Song Recalling the Guru’s Kindness
A Song Recalling the Noble Guru’s Kindness
by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö
Lord Vajradhara, embodiment of all the buddhas,
Glorious Orgyen Chökyi Gyatso,[1]
Remain as an adornment upon this mendicant’s crown.
No matter what befalls this heir of yours,
He will always pray to you, the guru.
To have attained this support of a human form with its freedoms and advantages
And entered the teachings of the noble Sage
Is your kindness, my precious father guru.
To have heard such splendours,
From when I first learnt the alphabet
Through to when I studied the Secret Essence tantra,
Is your kindness, my only refuge, father guru.[2]
That the ground of basic renunciation and individual liberation
Is not spoiled by the swamp of involvement with young maidens,
And that this child is not now surrounded by illegitimate offspring
Is due to your kindness, protector guru, lord of sages.
That my mind set upon awakening, the very essence of Dharma,
Has not been wounded by the axe of forsaking sentient beings,
And that I still maintain a paltry wish to benefit others
Is due to your kindness, noble protector of beings.
That I can practise whatever I wish
From the ocean of profound instructions of kama and terma teachings
And that I might thereby attain accomplishment and liberation in this lifetime
Is also due to your kindness, O Vajradhara.
That I have an inclination towards positive actions,
Such as commissioning sacred objects and making offerings,
And that my faith and unbiased pure perception
Continue to expand unbound by time and distance is due to your kindness.[3]
In short, any partial qualities that I now possess
Or have acquired at any time in the past
Are all due to your kindness, precious father.
Until this son attains awakening through your kindness,
If I delight you through my offerings of body, speech and mind,
Sovereign gracious lord, inspire me with your blessings!
Written on the 23rd of the eighth month of the Wood Dog year.
| Translated by Adam Pearcey with the generous support of the Khyentse Foundation and Tertön Sogyal Trust, 2021.
Tibetan Edition
'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros. "rje bla ma'i bka' drin dran pa'i mgur glu" in ’jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros kyi gsung ’bum. 12 vols. Bir: Khyentse Labrang, 2012. W1KG12986 Vol. 8: 493–494
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