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ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Tantra of the Great Consummate Fruition

English | བོད་ཡིག

The Tantra of the Great Consummate Fruition

from the Khandro Nyingtik

In the language of India: […]
In the language of Tibet: 'bras bu yongs rdzogs chen po’i rgyud
In the English language: The Tantra of the Great Consummate Fruition

Homage to the self-emergent and self-arisen.

Thus have I taught. At one time, in a place beyond high and low, outside and inside, the teacher Samantabhadra addressed the teacher Vajrasattva in the spontaneous language of Ati:

"Ema! Retain this, great fortunate one. This is the great spontaneously emergent.

"ema kiri kiri | mastabhali bhali | samita suru suru | kundhali masu masu | ekarili subhastaye | tsaki rangjung bhuyitalikota | cheyasamunta | tsatya sughabiteye | bhitasana byangghuli | kesa kera dhukana | mahā taribetane | phabrasrali hila | hasina | sambhudrata | megatsarataba | sutyabhatrasa | ayebashanayaba | ranbhetisa | gulitayatha | ghura ghura paga | nara nara ithara | bhuddha bhuddha chi | shasa kyelam | sara riri lakhye | satra lasirsga | bhesa bhesa raspalam | i i mama rārā a oṃ āḥ hūṃ."

This is the enlightened intention of Samantabhadra.

Then the great mother Samantabhadrī expressed her self-emergent enlightened intention.

"oṃ āh hūṃ | ema kiri kiri smastabhali bāli | samita suru suru | kuntali masu masu | ikarili bhaye | tsakirabhulita | cheye samunta | tsatya sughabhiti | sanabhaya ghuye | keri dhakeri | dhahaka mahāribi | hana pari lihi | panamakha ratakshe lana | sambhudarata mekatsara tama | dhapa surya ghatara | mashana sarabhihi | tisa ghurala | masmisya ghutilata | yaghu raghura | langa khakalarana | lampa | ithara patalam | sirna bhesara lasa gelam | masa sāriri lili imama rārā."

This is the self-emergent enlightened intention of the mother, Samantabhadrī.

Then the male and female deities embraced in non-dual union. They spoke the following with a single intention.

"To symbolise the perfection of all enlightened qualities, twenty-five mantras are taught.
To prevent attachment to the sensory faculties: karma rakṣa ghihaṃti
To prevent attachment to the aggregates: bhegarana so gad gling
To prevent attachment to all sensory objects: puṣṭarila bhadhutri
To let go of mental entities: rampakala samikhye
To cut through impressions: mata pharphar sasmita
To recognise apparent collections: thakaṭarekṣasa mig rlung
To enter the stronghold of awareness: akherana bhetsagsha
The eliminate the continuum of delusion at its source: sangrimuta sanguli
To liberate the six classes of beings sequentially: yasing stung pa samaya
To empty saṃsāra from its very depths: mamakoli samanta
To topple phenomenal reality: ghari yamparam mati
To let go of the source of the display:[1] bugasingha phanghala
To cut the chain of attachment: ramipisikhatapa
To focus on the chain formations: tsigpa khunlapatamni
To view the mudrā of the deity: samanyi khadheraba
To purify mistaken views and meditations: vajrasatva tritome
To reach stages and paths simultaneously: ghebhayu gharnam maye
To eradicate views speculative views: dharmapati sighuli
To adopt the three kāyas as the path: rama sama gagad potshe
To cause the visions to appear directly: rupa sami mitalam
To end attachment to sound: ngatingpala yangkilis
To master the level of great concentration: ghatsapala atamsa
To extend enlightened activity to its limits: karma eka anupa
To prevent attachment to buddhahood: sangtri mama karmata
To master the bhūmis of the victors’ heirs: ngala ngepa kilisa"

This is the ever excellent enlightened intention of the male and female deities in non-dual union.

Thus concludes the Tantra of the Great Consummate Fruition.

Gya. Gya. Gya. Samaya. Let it be virtuous! Ithi.

| Translated by Adam Pearcey with the generous support of the Tsadra Foundation, 2025.


Tibetan Editions

"'bras bu yongs rdzogs chen po’i rgyud" In snying thig ya bzhi. 13 vols. Delhi: Sherab Gyaltsen Lama, 1975. Vol. 10: 21–25

"btags grol rgyud drug" In rin chen gter mdzod. New Delhi: Shechen Publications, 2007. Vol. 42: 328–331

Secondary Sources

Gyurme Dorje (trans.) The Tibetan Book of the Dead. Edited by Graham Coleman and Thupten Jinpa. London: Penguin, 2005.

Version: 1.0-20250321

  1. Reading ro yi as rol pa’i  ↩

Pema Ledrel Tsal

Pema Ledrel Tsal

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