Singular Knowledge That Brings Universal Freedom
Tantra of the Singular Knowledge That Brings Universal Freedom
from the Khandro Nyingtik
In the language of buddha ḍākinīs: ekaduparadhesha aka
In the language of Tibet: gcig shes kun grol gyi rgyud
In the English language: Tantra of the Singular Knowledge That Brings Universal Freedom
Homage to the space of tila, free from limitations.
The teacher, Samantabhadra and consort,
Spoke from the sole, all-embracing expanse:
"Retinue of rigpa’s unobstructed glow, listen.
This sole, all-embracing tila, empty and clear,
Is the root of all saṃsāra and nirvāṇa.
If you realize self-emerging wisdom,
You know one thing yet master all.
Perfect oneness and fivefold wisdom radiance:
The 84000 gateways to Dharma and so on,
All the various stages, paths and vehicles,
Derive from the single source of the tila.
All the 84000 elements of the teachings,
The three classes and three stages are included within Ati.
Ati itself has outer, inner and secret cycles,
As well as the most secret, unsurpassed.
Knowing one brings full mastery of all.
All the tantras that are to be understood—
View, conduct, samādhis and empowerments,
Samaya, maṇḍalas, deities, offerings, mantras,
Activity, experience, realization, stages and levels of the path,
All the phenomena of ground, path and fruition—
When gaining realization within the sole, all-embracing expanse,
There is mastery of all these elements of the tantras
And freedom within the tila expanse, one and all-encompassing.
Keeping hold of this and realizing its meaning
Brings the singular knowledge that entails universal freedom.
Even merely coming into contact with this
Will lead one to the All-Perfect space of great bliss."
This concludes the Tantra of the Singular Knowledge That Brings Universal Freedom, a concentrated drop, the heart’s essence, which arose spontaneously from the sole, all-embracing tila expanse of dharmakāya.
It bears the seal of enlightened body, the seal of enlightenment speech, and the seal of enlightened mind.
Samaya. Gya. Gya. Gya. May virtue abound!
| Translated by Adam Pearcey with the generous support of the Tsadra Foundation, 2025.
Tibetan Editions
"gcig shes kun grol gyi rgyud" In snying thig ya bzhi. 13 vols. Delhi: Sherab Gyaltsen Lama, 1975. Vol. 10: 17–19
"btags grol rgyud drug" In rin chen gter mdzod. New Delhi: Shechen Publications, 2007. Vol. 42: 325–326
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