Outline of Tārā Praise
An Outline of The Praise to Tārā with Twenty-One Verses of Homage
by Jetsün Drakpa Gyaltsen
Namo buddhāya[1]
The Praise is outlined as follows:
The actual praise (1–21)
A. The praise of Tārā's saṃbhogakāya aspects (1–14)
i. The praise of Tārā's origin (1)
ii. The praise of Tārā's bodily features (2–8)The praise of Tārā's peaceful aspects (2–4)
a. The praise of Tārā's brilliance (2)
b. The praise of Tārā's hand symbols and qualities (3)
c. The praise offered by the Buddha and bodhisattvas (4)The praise of Tārā's wrathful aspects (5–8)
a. The praise of Tārā's might (5)
b. The praise offered by the great wordly gods (6)
c. The praise of Tārā's enlightened activities (7–8)i. The praise of Tārā's common activities (7)
ii. The praise of Tārā's uncommon activities (8)
iii. The praise of Tārā's ornaments and features (9–14)The praise of Tārā's peaceful features (9–10)
a. The praise of Tārā's hand gestures (9)
b. The praise of Tārā's head ornament (10)- The praise of Tārā's wrathful features (11)
- The praise of Tārā's common head ornaments (12)
The praise of Tārā's wrathful attributes (13–14)
a. The praise of Tārā's radiance and body postures (13)
b. The praise of Tārā's hand gestures (14)
B. The praise of Tārā's dharmakāya aspects (15)
C. The praise of Tārā's enlightened activities (16–21)
i. The praise of Tārā's secret mantra (16)
ii. The praise of Tārā's might (17)
iii. The praise of Tārā's ability to pacify poisons (18)
iv. The praise of Tārā's ability to dispel obstacles (19)
v. The praise of Tārā's ability to dispel diseases (20)
vi. The praise of Tārā's ability to subdue obstructors (21)
The excellent benefits (verses 22–27)
A. The intention (22)
B. The time (23)
C. The vast and excellent benefits (23–27)
D. A brief summary of the benefits (27)
This outline was arranged by the upāsaka Drakpa Gyaltsen.
| Samye Translations, 2020 (trans. by Stefan Mang).
Tibetan Edition
grags pa rgyal mtshan. 2007. “phyag ’tshal nyer gcig gi bstod pa sa bcad.” In gsung ’bum grags pa rgyal mtshan/ pod gsum pa/, 637–638. Pe cin: krung go’i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang.
English Source
Samye Translations (trans.). "The Praise to Tārā with Twenty-One Verses of Homage, and the Excellent Benefits of Reciting the Praise". Lotsawa House.
Version: 1.2-20220901
Homage to the Buddha! ↩