like a rainbow in the sky and


ö trö nöchü ngödzin jang

Sending out light that purifies clinging to a reality in the world and beings.


jung nga yum gyi kha long du

Within the expanse of the five elements, the five consorts,


norbu chushel lé drubpé

Stands the celestial mansion of great liberation,


tarpa chenpö zhalmé khang

Formed of precious crystal,


dru zhi go zhi tsennyi dzok

With four sides, four doors, and all its features complete.


dé ü pema dab zhi teng

In its centre, on a four-petalled lotus, are


tabshé nyida khajor ü

Skilful means and wisdom—sun and moon fused together,


zungjuk tam yik nyompar zhuk

In the centre of which is the syllable taṃ, as their union,


dé lé ö trö pakpa chö

Which sends out light as an offering to the noble ones,


khordé dangchü chik tu dü

Gathering and bringing back the quintessence of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa, whereupon


yong gyur yeshe gyumé ku

It transforms into the magical body of wisdom,


dü sum gyalwé trinlé dak

The enlightened activity of buddhas of past, present, and future,


chimé yizhin khorlo ni

Wish-fulfilling Wheel, granter of immortality,


rab kar zhal chik chak nyi ma

Brilliant white, with one face and two hands.


chak yé chok jin yönpa ni

Her right hand is in the mudrā of supreme generosity,


könchok sum tsön kyab jin gyé

Her left grants refuge, symbolising the Three Jewels,


utpalar né tsebum nam

And holds an utpala flower, on which rests a vase of longevity.


zhi dzum yeshe chen dünden

Peaceful, smiling, with her seven eyes of wisdom,


dar dang rinchen gyen gyi dzé

She is lovely and adorned with silks and jewelled ornaments,


zhab nyi dorjé kyiltrung gi

Her two legs crossed in vajra posture,


pema dawé den la zhuk

Presiding on her lotus and moon disc seat.


rang ö tab chok gar gyi wang

Her natural radiance is the supreme skilful means, the Lord of the Dance,


pema tsebum nampé tril

Holding lotus flower and long life vase, and embracing her in union.



dé yi chi drin tukka ru

The crown of their heads, throats and hearts


dorjé sum gyi yigé tsen

Are marked with the syllables of the three vajras,


dé letrö pé özer gyi

From which rays of light stream out


yeshe sempa chendrang gyur

And invite the jñānasattvas.


Visualise this clearly.

ཧྲཱི༔ སོ་སོར་ཀུན་ཏུ་རྟོག་པ་ཡི༔

hrih, sosor küntu tokpa yi

Hrīḥ. Deity of long life


yeshe chenpo tsé yi lha

With your supreme wisdom of discernment,


öpakmé pé ugyen chen

Crowned by Amitābha, Limitless Light,


dü sum sangye trinlé ma

Lady who is the enlightened activity of the buddhas of past, present and future,


tsur shek yizhin khorlo chang

Approach, you who manifest as the Wish-fulfilling Wheel!


drub la ngödrub chok tsol chir

So as to confer the supreme siddhi on this practitioner,


damtsik kyilkhor dir gong la

Direct your wisdom mind into this maṇḍala of the samayasattvas,


dorjé yeshe kyé du sol

And arouse in me indestructible vajra wisdom!

ས་མ་ཡ་ཧོ༔ ས་མ་ཡ་སཏྭཾ༔ ཨེ་ཨ་རལླི་ཧྲཱིཾ་ཧྲཱིཾ་ཛ༔ ཛྙཱ་ན་སཏྭ་ཨ་ཨཱ༔

samaya ho | samaya satam | é a rali hrim hrim dza | jnana sato a a

samaya hoḥ | samaya taṃ | e āralli hrīṃ hrīṃ jaḥ | jñāna-sattva a āḥ |


With this the jñānasattvas are invited, and with:

བཛྲ་ཛྙཱ་ན་ཛཿཧཱུྃ་བཾ་ཧོ༔ ས་མ་ཡ་ཏིཥྛ་ལྷན༔

benza jnana dza hung bam ho | samaya tishta lhen

vajra-jñāna jaḥ hūṃ baṃ hoḥ | samaya tiṣṭha lhen


They dissolve into the samayasattvas. Pay homage with:

ཨ་ལ་ལ་ཧོ༔ ཨ་ཏི་པཱུ་ཧོ༔ པྲ་ཏཱིཙྪ་ཧོ༔ས་ཕྱག་བྱ།

a la la ho | ati pu ho | pratitsa ho

a la la ho | atipu hoḥ | pratiṣṭha hoḥ |

Present outer, inner, secret and suchness offerings with:

ཨོཾ༔ དངོས་འབྱོར་ཡིད་ཀྱིས་རྣམ་སྤྲུལ་པའི༔

om, ngöjor yi kyi namtrulpé

Oṃ. Whether actually present or manifested by the mind,


chi nang sangwé chödzé kün

All offering substances, outer, inner and secret


pakma yizhin khorlor bul

I offer to you, noble Wish-fulfilling Wheel:


zhé né chimé ngödrub tsol

Accept them and grant me the siddhi of immortality!

ཨོཾ་ཨཱརྻ་ཏཱ་ར་ས་པ་རི་བཱ་ར་ཨརྒྷཾ་པཱ་དྱཾ་པུཥྤེ་དྷཱུ་པེ་ཨཱ་ལོ་ཀེ་གྷནྡྷེ་ནཻ་བིདྱ་ཤབྡ་རཱུ་པ་ཤབྡ་གནྡྷེ་ར་ས་སྤརྴེ་པྲ་ཏཱིཙྪ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ༔ སརྦ་པཉྩ་ཨ་མྲྀཏ་མ་ཧཱ་རཀྟ་མ་ཧཱ་བ་ལིཾ་ཏ་ཁཱ་ཧི༔ སརྦ་དྷརྨ་དྷཱ་ཏུ་ཨཱཏྨ་ཀོ྅་ཧཾ༔

om arya tara saparivara argham padam pupé dhupé aloké gendhé nevidé shapta rupa shapta gendhé rasa parshé pratitsa soha | sarva pentsa amrita maha rakta maha balingta khahi | sarva dharmadhatu emako hang |

oṃ āryatāre saparivāra arghaṃ pādyaṃ puṣpe dhūpe āloke gandhe naivedye śabda rūpa śabda gandha rāsa sparśa pratīccha svāhā | sarva-pañcāmṛta-mahā-rakta-baliṅta khāhi | sarva-dharmadhātu atmako ’ham ||



ཨོཾ༔ འཇིག་རྟེན་དབང་ཕྱུག་སྙིང་རྗེའི་བདག༔

om, jikten wangchuk nyingjé dak

Oṃ. You were born from the tears of Avalokiteśvara,


zhal gyi chukyé lé jungwa

The lord of the world, and master of compassion.


dü sum sangye kyé dzé yum

Mother of the Buddhas of past, present and future,


yizhin khorlor chaktsal tö

Wish-fulfilling Wheel, to you I pay homage and offer praise!


Combining the following mantra with the ten-syllable Tārā mantra, open up the recitation palace, so that the visualisation appears in the space in front.


droom bisho bi shuddhé | om taré tuttaré turé soha | pé dza

bhrūṃ viśva vishuddhe | oṃ tāre tuttāre ture svāhā | phaṭ jaḥ


Visualise as follows:


dak dün pakmé tukka ru

In the heart of the sublime Tārā in both the front and self-visualisation


yeshe sempa tsepakmé

Is the jñānasattva Amitāyus,


karsal nyam zhak tsebum dzin

Brilliant white, and holding a long-life vase in the mudrā of meditation,


dar dang rinchen gyen gyi dzé

Beautiful with silk and jewelled ornaments,


dorjé kyiltrung pé dar zhuk

In vajra posture on a lotus and moon disc seat,


ö dang özer trowa yi

Shining and emanating rays of light.


tuk ü chukyé nyidé ü

In the centre of his heart is a lotus, and sun and moon discs,


tam tar ngak kyi trengwé kor

In the middle of which is taṃ, encircled by the mantra-mālā.


depé tukdam gyü kul té

Reciting the mantra evokes his wisdom mind, causing


ö kyi nangwa tayepa

A stream of boundless light to burst out


tsuktor norbü tsé né tön

Through the tip of the jewel on the uṣṇīṣa at the crown of Tārā’s head,


dé lé pakma nampar gyal

From which appears the sublime Vijayā,


chushel dokchen chak yé kyi

The colour of crystal. Her right hand


kyab jin chakgyé chakkyu dang

In the mudrā of granting refuge, holds a hook.


yönpé chok jin tsebum nam

Her left, in the mudrā of supreme giving, holds a long-life vase.


ö dang özer dang chepa

She radiates light and rays of light, and


drangmé nyizer dul tar trö

Countless forms of herself, streaming out like particles of dust in sunbeams,


khordé tenyö dangchü kün

Which draw in all the subtle vital essences of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa, the animate and inanimate universe,


dewa chenpö nampar dü

In forms of great bliss, which


dak dang drubpé dzé la tim

Absorb into the bindus of my body, speech, and mind,


chimé tsé yi ngödrub dang

Granting me the siddhi of immortal life,

བདེ་ཆེན་ཡེ་ཤེས་རྒྱས་པར་གྱུར༔ ཅེས་དམིགས་ལ། 

dechen yeshe gyepar gyur

And intensifying the wisdom of great bliss.


om taré tuttaré turé soha

oṃ tāre tuttāre ture svāhā


Recite the mantra of the ten vajra syllables as much as possible. Then also do a few recitations of the following mantra:


om taré tuttaré turé hrih droom benza jnana ayukhé soha

oṃ tāre tuttāre ture hrīḥ bhrūṃ vajra-jñānāyuṣe svāhā ||

ཞེས་པའང་ཅུང་ཟད་བཟླ། དེ་ནས་བུམ་པ་སོགས་ལས་སྔགས་ཀྱིས་བསང་།

Then purify the vase and the other ritual objects with the activity mantra.


om sobhava shuddha sarva dharma sobhava shuddho hang

oṃ svabhāva śuddhāḥ sarvadharmāḥ svabhāva śuddho ‘haṃ


tongpé ngang lé pé dé teng

From the state of emptiness, upon a lotus and moon disc,


khadok ngaden yigé droom

Arises a five-coloured syllable bhrūṃ,


yong gyur chi ni rinpoche

Which transforms into an exquisite vase.


rangzhin bumpa zangpo ché

Its exterior is formed from precious jewels,


tsennyi yongdzok ö du bar

The vase is perfectly designed and blazing with light.


nang ni rinchen zhalmé khang

Inside is an immeasurable palace made of jewels.


dé ü tam lé özer trö

In its centre is tāṃ, from which light rays radiate out,


pak chö khordé dangchü dü

Making offerings to the noble ones and gathering the vital essence of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa.


yong gyur yeshe gyumé ku

The syllable transforms into the magical body of wisdom…


And so on until:


pema tsebum nampé tril

Holding lotus flower and long life vase, and embracing her in union.


Within the skull cup:


dütsi ü su pema dang

Within the amṛta are a lotus and moon disc seat


dawé den la tsepakmé

Upon which sits Amitāyus.


karsal nyam zhak tsebum dzin

He is brilliant white, and holds a long-life vase in the mudrā of meditative equipoise.


dar dang rinchen gyen gyi dzé

Adorned with silks and jewelled ornaments


dorjé kyilmo trung gi zhuk

He sits in vajra posture and holds a long-life vase.5


tsé drang pakma nampar gyal

From him appears the sublime Vijayā,


chushel dokchen chak yé kyi

The colour of moonstone.


kyab jin chakgyé chakkyu dang

Her right hand, in the gesture of granting refuge, holds an iron hook,


yönpé chok jin tsebum nam

And her left hand, in the gesture of supreme giving, holds a long-life vase.


ö dang özer dangché sal

She sits amidst brilliant rays of light.


kün gyi chi drin tukka ru

The crown of their heads, throats and hearts…

སོགས་ནས་བསྟོད་པའི་བར་ཕྲིན་ལས་གོང་བཞིན་གཏང་། གཟུངས་ཐག་བླངས་ལ།

And so one, recite the text up to and including the praise. Take hold of the dhāraṇī-cord.


rang gi tuk né ngak kyi treng

From my heart the mantra garland flows


dorjé zung tak lé gyü dé

Through the vajra dhāraṇī-cord,


bum lhé tukdam gyü kulwé

Which invokes the wisdom minds of the deities of the vase.


detong rolpé özer trin

Clouds of light rays—the play of bliss and emptiness—


khakhyab küntu nangwa yi

Completely illuminate the whole of space,


pak chö drowé dön kün drub

Make offerings to the noble ones, and fulfil all beings’ aims.


tsur dü tukké pal ber khyil

Gathering back, they coil around the vital essence of her heart.


ku dang ngak lé dütsi gyün

From her body and the mantra, a boundless flow of nectar


pakmé jung né bumpé chü

Gushes forth, transforming the contents of the vase


ngödrub kün gyi nyingpor gyur

Into the essence of all accomplishments.

ཅེས་དང་། ཚེ་དཔག་མེད་པའི་སྐུ་ལས་བདུད་རྩིའི་རྒྱུན་བབས་པས་ཐོད་པ་གང་བ་དང་། རྣམ་པར་རྒྱལ་མའི་སྐུའི་འོད་ཟེར་གྱིས་འཁོར་འདས་ཀྱི་དྭངས་བཅུད་ཐམས་ཅད་བསྡུས་པར་དམིགས་ལ་ཡིག་བཅུ་ཅི་མང་དང་། གཞན་གཉིས་དང་དྲིལ་སྔགས་རྣམས་བརྒྱ་རྩ་ལས་མི་ཉུང་བ་བཟླ། མཆོད་བསྟོད་ཕུལ། ཡིག་བརྒྱས་ནོངས་པ་བཤགས། འབྲུ་གསུམ་གྱིས་མཆོད་ཡོན་ཕུལ།

Also, visualise that from the body of Amitāyus nectar flows down and fills the skull cup, and from the body of Vijayā light rays radiate out, gathering the vital essence of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa. Recite the ten-syllable mantra as much as you can. Then recite the other two mantras and the combined mantra, no less than a hundred times each. Present offerings and praise, recite the hundred-syllable mantra and confess any mistakes. Then offer the water [of the conch to the vase] while reciting the three syllables [oṃ, āḥ, hūṃ]. Visualise as follows:


bumpa dang töpé lha chimé dütsi ngowor zhuwar gyur

The deities of the vase and the skull cup melt and transform into the nectar of immortality.


Then for the activity vase visualise as follows:


lé bum nang du pé dé teng

In the activity vase on a lotus and sun disc


pema tamdrin kudok mar

Is Padma Hayagrīva, red in colour.


chak nyi pema drilbu dzin

His two hands hold a lotus and bell.


durtrö cheden dortab zhuk

He is adorned with all the charnel ground ornaments and stands in striding posture.


ku lé dorjé dütsi gyün

From his body flows a stream of vajra nectar

བབས་པས་བུམ་པ་གང་བར་གྱུར༔ ཅེས་དམིགས་ལ། 

babpé bumpa gangwar gyur

That fills the vase.


om hrih padmantakrita sarva bighanen hana hana hung pé

oṃ hrīḥ padmāntakṛta sarva-vighnān hana hana hūṃ phaṭ

ཅེས་བརྒྱ་རྩ་ཙམ་བཟླས་ལ་ལས་བུམ་བསྒྲུབ། དེ་ནས།

By reciting about a hundred mantras the activity vase is consecrated.


jitar tampa tsam gyi ni

Just as, when the Buddha was born


lha nam kyi ni trü sol tar

And the devas bathed him,


lha yi chu ni dakpa yi

So I now with pure, divine water


dezhin dak gi kutrü sol

Perform the cleansing ritual.

om sarva tathagata abhishekata shri hung

oṃ sarva-tathāgatābhiṣekata śrī hūṃ


The students, remaining outside, are cleansed with the water of the vase.


Dedicate the torma and expel the obstructing forces in accordance with the activity manual.

སྲུང་འཁོར་འདོན་བསྒོམ་བྱ། མེ་ཏོག་བཀྱེ་བསྡུ་དང་སེམས་བསྐྱེད་གསལ་བཏབ་ལ།

Then recite the lines for the protective circle and meditate on that. Distribute the flowers6 and generate bodhicitta.

The History

དེ་ལ་འདིར་སངས་རྒྱས་སྲས་དང་བཅས་པ་སྐྱེད་པའི་ཡུམ་གཅིག །

dé la dir sangye sé dang chepa kyepé yum chik

The sole mother who gives birth to the buddhas and their heirs,


pak bö khedrub kün gyi drenpa

The guide for all the learned and accomplished masters of Tibet,


nyikdü kyi drowa chi dang khyepar gangchen böyul gyi kyegu yong kyi lha chok jetsün pakma drolma la tsa shé kyi gyü dang

The supreme deity for all sentient beings of this degenerate age in general, and in particular, for everyone in the snowy lands of Tibet, is the Sublime Lady Tārā.


drubpé lobpön sosö tralpé drubtab mengak gi kasol tayepa zhuk shing pak bö kyi jong su nyida tar drakpa lé

Of her practice, there exist infinite traditions in the noble lands of India and Tibet, which include root and explanatory tantras, sādhanas arranged by various realised masters, and pith instructions. All of them are as famous as the sun and moon.


ngagyur nyingmé ringluk zabmo ter gyi chok su shintu kön ching zhen lé khyepardu pakpé zab chö

This particular practice belongs to the treasure tradition of the long-established Nyingma School of the Early Translations and is called the Heart-Essence of the Sublime Lady of Immortality (Chime Phakme Nyingtik).


chimé yeshe kyi kuchen rigdzin chenpo shri sim ha dang bimala mi tra

It is a profound practice that is extremely rare and vastly superior to other treasures.


sangye nyipa pema sambhawa nampa sum gyi gongnyam chik tu düpa

It contains the combined wisdom and experience of the great vidyādhara Śrī Siṃha, who attained the immortal wisdom body, Vimalamitra, and Padmasambhava, the second buddha.


jetsün yizhin khorlo tsowor gyurpé tselha nam sum chik dril gyi drubtab chimé pakmé nyingtik tu drakpa di ni

In this sādhana the three deities of longevity, the principal being Lady Wish-Fulfilling Wheel, are all gathered together.


drenda tamché dang dralwé tertön khedrub yong kyi khorlö gyurwa pema ösal do ngak lingpa la kabab chö dzö chenpo dün du zhukpé yagyal zabmo daknang gi chödé lé jönpa té

It was revealed by Pema Ösal Do-ngak Lingpa, who was an incomparable treasure revealer and the universal monarch of all the scholars and accomplished adepts. Among the authoritative transmissions of the seven great Dharma treasures he revealed, this cycle belongs to the section of the profound pure visions.


dé la tsawé min jé gyé dring dü sum du zhukpa lé dir tokmé chö kyi gojé du ang gyurpa

For this practice there exist elaborate, medium and concise foundational empowerments that mature one's being.


min jé düpa tünmong tsé jesu nangwa drubpa la daknyi kyi gyiwar öpa

Of those, we are currently concerned with the concise maturing empowerment, the common permission-blessing of longevity that first enables one to open the door of the Dharma

སོགས་སྤྱི་ལྟར་བརྗོད་པས་མཚམས་སྦྱར་ལ་མཎྜལ་འབུལ་དུ་གཞུག །

Explain the history, as is generally done, after which the students offer a maṇḍala.


nyimpa metok gi kangwé talmo jor la solwa debpa di jé dö len sum dzö

Fold your hands together, whilst holding a flower, as you repeat the following prayer three times:

The Request


pema gyepar rolpé yum

Mother who delightfully plays in the lotus,


chimé pakmé kadrin gyi

Sublime Lady of Immortality, through your kindness


ku sung tuk kyi kyilkhor cher

Let us generate the vajra wisdom


dorjé yeshe kyé du sol

In this great maṇḍala of enlightened body, speech and mind.


Three times.


detar solwa tabpa ngöndu song né

Thus make the request.


tekpa tünmong dang tünmong mayinpé lam gyi zhi göpa kyab su dro zhing semkyepé ledu

In order to take refuge and generate bodhicitta, the foundations for the paths of the common and uncommon vehicles, do as follows.


lama dang dünkyé chimé pakmé kyilkhor pa la tsa sum gyalwa rabjam kyi kor té ngönsum zhindu zhukpé chen ngar

The guru appears as the front visualisation of the maṇḍala of the Sublime Lady of Immortality surrounded by the deities of the Three Roots and infinite victorious ones. They remain, actually present, in the sky in front.


dakzhen semchen tamché changchub ma tob kyi bardu kyab su chi o nyampé yi tsechik pé di jé dö

Think that "I and all other sentient beings take refuge until we reach awakening", and with single-minded focus repeat the following:

ན་མོ༔ བདག་སོགས་འགྲོ་ཀུན་བྱང་ཆུབ་བར༔

namo, dak sok dro kün changchub bar

Namo. Until we attain enlightenment, I and all sentient beings


könchok sum gyi ngowo nyi

Take refuge with unwavering devotion


lama yizhin khorlo la

In you, Guru Wish-fulfilling Wheel,


miché güpé kyab su chi

The very essence of the Three Jewels!


Thus take refuge three times, following the instructions in the activity manual.


semchen tamché dukngal khorwé gyatso lé dral té mi nepé nyangdé chenpor göpar ja

Then think: "I will liberate all sentient beings from saṃsāra's ocean of suffering and bring them to the state of the great non-abiding nirvāṇa.


dé tab chok tu gyurpa chimé pakmé min jé kyi rimpa nö né lam gyi naljor la jukpar gyi o nyampé di jé dö

The supreme means to accomplish that is the Sublime Lady of Immortality, and so, in stages, I will receive the maturing empowerment and practice the yoga of the path." Repeat the following:

ཧོ༔ མཁའ་མཉམ་སེམས་ཅན་མ་ལུས་ཀུན༔

ho, khanyam semchen malü kün

Hoḥ. Sentient beings are as countless as space is vast.


dukngal tso lé dral jé chir

In order to free them from the ocean of suffering


jetsün pakmé naljor gyi

By attaining immortality through this yoga of the exalted lady Tārā,


chimé drubpar semkyé do

I arouse bodhicitta, the heart of the enlightened mind.


Three times.

རྒྱུད་རྣམ་པར་དག་པར་བྱ་བའི་སླད་དུ། བླ་མ་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་གྱི་ལྷ་ཚོགས་རྒྱལ་བ་སྲས་དང་བཅས་པའི་སྤྱན་སྔར་བདག་གཞན་མཁའ་ཁྱབ་ཀྱི་ཡིད་ཅན་མཐའ་དག་སྒོ་གསུམ་གུས་པའི་ཚུལ་རྩེ་གཅིག་པས། ཚོགས་གསག་ཡན་ལག་བདུན་པ་ཚུལ་བཞིན་དུ་བྱ་བའི་འདུན་པ་དང་བཅས་ཏེ་འདིའི་རྗེས་ཟློས།

gyü nampar dakpar jawé ledu lama kyilkhor gyi lhatsok gyalwa sé dang chepé chen ngar dakzhen khakhyab kyi yichen tadak go sum güpé tsul tsechik pé tsok sak yenlak dünpa tsulzhin du jawé dünpa dangché té di jé dö

In order to purify your mind, imagine that the guru, the hosts of deities of the maṇḍala, the victorious ones and their heirs remain in the sky in front of you. Then you and all sentient beings, who fill the entire sky, gather the accumulations with the seven-branch prayer in an excellent manner, with body, speech and mind and single-pointed devotion. Repeat the following:

ཧོ༔ ཕྱོགས་དུས་རྒྱལ་བ་སྲས་བཅས་དང༔

ho, chok dü gyalwa sé ché dang

Hoḥ. I multiply my body as many times as there are atoms in the universe,


yum gyur drolmé zhab pemor

Overflowing with devotion, and pay homage, body, speech and mind


zhing dul kün gyi drang nyé kyi

As I bow to the lotus beneath the feet of the buddhas and bodhisattvas of all directions and times,


go sum güpé chaktsal lo

And to their sublime mother, Tārā.


chi nang sangwa lamepé

Here is an unsurpassable array of outer, inner and secret substances,


kunzang chötrin gyatsö chö

Like the vast cloud-like offerings of Samantabhadra.


dikdrib nyetung tol zhing shak

I confess all negative actions, obscurations, faults and downfalls,


tsok nyi chö la jé yi rang

And rejoice in the practice of the two accumulations.


chö kyi khorlo kor zhindu

Continue turning the wheel of the Dharma,


nya ngen mi da zhuk soldeb

And do not pass into nirvāṇa, but remain here, we pray.


gé tsok changchub nyingpor ngo

I dedicate our accumulation of merit towards the attainment of the heart of enlightenment.


zhendön sangye nyur drub shok

May we swiftly accomplish Buddhahood for the benefit of others.


Three times.


dené jenang gi zhi göpa yeshe wabpé ledu go sum jukpa chik tu dril té mik dün di zhindu dzé tsal

The basis for granting the permission-blessing is the descent of wisdom. Concentrate with body, speech and mind and visualise as follows:


Purify with the activity mantra and the water of the vase.


om sobhava shuddha sarva dharma sobhava shuddho hang

oṃ svabhāva śuddhāḥ sarvadharmāḥ svabhāva śuddho ‘haṃ


tongpé ngang lé khyerang nam gangdu nepé gosar pema dab ma rabtu gyepé tengdu dawé kyilkhor nyagangwa

Imagine that from the state of emptiness, wherever you are seated, there appears a lotus with fully open petals with a moon-disc maṇḍala.


dé tengdu rang gi semnyi tam yikkar po

Upon it is your mind in the form of a white tāṃ syllable.

དེ་ལས་འོད་ཟེར་འཕྲོས། འཕགས་པ་མཆོད། འཁོར་འདས་ཀྱི་དྭངས་བཅུད་མ་ལུས་པ་བསྡུས་ཏེ་ཏཱཾ་ལ་ཐིམ།

dé lé özer trö pakpa chö khordé kyi dangchü malüpa dü té tam la tim

From it light rays radiate out, making offerings to the noble ones and gathering back all the vital essences of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa into the tāṃ syllable.


dé yongsu gyurpa lé khyerang nam chimé pakma yizhin khorlo kudok karsal dawa norbu chushel gyi dangchen

It transforms and you appear in the form of the Sublime Lady of Immortality, Wish-Fulfilling Wheel. She is brilliant white in colour, with a lustre like the moon, a jewel or a moonstone.


zhal chik zhi zhing dzum la ku gekpé nyamchen chudruk lönpé langtso gyé shing yeshe kyi chen dün dang denpa

She has one face and is smiling with a peaceful expression. Her beautiful form has the splendour of a youthful girl of sixteen. She has seven wisdom eyes.


chak yé chok jin gyi chakgya pümö tengdu kyang zhing yönpé tukkar tebsin jarwé kyab jin gyi chakgyé utpal karpö dongbu nedzin pé dab ma nyen gyi tekar gyepé zé'u drur chimé dütsi chü kyi tampé tsé bumpé tsenpa

Her right hand is in the mudrā of supreme generosity and rests on her knee. Her left hand, with thumb and ring finger touching and in the mudrā of granting refuge at the level of her heart, holds the stalk of a blossoming white utpala flower, its petals level with her ear. Resting on the centre of the flower is a vase filled with the elixir of immortality.


dar gyi naza dang rinpoche gyen dumé dzepar tré shing zhab nyi dorjé kyilmo trung gi zhukpé pang du rang ö kyi yab gar gyi wangchuk pema dang tsebum nampé trilwa

She is adorned with silken garments and jewelled ornaments. Her two legs are crossed in vajra posture. On her lap sits the male consort, her natural radiance, in the form of the Lord of the Dance, embracing her and holding a lotus flower and long-life vase.


dé tralwar om karpo

Both their foreheads are marked with a white oṃ,


drinpar ah marpo

At their throats is a red āḥ,


tukkar hung ngönpo

And at their hearts is a blue hūṃ.


sangye tamché kyi dorjé sum gyi yik tu salwa dang

The syllables are clearly visualised as the precious three vajras of all the buddhas.


dak dün gyi tukka né kyang özer gyi nangwa sam gyi mi khyabpa tröpé chö kyi ying tadak gang

From the hearts of the deities of the self- and front-visualisations inconceivable light rays radiate, filling completely the entire basic space of phenomena.


dedak tu zhukpé gyalwa sé dang chepa tamché pakma yizhin khorlö ku chakgya

The victorious ones and their heirs, who all abide in this space, transform into the Sublime Lady, the Wish-Fulfilling Wheel. Her enlightened body appears in the form of mudrās,

གསུང་སྙིང་པོ། ཐུགས་ཕྱག་མཚན་གྱི་རྣམ་པར་ནམ་མཁའ་གང་བ་ཙམ་དུ་བྱོན་ཏེ་ཁྱེད་རང་གི་སྒོ་གསུམ་ལ་ཐིམ་པས་ཡེ་ཤེས་ཆེན་པོའི་བྱིན་རླབས་རྒྱུད་ལ་ཞུགས་པའི་མོས་པ་མཛོད།

sung nyingpo tuk chaktsen gyi nampar namkha gangwa tsam du jön té khyerang gi go sum la timpé yeshe chenpö jinlab gyü la zhukpé möpa dzö

Her enlightened speech as essence mantras, her enlightened mind as implements. They fill the whole of space. As they dissolve into your body, speech and mind, imagine that the blessings of their supreme wisdom enter your being.

ཅེས་དམིགས་པ་སྤྲོད་ལ་སྤྲོ་ན་ལས་གཞུང་གི་བྱིན་འབེབ་དང་། བསྡུ་ན་བྱིན་དབབ་པའི་སྔགས་བརྗོད་རོལ་མོ་སྦྱར་སྤོས་ཀྱི་དུད་པ་བཅས་ཡེ་ཤེས་པ་དབབ་ལ།

Visualise in this way.7 If you wish to be elaborate, invoke the wisdom by performing the descent of blessings from the main text. Or if you wish to be concise, recite the mantra for the descent of blessings. Whichever the case, play music and light incense.

དེ་ལྟར་བྱིན་ཕབ་པའི་ཡེ་ཤེས་པའི་རྒྱུན་བྱང་ཆུབ་མ་ཐོབ་ཀྱི་བར་དུ་བརྟན་པར་བྱས་པར་མོས་ཤིག །

detar jin pabpé yeshepé gyün changchub ma tob kyi bardu tenpar jepar mö shik

Imagine that the wisdom deities, after being invoked, firmly remain here until you reach enlightenment.


tishta benza


ཞེས་རྒྱ་གྲམ་མགོར་བཞག །

Place the crossed vajra on their heads.


dedak gi jenang gi zhi göpa song né

With this the foundation of the permission-blessing has been completed.

The Actual Permission-Blessing


jenang ngö la ku sung tuk kyi jenang sum du yöpé

For the main section of the permission-blessing, there are three parts: the permission-blessing of the enlightened body, speech and mind.

1. The Permission-Blessing of the Enlightened Body


dangpo kü jesu nangwa la mikpa di zhindu dzö

For the permission-blessing of the enlightened body, visualise as follows:


dünkyé pakma yizhin khorlö ku lé yeshe kyi ku nyipa marmé chik lé nyi ché kyi tsul du ché dé jön

From the front-visualisation the enlightened body of the Sublime Lady, Wish-Fulfilling Jewel, emanates another wisdom body, as if one candle were lighting another.


khyerang nam kyi lü la timpé jetsün pakmé kü jinlab malüpa gyü la zhukpar möpa tsawa dang

Imagine that they dissolve into your body and that all the blessings of the noble Sublime Lady's enlightened body enters you.


dé tenpar jawé ledu

In order to stabilise this blessing:


lama kyilkhor pé lhatsok nam kyi trashipé nampa duma dang denpé rinpoche bumpa jetsün pakmé sangwa sum gyi jinlab yeshe dütsi chugyün gyi nampé gangwé chiwo né wangkurwar gyur

The host of deities of the guru maṇḍala appear in the form of auspicious signs, filling the vase with a stream of wisdom nectar that contains the blessings of the three secrets of noble Sublime Lady, and grant the empowerment on the crown of your head.


Place the vase on the heads of the students.

ཏཱཾ༔ རྗེ་བཙུན་འཕགས་མའི་ཡེ་ཤེས་བཅུད༔

tam, jetsün pakmé yeshe chü

Tāṃ. The wisdom elixir of noble Sublime Lady


tukjé gyün gyi wangkurwé

Flows with compassion and grants the empowerment.


lü kyi dribpa kün dak né

With all the obscurations of your body purified,


dorjé ku ru drubpar shok

May you attain the vajra body!

ཨོཾ་ཏཱ་རེ་ཏུཏྟཱ་རེ་ཏུ་རེ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ༔ ཀཱ་ཡ་ཨ་བྷི་ཥིཉྩ་ཨོཾ༔

om taré tuttaré turé soha | kaya abhikintsa om

oṃ tāre tuttāre ture svāhā | kayābhiṣiñca oṃ


Distribute the water of the vase.


dé kü jesu nangwa tob

With this you have obtained the permission-blessing of the enlightened body.

ལུས་ཀྱི་སྒྲིབ་པ་དག །

lü kyi dribpa dak

The obscurations of your body are purified,


lha ku chakgya gompa la wang

You are empowered to meditate on the mudrā of the deities’ enlightened bodies,

འཆི་མེད་ཡེ་ཤེས་ཀྱི་སྐུ་འགྲུབ་པའི་སྐལ་པ་ཅན་དུ་བྱས་པའོ། །

chimé yeshe kyi ku drubpé kalpachen du jepa o

And have gained the good fortune to realise the wisdom body of immortality.

2. The Permission-Blessing of the Enlightened Speech


nyipa sung gi jesu nangwa la mikpa di zhindu dzö

For the permission blessing of enlightened speech, visualise as follows:


dak dün kyilkhor gyi tsomö tukkar zhukpé rikdak yeshe sempa tsepakmé pé tukkar nyidé ga'u khajor gyi ü su tuk sok tam yikkar po nepa lé

In the heart of the main deity of the self- and front-visualisations is the wisdom being,8 the lord of the families Amitāyus. In his heart is a locket of the conjoined sun and moon, in the centre of which is a white tāṃ,


lha sum gyi ngak treng dawa chushel gyi trengwa tabu jung

Surrounded by the mantra garlands of the three deities, which is like garlands of moonstones.


zhal né tön

Light arises from the syllable, emerges from the mouth of the deity


lobma nam lhar salwé khar gyü

And enters the mouths of the students, who are visualised as the deities.


nyinggar tuk sok tam yik la timpé sung gi jinlab ngak la zhukpé möpa dangché té ngak dinam kyi jé dö len sum sum dzö

It flows into their hearts and dissolves into the tāṃ syllable. Imagine that the blessings of enlightened speech transform their ordinary speech. Repeat each mantra three times.

ཅེས་བསྙེན་པའི་བཟླས་པ་རྣམ་གསུམ་ལན་གསུམ་གསུམ་རྗེས་ཟློས་བྱར་གཞུག །

Repeat each of the three recitation mantras three times.9


dé tenpar jawé ledu

In order to stabilise this blessings:

རིགས་བདག་འཆི་མེད་མགོན་པོའི་བྱིན་རླབས་དྭངས་མའི་བཅུད་དུ་འཁྱིལ་བའི་བདུད་རྩི་ངག་ཏུ་བྱིན་པར་མོས་ཤིག །

rikdak chimé gönpö jinlab dangmé chü du khyilwé dütsi ngak tu jinpar mö shik

Imagine that the lord of the families, the immortal protector in the form of nectar that gathers all vital essences, blesses your ordinary speech.


While distributing the amṛta of the skull cup, recite:

ཧྲཱི༔ བཅོམ་ལྡན་ཚེ་དཔག་མེད་མགོན་གྱི༔

hri, chomden tsepakmé gön gyi

Hrīḥ. By giving you the nectar of immortality


chimé dütsi di jinpé

Of the blessed protector Amitāyus


ngak gi dribpa kün dak né

All the obscurations of your speech are purified.


dorjé ngak su drubpar shok

May you accomplish the vajra speech!

ཨོཾ་ཨ་མཱ་ར་ཎི་ཛཱི་བནྟི་ཡེ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ༔ ཝཱ་ཀ་ཨ་བྷི་ཥིཉྩ་ཨཱ༔

om amarani dziwantiyé soha | waka abhikintsa a

oṃ amaraṇi jīvantaye svāhā | vākābhiṣiñca āḥ


dé sung gi jesu nangwa tob

With this you have obtained the permission-blessing of the enlightened speech.

ངག་གི་སྒྲིབ་པ་དག །

ngak gi dribpa dak

The obscurations of your speech are purified.


nyendrub lé jor gyi dejö la wang

You are empowered to carry out the mantra recitations of the approach, accomplishment and application of activities phases.

གཞོམ་མེད་རྡོ་རྗེའི་གསུང་འགྲུབ་པའི་སྐལ་པ་ཅན་དུ་བྱས་པའོ། །

zhommé dorjé sung drubpé kalpachen du jepa o

You have gained the fortune to realise the indestructible vajra speech.

3. The Permission-Blessing of the Enlightened Mind


sumpa tuk kyi jesu nangwa la mikpa di zhindu dzö

For the permission-blessing of the enlightened mind, visualise as follows:


chiwor zhukpé trinlé kyi lha tsuktor nampar gyalmé tukka né özer gyi nangwa pak tu mepa trö

At your crown abides Uṣṇīṣavijayā, the deity of enlightened activity. From her heart immeasurable light rays radiate,


kyilkhor tsomo rikdak dang chepé tukgyü kul

Invoking the wisdom minds of the lady of the maṇḍala and the lord of the families.


lha sum gyi tukka né sosö chaktsen tsé bumpa

From their hearts, the implements of the three deities­—long-life vase,

ཨུཏྤལ་དཀར་པོ། ལྕགས་ཀྱུ་ལ་སོགས་པ་སྤྲོས་ཏེ་ཁྱེད་རང་རྣམས་ཀྱི་སྙིང་གར་ཐིམ་པས་ཐུགས་ཀྱི་བྱིན་རླབས་སེམས་ལ་ཞུགས་པར་མོས་ལ་འོད་གསལ་སྤྲོས་པ་དང་བྲལ་བའི་ངང་དུ་མཉམ་པར་འཇོག་པར་ཞུ།

utpal karpo chakkyu lasokpa trö té khyerang nam kyi nyinggar timpé tuk kyi jinlab sem la zhukpar mö la ösal tröpa dang dralwé ngang du nyampar jokpar zhu

White utpala flower and iron hook—emanate and dissolve into your hearts. Imagine that the blessings of the enlightened mind enters your heart and rest in the state of luminosity free from all conceptual elaborations.


dé tenpar jawé ledu

In order to stabilise this blessing:

ཚེ་འབྲང་གཙུག་ཏོར་རྣམ་པར་རྒྱལ་མ་དངོས་སུ་གསལ་བ་སྙིང་གར་བཞག་པས་གཟུང་འཛིན་འཆི་བདག་གི་གཡུལ་ལས་རྣམ་པར་རྒྱལ་ཏེ་འཆི་མེད་ཡེ་ཤེས་ཆེན་པོའི་བྱིན་རླབས་རྒྱུད་ལ་ཞུགས་པར་མོས་ཤིག །

tsé drang tsuktor nampar gyalma ngö su salwa nyinggar zhakpé zungdzin chidak gi yul lé nampar gyal té chimé yeshe chenpö jinlab gyü la zhukpar mö shik

The tse-drang long-life torma, visualised as Uṣṇīṣavijayā in person, touches the hearts of the students, bringing victory on the battlefield against dualistic perception and the Lord of Death. Imagine that the blessing of the great wisdom of immortality enters your being.


Touch the hearts of the students with the drang-gye long-life torma.

བྷྲཱུྃ༔ གཙུག་ཏོར་རྣམ་པར་རྒྱལ་མ་ཡི༔

droom, tsuktor nampar gyalma yi

Bhrūṃ. You are blessed through the supreme samādhi


tingdzin chok gi jinlab pé

Of Uṣṇīṣavijayā.


yi kyi dribpa kün dak né

With all the obscurations of your mind purified,


dorjé yeshe drubpar shok

May you attain the vajra wisdom!

ཨོཾ་ཨ་མྲྀཏ་ཨཱ་ཡུརྡ་དེ་སྭཱ་ཧཱ༔ ཙིཏྟ་ཨ་བྷི་ཥིཉྩ་ཧཱུྃ༔

om amrita ayudade soha | tsitta abhikintsa hung

oṃ amṛtāyurdade svāhā | cittābhiṣiñca hūṃ


dé tuk kyi jesu nangwa tob

With this you have obtained the permission-blessing of the enlightened mind.

ཡིད་ཀྱི་སྒྲིབ་པ་དག །

yi kyi dribpa dak

The obscurations of your mind are purified,


rimpa nyi kyi ting ngé dzin gompa la wang

You are empowered to meditate on the samādhi of the two stages,

བདེ་སྟོང་འགྱུར་བ་མེད་པའི་ཐུགས་འགྲུབ་པའི་སྐལ་པ་ཅན་དུ་བྱས་པའོ། །

detong gyurwa mepé tuk drubpé kalpachen du jepa o

And have gained the good fortune to realise the unchanging wisdom mind of bliss and emptiness.


At the end, distribute the pills surrounding the long-life torma.

བརྟན་གཡོའི་དྭངས་བཅུད་འདུས་པའི་རིལ་བུ་དངོས་གྲུབ་རྣམ་པ་གཉིས་ལ་དབང་ཐོབ་པ་དེ་ཉིད་ཞལ་བསྲོའི་ཚུལ་དུ་སྦྱིན་ཅིང་ཤིས་པ་བརྗོད་པས་ཀྱང་མངའ་གསོལ་བར་མོས་ཤིག །

tenyö dangchü düpé rilbu ngödrub nampa nyi la wangtobpa denyi zhal sö tsul du jin ching shipa jöpé kyang ngasolwar mö shik

You are empowered by pills containing the vital essence of the entire animate and inanimate world and the two accomplishments. Imagine that you are entrusted by consuming them, and recite prayers of auspiciousness.


om taré tuttaré turé hrih droom benza jnana ayukhé soha

oṃ tāre tuttāre ture hrīḥ bhrūṃ vajra-jñānāyuṣe svāhā

ཞེས་དང་ཤིས་བརྗོད་འཐད་ཅིང་འོས་པ་བྱས་ལ་རོལ་མོ་དང་མེ་ཏོག་འཐོར་རོ། །

At this point it is appropriate to recite prayers of auspiciousness. Play music and scatter flowers.


3. Concluding Activities


detar ngotsar medu jungwé daknang gi chödé chimé pakmé nyingtik gi min jé gojé tsé jenang lekpar drubpa té

With this, the permission-blessing of longevity that matures and opens the door for the Heart-Essence of the Sublime Lady of Immortality, an extraordinary Dharma teaching that arose from a pure vision, is completed in an excellent manner.


di khyepar gyi göpa ang dorjé sung lé

The special purpose of this is explained in the vajra words:


ta gong denpé lobpön gyi

“When a master endowed with wisdom and the right view


dorjé lobmar di jin na

Grants this to a vajra disciple,


barché gek zhi tsesö dang

Any obstacles and obstructing forces are pacified,


nyimé yeshe gyepar gyur

And their lifespan, merit and realisation of non-dual wisdom increases.”


chepé ngakpa tar nekab dang tartuk gi göpa duma dang denpa yinpé dé gü kyi ngeshé chenpö di naljor la yi dam du chawa sok tünmong dang khyepar gyi damtsik nam tsulzhin du sungwar gyi o nyampé di jé dö

Thus, in exactly the way it is praised here, this teaching most certainly has many temporary and ultimate purposes. Therefore, with confidence and full of faith and devotion, think as follows: "I will perfectly uphold the common and uncommon samayas such as taking this yoga as my yidam deity" and repeat the following:

གཙོ་བོའི་ཇི་ལྟར་བཀའ་སྩལ་པ། །

tsowö jitar katsal pa

Whatever the guru, chief of the maṇḍala, commands,

དེ་དག་ཐམས་ཅད་བདག་གི་བགྱི། །

dedak tamché dak gi gyi

I shall carry out—each and every instruction.

སོགས་གཏང་རག་མཎྜལ་ཕྱིན་སྤྱི་ལྟར་བྱས་ལ་སློབ་མ་གྱེས། མཆོད་བསྟོད་ནོངས་བཤགས་གཤེགས་གསོལ། བསྡུ་ལྡང་བསྔོ་སྨོན་བཀྲ་ཤིས་བཅས་བྱའོ། །

The students offer a thanksgiving maṇḍala as it is usually done, after which they disperse. Present offerings and praise, confess any mistakes and ask the deities to depart. Perform the dissolution and re-emergence and recite prayers of dedication, aspiration and auspiciousness.

གདམས་པའི་བདུད་རྩི་ཁྱད་པར་ཅན། །
སྐལ་ལྡན་ཀུན་གྱིས་བཅུད་དུ་ཐོབ། །
ཚེ་དང་ཡེ་ཤེས་ལང་ཚོ་རྒྱས། །
དོན་གཉིས་ཕྲིན་ལས་མཁའ་ཁྱབ་ཤོག །

This extraordinary nectar of spiritual instructions
Is like an elixir for all the fortunate ones.
May longevity, wisdom and youthfulness increase
And the enlightened activity that carries out the twofold benefit spread throughout the farthest reaches of space!


ཅེས་པའང་ཐམས་ཅད་མཁྱེན་གཟིགས་མཁན་ཆེན་རྡོ་རྗེ་འཆང་ངག་དབང་བསོད་ནམས་རྒྱལ་མཚན་ཞལ་སྔ་ནས་རིན་ཆེན་དང་པོའི་མེ་ཏོག་དང་བཅས་ཏེ་བཀའ་ལུང་སྤྱི་བོར་ཕེབས་པར་བརྟེན། གཏེར་ཆེན་མཁས་གྲུབ་ཡོངས་ཀྱི་སྤྱི་རྗེ་ཉིད་ལས་བཀའི་གནང་བ་དང་ཞལ་ཁྲིད་ཀྱི་བདུད་རྩི་གུས་པས་ནོས་ཏེ། པདྨ་གར་དབང་བློ་གྲོས་མཐའ་ཡས་ཀྱིས་དཔལ་དེ་བཱི་ཀོ་ཊིའི་སྒྲུབ་གནས་ཀྱི་སྙིང་པོར་བགྱིས་པ་དགེ་ལེགས་འཕེལ།། །།

After the all-knowing vajradhara Khenchen Ngawang Sönam Gyaltsen offered me the foremost of all precious stones—gold— and some flowers, and I had placed his command on the crown of my head, and the universal lord of all great treasure-revealers, scholars and realised adepts himself granted me the oral instructions, which I received with the utmost respect, together with his permission to write this text, I, Pema Garwang Lodrö Taye, wrote this at glorious Devīkoṭa, which is the heart of all sacred practice sites. May virtue and goodness increase and spread!


| Translated by Han Kop, 2024. Several sections adapted from Rigpa Translations and Gyurme Avertin (2015).10 With gratitude to Tulku Rigdzin Pema Rinpoche and Choying Palden (Chokling monastery, Bir) for their clarifications.


Source: 'Jam mgon kong sprul. "'chi med 'phags ma'i snying tig las/_thun mong tshe'i rjes gnang bya ba'i tshul gsal bar bkod pa ye shes sgo 'byed", in rin chen gter mdzod chen mo. New Delhi: Shechen Publications, 2007. Vol. 36: 461–476.


Version: 1.1-20240413

  1. For the shrine setup see also Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo et al, Sublime Lady of Immortality: Teachings on Chime Phakme Nyingtik (Rangjung Yeshe Publications: 2021), page 325–328.
  2. Or, perhaps more conveniently in this age where printing an image is no trouble, an image of the maṇḍala.
  3. The three sweets are sugar, honey and molasses.
  4. The eight traditional offering bowls can also be arranged around the shrine, whichever is convenient.
  5. The Tibetan tshe ‘brang often refers to a longevity torma or substance.
  6. The Tibetan also says ‘and collect them’. Tulku Rigdzin Pema Rinpoche explains that occasionally imitation flowers were used, and after the empowerment were collected to be used again.
  7. The different Tibetan texts have either spod or stod but that seems incorrect. Choying Palden suggests sprod.
  8. Skt. Jñānasattva.
  9. I.e., oṃ tāre tuttāre ture svāhā, oṃ amaraṇi jīvantaye svāhā and oṃ amṛtāyurdade svāhā.
  10. and
Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye

Chimé Pakmé Nyingtik

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