The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Advice to Sangye Gyaltsen

English | བོད་ཡིག

Advice to Sangye Gyaltsen[1]

by Gorampa Sönam Senge

The following is presented to Geshe Sangye Gyaltsen.

How wonderful that you have arrived safely in your homeland.

1. Generally, it is proper to cut through all elaborations and focus solely on virtuous practice.

2. When thoughts of the eight worldly concerns arise, it is proper to adopt mindfulness and awareness, and maintain an equanimous mindset.

3. If pride arises, it destroys the roots of virtue. Hence it is proper to remain free from self-important thoughts.

4. If one conforms too much to others’ expectations, not only will one fail to fulfill them, but one’s own purpose will deteriorate. Thus, it is proper to make firm decisions.

5. Since extreme disagreement with others cannot be sustained in the long run, it is proper to maintain one’s own way while associating with others.

6. Since it is the root of all secret mantra practice, it is proper to maintain the samaya correctly.

7. Since guru yoga is the root of all spiritual accomplishments, it is proper to exert effort in this practice.

8. Since obstacles arise when practicing Dharma correctly in these degenerate times, it is proper to perform practices related to ḍākinīs and dharma protectors.

This king among instructions, with its eight-point properness,
If practiced correctly with devotion and diligence, will ensure
That wherever one dwells, one’s own mind is a spiritual friend.
Make use of this precious human life to fulfill your aspirations.

As an object of devotion, here is a silver-adorned statue of Avalokiteśvara, made from the cremation relics of the Great Bodhisattva.[2] This was offered from Thubten Namgyal[3] on the tenth day of the fifth month in the year of the Dog. May it be virtuous!

| Translated by Lopön Sonam Jamtsho, 2024.


Source Text

bsod nams sengge. gsung 'bum bsod nams sengge, Dehra Dun: Sakya College, 1979, Vol. 13: 649–650.

Version: 1.0-20241022

  1. The original is untitled; this title has been added by the translator.  ↩

  2. Müchen Könchok Gyaltsen (1388–1469), an important teacher of Gorampa.  ↩

  3. This is the name of Gorampa’s monastery in Tanag in Tsang.  ↩

Gorampa Sonam Senge

Gorampa Sonam Senge

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