The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Song of Practice

English | བོད་ཡིག

A Short Song of Practice

by Shabkar Tsokdruk Rangdrol

Namo Guru Mañjughoṣāya!

Dharmakāya Samantabhadra, sambhogakāya Vajradhara,
Supreme nirmāṇakāya, Lord of Sages, and the rest—
Along with those who turn the Dharma-wheel for all,
My teachers, direct and indirect—before you all, I prostrate.

Although I have nothing new to say, which hasn’t been said before
By the victorious buddhas and their spiritual offspring,
The learned and accomplished masters of India and Tibet,
I shall sing a little on what they have taught, so listen well!

Leisure and fortune are hard to find,[1] and death strikes quickly,[2]
Actions and their effects do not deceive,[3] and there’s no happiness in saṃsāra.[4]

I take refuge in the Three Jewels, the sources of protection,[5]
And generate love, compassion, and the mind of bodhicitta.[6]

Nectar cascades from Vajrasattva, seated upon my crown,
To purify my illnesses, demons, harmful influences, and obscurations.[7]

I offer my body, my estate, and whatever virtues I have amassed to the deities:
Kindly accept them and bestow your blessings and accomplishment.[8]

Root Guru, who is the embodiment of all sources of refuge,
I supplicate you: bless me, I pray![9]

Imagine and continually recall the Buddha,
Appearing very clearly in the space in front of you.[10]

The nature of mind is like space, primordially empty;
Rest in this empty cognizance without the slightest grasping.[11]

All that appears within the sky of mind is like a rainbow;
Understand the unity of appearance and emptiness to be illusory.[12]

Meditate upon your physical body as the form of the deity—appearing yet empty;
And your speech as the mantra to be recited—audible yet empty.[13]

Clearly visualize A and HAṂ within the three channels and the chakras,
And increase the blissful warmth by holding the vase-breath.[14]

From time to time, be diligent in purifying the different realms,

To conclude, seal your practice with prayers of dedication and aspiration.

If you are able to give up life’s distraction and practice in isolation
The leisure and fortune you have won will be made truly meaningful.

May this merit cause all my fortunate disciples
To practise the Dharma wholeheartedly.

May virtue and excellence abound. This is the blessed speech of the Lord of Refuge, Shabkar.

| Translated by Sean Price and Adam Pearcey, 2016.


Tibetan Edition

zhabs dkar ba tshogs drug rang grol. gsung ʼbum tshogs drug rang grol. 15 vols. New Delhi: Shechen Publications, 2003. Vol. 14: 55–56

Version: 1.3-20230223

  1. Contemplation of the preciousness of human life.  ↩

  2. Impermanence and death.  ↩

  3. Karma: cause and effect.  ↩

  4. The faults of cyclic existence.  ↩

  5. Refuge.  ↩

  6. Bodhicitta.  ↩

  7. The meditation upon and mantra recitation of Vajrasattva.  ↩

  8. Maṇḍala offering.  ↩

  9. Meditation of guru yoga and supplication of the master.  ↩

  10. Śamatha.  ↩

  11. The way of resting in vipaśyanā.  ↩

  12. The subsequent training in illusion.  ↩

  13. The generation phase.  ↩

  14. Tummo (gtum mo), the main part of the perfection phase.  ↩

Shabkar Tsokdruk Rangdrol

Shabkar Tsokdruk Rangdrol

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