Tantra of Self-Emergent Awareness
The Tantra of Self-Emergent Awareness
from the Khandro Nyingtik
In the genuine secret language: mamakoliṃ samanta
In the language of Tibet: rang byung rig pa’i rgyud
In the English language: The Tantra of Self-Emergent Awareness
Homage to the self-emergent and uninterrupted!
The teacher, Samantabhadra and consort,
Taught the Tantra of Self-Emergent Awareness:
"Ema! Retinue of self-awareness, listen.
Actual self-emergent wisdom, singular and all-embracing,
Naturally arisen, relaxed, free of rigid notions or ideas—
When this is free from all grasping at extremes,
All the phenomena of saṃsāra and nirvāṇa
Are released in the expanse of self-emergent rigpa's expression.
That which brings buddhahood through liberation upon wearing
Has not emerged, does not emerge and will not emerge.
It is self-emergent from rigpa's Ever Excellent expanse."
This concludes the Tantra of Self-Emergent Awareness.
It bears the seal of enlightened body, the seal of enlightenment speech, and the seal of enlightened mind. May it meet with the destined one in future!
Gya. Gya. Gya.
| Translated by Adam Pearcey with the generous support of the Tsadra Foundation, 2025.
Tibetan Editions
"rang byung rig pa’i rgyud" In snying thig ya bzhi. 13 vols. Delhi: Sherab Gyaltsen Lama, 1975. Vol. 10: 20
"btags grol rgyud drug" In rin chen gter mdzod. New Delhi: Shechen Publications, 2007. Vol. 42: 328
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