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ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Eradicating Downfalls

English | 中文 | བོད་ཡིག

༄༅། །བཀའ་གསང་ཟབ་ཆོས་མཁའ་ཁྱབ་རང་གྲོལ་ལས༔ སྐད་ཅིག་གཅིག་གིས་རྫོགས་སངས་རྒྱས་པའི་མྱུར་ལམ་སངས་རྒྱས་ཀྱི་མཚན་བརྗོད་ཉེས་ལྟུང་དྲུང་ནས་འབྱིན་པ༔

Eradicating Downfalls by Reciting the Names of the Buddhas

The Swift Path to Complete Awakening in a Single Instant

from the Profound Secret Teachings of The All-Pervasive Self-Liberation (Khakhyab Rangdrol)

revealed by Nyala Pema Düdül



For the Recitation of the Names of the Buddhas: The Swift Path to Complete Awakening in a Single Instant, proceed as follows:


khakhyab semchen tamché kyi döndu gyüpa guden gyi lama nam dang yidam gyüdé zhi druk gi kyilkhor lhatsok nam dang magyü khandro gyatsö tsok la chaktsal zhing kyab su chi o

Gurus with ninefold lineage,1 yidams and mandala deities of the four and six tantric classes, and ocean-like gatherings of ḍākinīs from the yogini tantras, for the benefit of all beings throughout the whole of space, I pay homage to you! I take refuge in you!


If the benefit of reciting this only once were to assume form, it could not be contained within the entirety of space.


chomdendé dezhin shekpa drachompa yangdakpar dzokpé sangye nampar zik dang tsuktor chen dang tamché kyob dang khorwa jik dang sertub dang ösung dang shakya tubpa lasok té kalzang sangye tong gi yabyum sé khor dang chepa nam la chaktsal zhing kyab su chi o

Blessed, thus-gone, worthy, complete and perfect Buddhas Vipaśyin, Śikhin, Viśvabhū, Krakucchandra, Kanakamuni, Kāśyapa, and Śākyamuni—the thousand male and female buddhas of the Excellent Aeon together with your retinue and heirs, to you I pay homage; in you I take refuge!2


By reciting this once, you will become one with the wisdom hearts of these buddhas. Moreover, it is equivalent to reciting the entire eighty-four thousand collections of Dharma.


dezhin shekpa nampar tsekpa jewa trak gyé ganggé lung gi jema nyé kyi drang dang nyampa nam la chaktsal lo

Homage to the thus-gone, worthy, complete and perfect the complete and perfect buddhas who are equal in number to stacked grains of sand in one hundred million Ganges rivers!


Reciting this once is the same as reciting The Great Collected Words of the Victorious Buddha.


dezhin shekpa ngöndzok tönpa chunyi la chaktsal lo

Homage to the twelve tathāgatas, the supreme and completely perfect teachers.3


Reciting this once will purify the obscurations accumulated in ten thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand, forty thousand, fifty thousand, sixty thousand, seventy thousand, eighty thousand, ninety thousand, a hundred thousand, a hundred and ten thousand, or a hundred and twenty thousand aeons.


dezhin shekpa ting ngé dzin nyimé kyilkhor nangwa dampé pal la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgata Glorious Samādhi of the Radiant Sun Aura.


Reciting this once will illuminate the darkness of all beings for seventy thousand aeons.


dewar shekpa yenlak lama dang nyi ö dang talé gyalpo ngönpar pakpé pal la chaktsal lo

Homage to the sugatas Unsurpassed Qualities, Rays of the Sun, and Glorious Supreme Tala King.

འདི་ལན་གཅིག་བརྗོད་པས་སེམས་ཅན་གྱི་ཡན་ལག་བཅད་པ་དང༌། སྲོག་བཅད་པ་དང༌། ཤ་ཟོས་པའི་སྒྲིབ་པ་འདག་གོ༔

Reciting this once will purify the obscurations of having severed the limbs of beings, of having taken lives, and eaten meat.


dewar shekpa nangwé pal dang drimé tayé la chaktsal lo

Homage to the sugatas Glorious Radiance, and Infinite Purity.


Reciting this once will purify the obscurations caused by taking what is not given throughout all past lives.


dezhin shekpa da ö dang da tar kar dang ziji ngepar nampar nönpa la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Moonlight, White Like the Moon, and Heroic Splendour.


Reciting this once will purify the obscurations of having had many partners and engaged in sexual misconduct.


dezhin shekpa dewa tob dang drima mepé ö la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Strength of Happiness, and Stainless Light.


Reciting this once will purify the obscurations of having broken vows under the influence of desire.


dezhin shekpa nampar gyal dang nampar gyalwé yang la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Completely Victorious and Melody of the Victors.


Reciting this once will purify the obscurations created by engaging in the ten non-virtues.


dezhin shekpa dawé drönma dang nampar gyalwé nga dang rinchen da ö kyabné dampa ngadré gyalpo la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Moon-like Lantern; Victorious Lord; and Jewel Moonlight, Noble Refuge, King of the Drumbeat.


Reciting this once will purify the obscurations of the four heavy downfalls.


dezhin shekpa öpakmé nangwa dang küntu pö dang pö kyi gyalpo dang metok la wangwé tob kyi gyalpo la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Boundless Light, Universal Fragrance, King of Fragrance, and Mighty Ruler of Flowers.


This will purify the obscurations of not having kept your discipline, of your vinaya discipline being corrupted, bodhicitta having degenerated, and keeping incorrect discipline.


dezhin shekpa tsangpé wangchuk gi gyalpo dang pö ö tang dang rinchen mé ö rabtu salwa la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Powerful Lord Brahmā, Delightful Fragrance, and Brilliant King of Jewels.


Reciting this once will purify the obscurations of having stolen the property of saṅghas from any locality, consumed the sangha’s property, and denigrated the sangha.


dezhin shekpa ser ö dampa dang ser tarnangwa dang ö chenpo tsemepa la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Golden Light, Golden Lustre, and Boundless Light.


Reciting this once will purify the obscurations of having consumed offerings made on behalf of the Buddha’s teachings, for stūpas, and for the sake of the ten virtues.


dezhin shekpa drimé ösal gyal dang mé ö dang pö kyi pal la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas King of Stainless Light, Light of Fire, and Glorious Fragrance.


Reciting this once will purify the obscurations of having appropriated offerings made for incense or for Secret Mantra, and offerings meant for the Guru.


dezhin shekpa rinchen gyalwé dzö dang rinchen gyaltsen la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Royal Treasure of Jewels, and Precious Victory Banner.


Reciting this once will purify the obscurations of having ridden pack horses. You will also hereby attain immeasurable merit.


dezhin shekpa rinchen jungwa dang metok gi köpa nangwar dzepa zhepa la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Jewel Mine, and Brilliant Array of Flowers.


By reciting this once, for hundreds of thousands of aeons—an inconceivable period of time—you will be free of obstacles to generating bodhicitta and accomplishing awakening.


dezhin shekpa gyalwa gyatsö tsok dang chepa nam la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgata King with an Ocean-Like Retinue.


Reciting this once will purify the obscurations of having broken secret mantra samayas.


dezhin shekpa tuchen tsöndrü kyi ngepar jungwa la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgata Renunciant of Diligent Strength.


Reciting this once is the same as reading the Collection of Sutras.


dezhin shekpa dorjé pawo tenpa zhiwa dulwa parol gyi tob rabtu jompa la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgata Firm, Peaceful, Gentle and Powerful Vajra Hero, Transcendent Conqueror.


Reciting this once is the same as reading the Three Collections of Scriptures.


dezhin shekpa rirab nampar nönpa dang rinchen nangwé chörten la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Heroic King of Mountains, and Stupa of Jewel-Like Radiance.


Reciting this once will purify the obscurations of having been overcome by the five poisons. It will also ensure that you are never parted from the buddhas throughout all your lifetimes.


dezhin shekpa nyingpo zil gyi nönpa dang rinpoche duk dampa la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Single Essence that Overpowers All and Noble Umbrella of Jewels.


By reciting this once you will be embraced by the buddhas’ compassion until the aeon of Complete Purification.


dezhin shekpa chimé tsepakmé gön tsé yi bumpa dzinpa nam dang ma chak pemé chenchen la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Holders of the Vase of Longevity of the Deathless Protector Amitāyus, and Desireless Lotus Eyes.


By reciting this once you will be freed from death and reborn in the Heaven of the Thirty-Three.


dezhin shekpa rinchen metok küntu nangwé pal dang sengé yang dang nampar trulpé pal dang langpo dampé pal la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Glorious Jewel Flower, Strength of Power; Song of the Lion; Glorious Emanation, and Glorious Noble Elephant.


By reciting this once, the obscurations accumulated over a million or uncountable, inconceivable aeons will be purified.


dezhin shekpa duk dampé pal dang pemö pal dang gawé pal dang rinchen dampa la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Glorious Noble Umbrella, Glorious Lotus, Glorious Goodness, and Sacred Jewel.


By reciting this once, the obscurations of a hundred thousand, many, or countless aeons will be purified.


dezhin shekpa rinchen özer dawé gyenpa khepa ziji drayang kyi gyalpo la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgata Jewel-like Moonlight which Adorns the Wise, King of Eminent Melodies.


If you recite this, you will be reborn as the universal monarch of a thousand-fold realm.


dezhin shekpa chö tamché kyi tsul lé nampar trulpa ngepar selwa ziji jungwé gyalpo la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgata Mighty King Who Clears Away the Delusory Appearances of All Phenomena.


If you recite this, you will become awakened in a single lifetime and body.


dezhin shekpa dawé kyilkhor nampar dakpa la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgata Stainless Moon.


If you recite this, you will swiftly reach awakening.


dezhin shekpa ting ngé dzin nampar nönpé pal dang dangpö semkyé tetsom chö dzé dang gönpo mitrukpa la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Glorious Heroic Samādhi, Clearing all Doubts for First Rousing Bodhicitta, and Imperturbable Protector.


If you recite this, your misdeeds and obscurations from now until awakening will be purified, and the door for taking rebirth in the three lower realms will be closed. You will attain genuine, complete awakening and be miraculously reborn within a lotus in Akṣobhya’s pure realm.


dezhin shekpa gönpo öpakmé dang özer künné pakpé pal tsek gyalpo dang rabtu tenpé yönten norbu tsekpé gyalpo la chaktsal lo

Homage to the tathāgatas Protector Amitābha, King of Massive Splendour, and King of Heaps of Jewel-Like Steadfast Qualities.4


By reciting this once, without a doubt, you will be reborn in Sukhāvatī from now on for 600 million or 9,600,000 aeons, in short for aeons as countless as the grains of sand on the banks of the River Ganges.


ཞེས་པ་འདི་ནི་གྲུབ་ཆེན་འཇའ་ལུས་པ་ཆེན་པོ་པདྨ་བདུད་འདུལ་རྡོ་རྗེའི་གསུང་བྱིན་རླབས་ཅན་ནོ། །

This is the blessed vajra-speech of Pema Düdül, the mahāsiddha who attained the great rainbow body.


| Samye Translations (trans. Laura Swan and Stefan Mang), 2020. First published on Lotsawa House, 2022.


Source: Nyag bla padma bdud ʼdul. "skad cig gcig gis rdzogs sangs rgyas pa'i myur lam sangs rgyas kyi mtshan brjod" In Nyag bla padma bdud ʼdul gyi gter chos skor. 5 vols. (BDRC W23695). Vol. 1: 375–382


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  1. The nine types of transmission within the Nyingma tradition: 1) the mind-direct transmission of the victorious ones (rgyal ba dgongs), 2) the sign transmission of the vidyādharas (rig 'dzin brda), 3) the aural transmission of realized beings (gang zag snyan), 4) the ḍākinī’s seal of entrustment lineage (mkha' 'gro gtad rgya), 5) transmission empowered by aspiration (smon lam dbang bskur), 6) prophetically declared succession (bka' bab lung bstan), 7) the transmission of yoga siddhis (dngos grub rnal ’byor), 8) the transmission of blessed samaya substances (byin rlabs dam rdzas), and 9) the literary transmission of yellow scrolls (tshig brgyud shog ser). While 1)-3) remain constant, listings of the following six lineages vary. Following Dan Martin, this list is drawn from Khyenrab Gyatso (mkhyen rab rgya mtsho) 1557 (1981) 256.4.
  2. These are the names of the seven successive buddhas (sangs rgyas rabs bdun) invoked in The Auspicious Verses of the Seven Successive Buddhas (Toh. 821, sangs rgyas rabs bdun gyi bkra shis kyi tshigs su bcad pa).
  3. These are the twelve founding teachers (ston pa bcu gnyis) of the Great Perfection (rdzogs chen).
  4. This verse appears to invoke Buddha Amitābha along with his two bodhisattva heirs, namely Avalokiteśvara and Mahā­sthāma­prāpta (mthu chen thob), that will eventually become Amitābha’s successors in the realm of Sukhāvatī. King of Massive Splendour seems to refers to Samanta­raśmyabhyudgata­śrī­kūta­rāja (’od zer kun nas ’phags pa’i dpal brtsegs rgyal po), the name that Avalokiteśvara will have when he becomes a buddha in the pure realm of Sukhāvatī. King of Heaps of Jewel-Like Steadfast Qualities (rab tu brtan pa'i yon tan nor bu brtsegs pa'i rgyal po) likely refers to Supra­tiṣṭhita­guṇa­maṇi­kūṭa­rāja (yon tan shin tu gnas pa nor bu brtsegs pa’i rgyal po), the name that the bodhisattva Mahā­sthāma­prāpta will have when he becomes a buddha. (In Tibetan Buddhism Mahā­sthāma­prāpta is identified with Vajrapāṇi). For more information, see: Toh 130 The Illusory Absorption (sgyu ma lta bu’i ting nge ’dzin), published on 84000.
Nyala Pema Dündul

Nyala Pema Dündul

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