In Praise of Three Great Lotsāwas
Adorning Expression
In Praise of the Three Great Translators
by Rongtön Sheja Künrig
Homage to the guru and supreme deity!
Renowned as Mañjughoṣa’s emanations
And masters of bilingual expression,
The three learned masters by the names of
Yeshé Dé,[1] Lü’i Gyaltsen[2] and Paltsek[3]
Were unique eyes for all the beings of Tibet.[4]
Proficient in all languages and educated to the highest degree,
They skilfully translated infinite Buddha Words and treatises,
And through perfectly gathering the two accumulations,
Mastered an infinite ocean of excellent teachings.
With precise insight developed in their minds
And loving care towards all beings,
They dispelled the darkness of confusion in Tibet,
And as beacons to the world, were fearless and confident.
To these all-conquering masters of communication,
Triumphant splendours of the Sage’s tradition,
A trio of glorious ones proficient in two languages—
With a supremely devoted mind, I offer praise.
Through whatever virtue this might bring,
May we become supreme masters of expression.
The great Rongtön composed this at Pal Nālendra.
| Translated by Adam Pearcey, 2022.
Tibetan Edition
shes bya kun rig. gsung 'bum/ shes bya kun rig. skye dgu mdo: gangs ljongs rig rgyan gsung rab par khang, 2004. (BDRC W28942). (BDRC W1PD83960). Volume 1: 40–41.
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