Prayer to Milarepa
The Hook of Compassion
A Prayer to Jetsün Shepa Dorje (Milarepa)
by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö
Namaḥ vajra-bhaṭṭara-hāsyāya!
Many aeons ago, through the path of enlightened action,
You mastered the transcendent perfection of generosity
And attained the supreme samādhi of the Sky Treasury—
Jetsün Töpa Ga, 'Joyous to Hear', I bow down before you.
Resisting all contamination from the faults of impairments,
You mastered the transcendent perfection of immaculate discipline
And became fragrant with the scent of unchanging great bliss—
Jetsün, second lord of siddhas, I bow down before you.
With a wisdom mind that is wholly imperturbable,
You mastered the transcendent perfection of sublime patience,
And gained a form entirely agreeable in appearance—
To Jetsün, the mere thought of whom dispels anguish, I bow.
Acting with magnificent courage for the sake of wandering beings,
You mastered the transcendent perfection of sublime diligence,
And perfectly donned the armour of non-discouragement—
Jetsün Shepa Dorje, 'Laughing Vajra', to you I offer praise.
Seeing all dharmas as illusory and faring heroically,[1]
You mastered the transcendent perfection of vajra-like concentration,
Great leader among the adepts of the samādhi of coalescence—
Jetsün Mikyö Dorje, 'Immovable Vajra', to you I offer praise.
Perfecting the great strength of listening, contemplating and meditating,
You mastered the transcendent perfection of dharma-discerning insight
And correctly understood all things in their nature and their multiplicity—
Jetsün Dorje Gyaltsen, 'Vajra Banner of Victory', to you I offer praise.
In the very same life you mastered the transcendent perfections
Of skilful means, strength, aspiration, wisdom and dharmakāya,
And attained the lofty dominion of the four kāyas—
Jetsün Dorje Chang, 'Vajra Holder', to you I offer praise.
Through offering such praise and prayer in this way,
May the venerable guru’s blessings enter my heart,
May he care for me inseparably throughout all my lives,
And may we become one, indivisible in secret body, speech and mind!
Thus, Jamyang Chökyi Lodrö prayed on the master’s anniversary during the Month of Miracles in the Water Dragon year. Siddhir-bhavatu. Maṅgalam!
| Translated by Adam Pearcey with the generous support of the Khyentse Foundation and Tertön Sogyal Trust, 2022.
Tibetan Edition
'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros. "rje btsun bzhad pa rdo rje la gsol 'debs thugs rje’i lcags kyu/" in 'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros kyi gsung 'bum. 12 vols. Bir, H.P.: Khyentse Labrang, 2012. (BDRC W1KG12986). Vol. 3: 205–206
Version: 1.0-20220613
Reading dpal bar 'gro as dpa’ bar 'gro, corresponding to the Sanskrit śūraṅgama, the name of a form of meditative absorption (samādhi). ↩