Concise Practice Instruction
A Concise Practice Instruction Requested by Lodrö Senge
by Chögyal Pakpa Lodrö Gyaltsen
Oṃ svasti siddhaṃ!
Homage to the Guru and Mañjughoṣa.
Constantly contemplate death.
This will avert attachment to this life.
Recall the faults of cyclic existence.
The mind’s longing for worldly goals will dissipate.
By cultivating loving kindness towards beings,
The pursuit of only one’s own interest will be averted.
Meditate on phenomena as emptiness.
This will banish grasping at characteristics.
Visualize your body as an exalted deity,
Thereby dispelling fixations on the ordinary.
Continuously recite sacred mantras.
This will cleanse obscurations of speech.
Cultivate the union of emptiness and compassion.
This will purify the mental defilements.
Venerate the guru at the crown of your head.
This will bring blessings and wisdom ever closer.
Consider how happiness is the kindness of the sources of refuge.
Even wealth thereby becomes a path to liberation.
Consider how torment purifies negative karma.
Even suffering thereby becomes a path.
Dedicate virtue for the benefit of others.
It thereby becomes an inexhaustible treasury.
This is a concise, accessible presentation
Of how to practice the profound.
Composed by Phakpa at glorious Sakya on the second day of the second month of the Female Fire Hare year,[1] at the urging of Lord Lodrö Senge.[2]
| Translated by Lopön Sonam Jamtsho, 2025.
Tibetan Edition
Sa chen Kun dga’ snying po and others. Sa skya bka’ ’bum, Dehra Dun: Sakya College, 1992, Vol. 15: 521–522.
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