The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

The Vase of Immortal Life

English | བོད་ཡིག

འུྃ༔ ཀློང་ཆེན་སྙིང་གི་ཐིག་ལེ་ལས༔ རིག་འཛིན་ཚེ་སྒྲུབ་བདུད་རྩིའི་བུམ་བཅུད་བཞུགས༔

The Vase of Immortal Life

The Long-Life Practice of the Vidyādharas, from the Heart-Essence of the Vast Expanse

by Jigme Lingpa


འུྃ༔ འཆི་མེད་རིག་འཛིན་ལྷ་ལ་འདུད༔

Homage to the vidyādharas of immortality!

ཚེ་སྒྲུབ་བདུད་རྩི་བུམ་བཅུད་བསྟན༔ དབེན་པའི་གནས་སུ་སྟེགས་བུའི་ཁར༔ རྡུལ་ཚོན་རས་ཚོམ་སྐབས་སྦྱར་གྱི༔ དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་དབུས་སུ་ལྡིང་ཁྲིའི་ཁར༔ ཚེ་བུམ་དབུས་ལ་ཚེ་རིལ་གཡས༔ ཚེ་མདའ་རྒྱབ་ལ་ཚེ་ཆང་གཡོན༔ ཚེ་གཏོར་མདུན་བཤམ་མཆོད་པས་བསྐོར༔ བདག་དང་སྒྲུབ་རྟེན་དབྱེར་མེད་དུ༔ རིག་འཛིན་འདུས་པའི་ལས་གཞུང་བསྲང་༔ བསྟོད་པའི་མཇུག་ཏུ་འཛབ་ཁང་དབྱེ༔

Here is explained the long-life practice of ‘The Vase of Immortal Life’. In an isolated place, arrange on the shrine a maṇḍala of coloured sand, or a painting, or heaps of rice, depending on your circumstances. In the centre, on a raised platform, place the longevity vase in the middle, the long-life pills on the right, the long-life arrow behind, the long-life alcohol on the left, and the long-life torma in front, with the offerings all around them. Imagine yourself and the deities1 as indivisible, and follow the Gathering of Vidyādharas2 activity text through till the end of the section Offering Praise. Then open up the recitation palace.3

ཧྲཱིཿ ཚེ་དབང་རིག་འཛིན་པདྨ་འབྱུང་༔

hrih, tsewang rigdzin pema jung

Hrīḥ. I am Padmākara, the vidyādhara with power over life


nangsi zilnön tukka ru

Who has control over all appearance and existence.


chomden gönpo tsepakmé

At my heart is Lord Amitāyus, Buddha of Limitless Life,


mar sal longku yum dang jor

Brilliant red, in saṃbhogakāya form, in union with his consort,


pema ragé bumpa dzin

Holding a lotus vase made of ruby.


tukkar nyidé ga ü nang

At his heart, within an amulet of sun and moon, stands


sok gi nyingpo yigé hrih

The vital heart essence, the syllable hrīḥ.


tamar ngak kyi trengwé kor

Around it stretches the mantra garland, from which


özer tröpé tenyö chü

Rays of lights stream out and gather in


gyalwa rigdzin drangsong gi

The vital force and energy of the inanimate and animate universe,


tsechü dü la chü du dril

And the essence of longevity of all buddhas, vidyādharas, and sages,4


bapü buga tsünchö kyang

Concentrating it all into one vital elixir.5


tsepakmépé tim gyi gang

Even the pores of my body are filled with Amitāyuses,


kün kyang bungwa tsang zhik tar

Every one of them reverberating sweetly, like swarming bees,


hrih dra jam la nyenpar drok

With the soft, low sound of hrīḥ:


chimé rigdzin drubpar gyur

I accomplish the state of vidyādhara of immortality.

ངག་ཏུ་བརྗོད་ཅིང་ཡིད་ལ་བསམ༔ འཇམ་རླུང་བུམ་པ་ཅན་དང་སྦྲགས༔

Imagine this as clearly as you can as you recite it. Then maintain the ‘gentle breath’ vase practice while reciting:


om ah hung benza maha guru ayurjnana maha punyé tsé droom nri dza sarva siddhi hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra-mahā-guru ayur-jñāna-mahā-punye tsé bhrūṃ nṛ jaḥ sarva-siddhi hūṃ

The Summoning of Long Life6

ཐུན་མཚམས་རིག་འཛིན་ཚེ་འགུགས་ནི༔ མདའ་དར་ཚད་བཞག་གདུང་ཤུགས་བསྐྱེད༔

The end of the session is the time for “summoning the long life of the vidyādharas”. Measure the length of the long-life arrow,7 and then, with great feeling, chant:

ཨོཾ༔ རང་སྣང་ཟངས་མདོག་དཔལ་གྱི་རི༔

om, rangnang zangdok pal gyi ri

Oṃ. My entire perception is the Glorious Copper-Coloured Mountain,


ngaden rangjung podrang né

Where the palace, with its five certainties, appears of its own accord.


chomden gönpo tsepakmé

From there, Buddha Amitāyus, Lord of Limitless Life,


jalü rigdzin tsok dangché

Along with your gathering of vidyādharas, all in the rainbow body,


tukdam kul lo ying né zheng

I invoke you! Arise from within the expanse of space!


chimé namkhé chü dü la

Gather the vital energy of deathless space,


namshé kham né yarwé tsé

And when the element consciousness flies away,


yingchuk rigpé long du kyil

Enclose it in the expanse of awareness8 that is Dhātvīśvarī.



gyurmé sok gi kawa tsuk

Set firm the pillar of my unchanging life-force;


tsé da di la tsé chik tön

Show me a sign in the length of this arrow of longevity;


drubdzé chimé dütsir gyur

Transform the sādhana substances into the nectar of immortality;


kyechi mepé ngödrub tsol

Grant me the attainment which is free from birth and death!


Recite the root mantra.


om ah hung benza maha guru ayurjnana maha punyé tsé droom nri dza sarva siddhi hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra-mahā-guru ayur-jñāna-mahā-punye tsé bhrūṃ nṛ jaḥ sarva-siddhi hūṃ


ཧཱུྃ༔ ཤར་ནས་རིག་འཛིན་ཧཱུྃ་ཀ་ར༔

hung, shar né rigdzin hungkara

Hūṃ. From the east, vidyādhara Hūṃkara,


yangdak tuk kyi long né zheng

Arise from the expanse of Yangdak Heruka, Wisdom Mind!


jungwa chu yi chü dü la

Gather the vital energy of the element water,


trak gi kham né yarwé tsé

And when the element of blood rushes away,


mamaki yi long du kyil

Enclose it in the expanse of Mamakī!



gyurmé sok gi kawa tsuk

Set firm the pillar of my unchanging life-force;


tsé da di la tsé chik tön

Show me a sign in the length of this arrow of longevity;


drubdzé chimé dütsir gyur

Transform the sādhana substances into the nectar of immortality;


kyechi mepé ngödrub tsol

Grant me the attainment which is free from birth and death!


Recite the root mantra.


om ah hung benza maha guru ayurjnana maha punyé tsé droom nri dza sarva siddhi hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra-mahā-guru ayur-jñāna-mahā-punye tsé bhrūṃ nṛ jaḥ sarva-siddhi hūṃ


ཏྲཱཾ༔ ལྷོ་ནས་རིག་འཛིན་མཉྫུ་ཤྲཱི༔

tram, lho né rigdzin manjushri

Trāṃ. From the south, vidyādhara Mañjuśrīmitra,


jampal ku yi long né zheng

Arise from the expanse of Mañjuśrī, Wisdom Body!


jungwa sa yi chü dü la

Gather the vital energy of the element earth,


sha yi kham né yarwé tsé

And when the element of flesh slips away,


sangye chenmé long du kyil

Enclose it in the expanse of Buddhalocanā!



gyurmé sok gi kawa tsuk

Set firm the pillar of my unchanging life-force;


tsé da di la tsé chik tön

Show me a sign in the length of this arrow of longevity;


drubdzé chimé dütsir gyur

Transform the sādhana substances into the nectar of immortality;


kyechi mepé ngödrub tsol

Grant me the attainment which is free from birth and death!


Recite the root mantra.


om ah hung benza maha guru ayurjnana maha punyé tsé droom nri dza sarva siddhi hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra-mahā-guru ayur-jñāna-mahā-punye tsé bhrūṃ nṛ jaḥ sarva-siddhi hūṃ


ཧྲཱིཿ ནུབ་ནས་རིག་འཛིན་ནཱ་གརྫུ༔

hrih, nub né rigdzin nagarju

Hrīḥ. From the west, vidyādhara Nāgārjuna,


pema sung gi long né zheng

Arise from the expanse of Hayagrīva, Lotus Speech!


jungwa mé yi chü dü la

Gather the vital energy of the element fire,


drö kyi kham né yarwé tsé

And when the element of heat withdraws,


gökarmo yi long du kyil

Enclose it in the expanse of Pāṇḍarāvasinī!



gyurmé sok gi kawa tsuk

Set firm the pillar of my unchanging life-force;


tsé da di la tsé chik tön

Show me a sign in the length of this arrow of longevity;


drubdzé chimé dütsir gyur

Transform the sādhana substances into the nectar of immortality;


kyechi mepé ngödrub tsol

Grant me the attainment which is free from birth and death!


Recite the root mantra.


om ah hung benza maha guru ayurjnana maha punyé tsé droom nri dza sarva siddhi hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra-mahā-guru ayur-jñāna-mahā-punye tsé bhrūṃ nṛ jaḥ sarva-siddhi hūṃ


ཨཱཿ བྱང་ནས་རིག་འཛིན་པྲ་བྷ་ཧ༔

ah, jang né rigdzin prabhaha

Āḥ. From the north, vidyādhara Prabhāhasti,


trinlé purwé long né zheng

Arise from the expanse of Kīlaya, Enlightened Activity!


jungwa lung gi chü dü la

Gather the vital energy of the element air,


uk kyi kham né yarwé tsé

And when the element of breath is diffused,


damtsik drolmé long du kyil

Enclose it in the expanse of Samayatārā!



gyurmé sok gi kawa tsuk

Set firm the pillar of my unchanging life-force;


tsé da di la tsé chik tön

Show me a sign in the length of this arrow of longevity;


drubdzé chimé dütsir gyur

Transform the sādhana substances into the nectar of immortality;


kyechi mepé ngödrub tsol

Grant me the attainment which is free from birth and death!


Recite the root mantra.


om ah hung benza maha guru ayurjnana maha punyé tsé droom nri dza sarva siddhi hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra-mahā-guru ayur-jñāna-mahā-punye tsé bhrūṃ nṛ jaḥ sarva-siddhi hūṃ


ཛཿ ཤར་ལྷོ་རིག་འཛིན་དྷ་ན་སཾ༔

dza, sharlho rigdzin dhanasam

Jaḥ. From the southeast, vidyādhara Dhanasamskṛta,


bötong zilnön tulzhuk kyé

Arouse the subjugating activity of Bötong—‘Calling and Dispatching’.


longgyur yeshe chakkyu yi

With the hook of the primordial wisdom of the expanse of space,


khyam dang yarwé la tsé khuk

Summon back my wandering and departing vitality and life!



gyurmé sok gi kawa tsuk

Set firm the pillar of my unchanging life-force;


tsé da di la tsé chik tön

Show me a sign in the length of this arrow of longevity;


drubdzé chimé dütsir gyur

Transform the sādhana substances into the nectar of immortality;


kyechi mepé ngödrub tsol

Grant me the attainment which is free from birth and death!


Recite the root mantra.


om ah hung benza maha guru ayurjnana maha punyé tsé droom nri dza sarva siddhi hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra-mahā-guru ayur-jñāna-mahā-punye tsé bhrūṃ nṛ jaḥ sarva-siddhi hūṃ


ཧཱུྃ༔ ལྷོ་ནུབ་རིག་འཛིན་བི་མ་ལ༔

hung, lhonub rigdzin bimala

Hūṃ. From the southwest, vidyādhara Vimalamitra,


tsé la wangwé tulzhuk kyé

Arouse the activity of control over our life-span.


daka yeshe zhakpa yi

With the lasso of the primordial wisdom of the moment of passing,


torwa khuk la zepa sing

Summon back my life when scattered, prolong it when it wanes,



gyurmé sok gi kawa tsuk

Set firm the pillar of my unchanging life-force;


tsé da di la tsé chik tön

Show me a sign in the length of this arrow of longevity;


drubdzé chimé dütsir gyur

Transform the sādhana substances into the nectar of immortality;


kyechi mepé ngödrub tsol

Grant me the attainment which is free from birth and death!


Recite the root mantra.


om ah hung benza maha guru ayurjnana maha punyé tsé droom nri dza sarva siddhi hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra-mahā-guru ayur-jñāna-mahā-punye tsé bhrūṃ nṛ jaḥ sarva-siddhi hūṃ


བཾ༔ ནུབ་བྱང་རིག་འཛིན་རོམ་བུ་གུ༔

bam, nubjang rigdzin rombugu

Vaṃ. From the northwest, vidyādhara Rombuguhya,


drekpa zilnön tulzhuk kyé

Arouse the activity of Subjugating the Arrogant Ones.


ying drol yeshe chakdrok gi

With the chain of the primordial wisdom that liberates into space,


lha dré küpé la tse sok

Seize back our vitality and life stolen by gods and spirits!



gyurmé sok gi kawa tsuk

Set firm the pillar of my unchanging life-force;


tsé da di la tsé chik tön

Show me a sign in the length of this arrow of longevity;


drubdzé chimé dütsir gyur

Transform the sādhana substances into the nectar of immortality;


kyechi mepé ngödrub tsol

Grant me the attainment which is free from birth and death!


Recite the root mantra.


om ah hung benza maha guru ayurjnana maha punyé tsé droom nri dza sarva siddhi hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra-mahā-guru ayur-jñāna-mahā-punye tsé bhrūṃ nṛ jaḥ sarva-siddhi hūṃ


ཧོ༔ བྱང་ཤར་རིག་འཛིན་ཤཱནྟིཾ་གྷར༔

ho, jangshar rigdzin shanting ghar

Hoḥ. From the northeast, vidyādhara Śāntigarbha,


ngönchö möpé tulzhuk kyé

Arouse the wrathful activity of Möpa Drakngak—‘Maledictory Fierce Mantra’.


ta drol yeshe drilbu yi

With the bell of the primordial wisdom that liberates from extremes,


jé du chukpé la tsé dü

Gather back and free my vitality and life from curses and spells!



gyurmé sok gi kawa tsuk

Set firm the pillar of my unchanging life-force;


tsé da di la tsé chik tön

Show me a sign in the length of this arrow of longevity;


drubdzé chimé dütsir gyur

Transform the sādhana substances into the nectar of immortality;


kyechi mepé ngödrub tsol

Grant me the attainment which is free from birth and death!


Recite the root mantra.


om ah hung benza maha guru ayurjnana maha punyé tsé droom nri dza sarva siddhi hung

oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra-mahā-guru ayur-jñāna-mahā-punye tsé bhrūṃ nṛ jaḥ sarva-siddhi hūṃ

ཞེས་བཀུགས་ཚེ་པྲ་བརྟགས་པའི་རྗེས༔ རྒྱས་གདབ་ཚེ་མདའ་དྲང་པོར་བསྲང་༔

In this way, summon longevity. Then, after checking it through the long-life divination,9 the life-force is secured, and the longevity arrow is set in its receptacle, standing straight upright:

ཨཱཿ འབྱུང་ལྔའི་དབྱིངས་སུ་འཁྱམས་པའི་ཚེ༔

ah, jung ngé ying su khyampé tsé

Āḥ. When our life-force wanders into the space of the five elements,


yum ngé long du gyetabpé

It is secured within the expanse of the five mothers:


yeshe nga la kyechi mé

The five primordial wisdoms know no birth and death,


ku ngé ying su tsé bepa

Our life is concealed in the space of the five kāyas, and


rik ngé gyalwé kyang mi zik

Even the buddhas of the five families cannot see it!


dharmadhatu benza raksha

dharmadhātu vajra-rakṣa

ཞེས་བརྗོད་སྤྲོས་བྲལ་ངང་ལ་བཞག༔ ས་མ་ཡ༔

Recite this, then rest in the state of natural simplicity. Samaya!

ལྷ་སྔགས་ཏིང་འཛིན་དམིགས་པའི་གནད༔ ཀུན་ལས་ཁྱད་འཕགས་རིག་འཛིན་གྱི༔ ཚེ་སྒྲུབ་བདུད་རྩི་བུམ་བཅུད་འདི༔ ཆོས་བདག་སྐྱེས་བུའི་སྲོག་མཐུད་ཕྱིར༔ ཀློང་བྱང་མཁའ་འགྲོའི་བརྡ་རུ་བསྟན༔ དུས་བབ་འགྲོ་དོན་སྤྱོད་པར་ཤོག༔ གུ་ཧྱ༔ བརྡ་ཐིམ༔

The crucial points are to focus on deity, mantra and samādhi. Far superior to any other, this long-life practice of the vidyādharas, “The Vase of Immortal Life”, appeared in ḍākinī cypher in the Longchen Nyingtik, so as to prolong the life of the holder of this teaching. Now the time has come to act for the benefit of beings! Guhya. The sign dissolves.

Long-Life Empowerment

གཞན་ལ་ཚེ་ཡི་དབང་བསྐུར་ན༔ སློབ་མ་ཁྲུས་བྱས་བགེགས་དང་ཕྲལ༔ སྲུང་འཁོར་བསྒོམས་ལ་མཎྜལ་ཕུལ༔ ལོ་རྒྱུས་བཤད་ལ་སྐྱབས་སེམས་དང་༔ རྒྱུན་བཤགས་བྱས་རྗེས་གསོལ་བ་གདབ༔

If you wish to grant a long-life empowerment to others, carry out the following. Perform a cleansing ritual for the students, eliminate the obstructing forces and meditate on the protection circle. The students then offer a maṇḍala, after which you should explain the history. Then the students repeat after you the refuge, bodhicitta, and confession, and the following prayer:


chimé gönpo pema jung

Padmasambhava, immortal protector,


sok gi jikpé trakpa la

When fear of death arises,


tukjé chenpö nyer gong né

Look upon us with your great compassion,


tsé yi wang dang ngödrub tsol

And grant us the longevity empowerment and accomplishments.

ལན་གསུམ་རྗེས་སུ་སློབ་མ་ནི༔ ལས་ཆུས་བསངས་ལ་གུ་རུར་བསྐྱེད༔ སྤྱི་བོར་ཚེ་དཔག་མེད་ཡབ་ཡུམ༔

Recite this three times. Then, while purifying the students with the water of the activity vase, they visualize themselves as Guru Padmasambhava. Above their heads is Amitāyus with his consort.


nyampar jorwé kha sang né

From the secret space of union


dechen changsem dütsi gyün

A stream of bodhicitta nectar of great bliss flows down,


babpé lü gang dewé nyö

Filling the body and intoxicating it with bliss.


dorjé sok la wang tob mik

Imagine that you receive the empowerment of vajra life.


Light incense and play music, while bringing down primordial wisdom. Stabilize with:


tishta benza

tiṣṭha vajra


Then, grant the empowerment by placing the long-life vase on their heads.

ཧྲཱིཿ སྣང་སྲིད་གཞོན་ནུ་བུམ་པའི་སྐུ༔

hrih, nangsi zhönnu bumpé ku

Hrīḥ. All that appears and exists is the youthful vase kāya


kyechi dralwé chü kyi tam

Filled with the vital elixir of freedom from birth and death.


kalden bu la wangkurwé

By empowering you, fortunate sons and daughters,


chimé dorjé sok drub shok

May you accomplish the deathless vajra life!


Recite the root mantra combined with:


kaya abhikintsa om

kāyābhiṣiñca oṃ


Place the nectar at their throat and recite the following.

ཧྲཱིཿ བདེ་ཆེན་ཡུམ་ལྔའི་བྷན་དྷ་རུ༔

hrih, dechen yum ngé bhendha ru

Hrīḥ. In the bhāṇḍas of the five consorts of great bliss,


chimé changsem dütsir khyil

The deathless bodhicitta nectar gathers.


kalden bu la jinpa yi

By giving it to you, fortunate sons and daughters,


kyechi mepé wang tob shok

May you receive the empowerment that is beyond birth and death.


Recite the root mantra combined with:


waka abhikintsa ah

vākābhiṣiñca āḥ


Touch the long-life pills to their hearts.

ཧྲཱིཿ བརྟན་གཡོའི་ཁམས་དང་སྟོབས་བཅུའི་དཔལ༔

hrih, tenyö kham dang tob chü pal

Hrīḥ. The elements of the world, the beings within it and the glory of the ten strengths—


yong kyi chü dü tsé rilbu

All their vital essences are gathered in these long-life pills.


rik kyi bu la jinpa yi

Sons and daughters of noble family, by giving them to you,


dorjé sok la wang tob shok

May you receive the empowerment of vajra life.


Recite the root mantra combined with:


tsitta abhikintsa hum

cittābhiṣiñca hūṃ

རྗེས་ལ་ཚེ་འགུགས་རྒྱ་ཡིས་གདབ༔ གཏང་རག་འབུལ་ཞིང་དམ་ཚིག་བསྲུང་༔

Finally, seal the empowerment with the summoning of long life. The students make offerings out of gratitude and vow to keep their samayas.


If a compassionate master grants this empowerment


To a devoted student


Exactly in accordance with this text,


They will be freed even from the mouth of the Lord of Death himself.



Thanks to the fierce power of the vidyādharas’ spells,


Although curses may be cast, there will not be any danger.10


Consider this, therefore, as more precious than your own heart.

བཀའ་སྲུང་ལྕམ་དྲལ་མེལ་ཚེ་གྱིས༔ ས་མ་ཡ༔ རྒྱ་རྒྱ་རྒྱ༔ སརྦ་མངྒ་ལཾ།

Protectors of the Sacred Command and their Vajra Brothers and Sisters, samaya! Seal! Seal! Seal! Sarva maṅgalam.


གངས་ཅན་གྱི་མར་ཏི་ཀ་དཔལ་ཆུ་བོ་རིའི་ལྕགས་ཟམ་བྱང་ཆུབ་རྒྱུན་ལམ་གྱི་གནྡྷོ་ལར། རྗེ་གྲུབ་པའི་འཁོར་ལོས་བསྒྱུར་བའི་ཐུགས་རྗེའི་ཕྲིན་ལས་ལ་རང་གིར་མཛད་པའི་མཆོག་གི་སྤྲུལ་སྐུ་སོགས་རྩ་བའི་ཆོས་བདག་གསུམ་གྱི་སྐུ་ཚེའི་རྟེན་འབྲེལ་ལ་དམིགས་ནས་རྒྱ་ཁྲོལ།། དགེའོ༎

At the Iron Bridge of Chuwori, the temple11 whose traditions lead to awakening, the Māratika of this Snowy Land of Tibet, I released the seal of this text, keeping in mind the auspicious interdependent circumstances for the longevity of the three main Dharma custodians, such as the supreme and compassionate incarnation who is the lord and universal sovereign of accomplished adepts, and who has mastered the enlightened activities. May virtue abound!12


| Rigpa Translations. Long-life empowerment translated by Han Kop with the kind assistance of Tulku Dawa Zangpo. Edited for Lotsawa House (with the assistance of Josh Capitanio) as part of the Longchen Nyingtik Project, 2020.




Version: 1.5-20240506

  1. Literally, the supports for the practice.
  2. Tib. Rigdzin Düpa.
  3. In other words, the maṇḍala opens up and is divided into the self-visualisation (bdag bskyed) and the wisdom maṇḍala that arises in front (mdun bskyed).
  4. Skt. ṛṣi.
  5. Vital elixir, or ‘chü’ (bcud) in Tibetan, is the vital force, quintessence, quality, potency or nutrition, of both living things and inanimate matter in the environment, like rocks and minerals. According to Dagyab Rinpoche in Buddhist Symbols, pp. 6-8, "Chü really means 'essence-juice and vigour', or 'contents'. Originally the word was probably used to describe the qualities of plants or food, but it is also used in a transferred sense for the pure 'quality' of living beings, environments, energies, etc." Taking 'essences' to support your life is called chülen— rasāyana—or rejuvenation practice. There is also the ‘chü’—'vital force' of long life: the longevity possessed, for example, by the vidyādharas and ṛṣis. In the practice, all are fused into one life-force energy. The Long Life Empowerment says: "Imagine that the vital force of longevity of the vidyādharas and ṛṣis, who live for aeons... all the constituent elements, the radiance and presence and pure essence, all the long life and auspiciousness and merits, of the whole inanimate universe and all the sentient beings living within it, are gathered, like iron filings swept towards a magnet, and dissolve into you... "
  6. Tib. tséguk (tshe ’gugs).
  7. The long-life arrow (Tib. mda’ dar/tshe mda’) is not simply a ritual ornament, but an instrument for measuring. Before the practice, the arrow is measured; then, afterwards, it is pulled to see how long it can be stretched. If there is a noticeable difference in length, it means the practice has been accomplished.
  8. Tib. rig pa.
  9. 'Tsé tra' (tshe pra) is the long-life divination. Generally 'tra' (pra) is a sign or vision perceived in water or in the sky, or often in a mirror. It is a form of divination but not performed with dice or a mālā. Some people, often women, have this gift naturally, without having to develop it through practice; others simply cannot see the signs. By practising for a week or ten days, it is possible to acquire the ability, and after some time the 'tra' can even appear in the mind, directly. How to analyze or interpret the signs is another matter altogether. According to the Longchen Nyingtik, there is a practice of 'tra' through Tséringma. Here, after practising the tsédrup and tséguk, we check, through 'tra', to see what the life-span will be.
  10. This means that, although others may cast curses upon you that might endanger your life, through the power of the Vidyādharas’ spells, they will be nullified.
  11. The Tibetan text says gandhola.
  12. This final line is not found in the Derge and Adzom editions, only in the Lhasa edition and the Nyingtik Tsapö, which were produced much later.
Jigme Lingpa

Amitāyus and Consort

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