Letter to the Fourteenth Dalai Lama
A Letter to the Fourteenth Dalai Lama
by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö
To the crown adornment of all in existence and quiescence, including the devas, the supreme victorious guru of the beings of the three realms, magnificent and all-knowing, whose lotus feet rest are supported by the golden throne,
With the utmost devotion of body, speech and mind, Chökyi Lodrö, who holds the name of an incarnation of Jamyang Khyentse, as well as all the dharma masters, gurus, officials and monks of Meshö Dzongsar Tashi Lhatsé, each place our ten fingers at our crowns as we make the following heartfelt plea in unison.
Of late, the maṇḍala of the signs and marks and three secrets of the sublime Dalai Lama, great object of reverence for gods and human beings, vital source of benefit and happiness for all the unbiased teachings of the victorious one and for beings, have shone like the sun, master of the seven horses, the brilliant light of your taming activity has extended throughout space and time, and in the great palace in Beijing, capital of the land of Great China, you met—as priest and patron—the friend Chairman Mao, who is like great Brahma, parent to all the living beings of Jambudvīpa. There it was set down in writing that all centres of the nonsectarian teachings of the victorious ones throughout the lands of Tibet and greater Tibet are free to apply the instructions without interference, and that as we pursue our religious and secular affairs autonomously we may continue to engage in the ten forms of dharmic activity as in the past. This vast and extraordinary kindness, which will be a primary cause for the flourishing without decline of the precious teachings of the omniscient and victorious Lion of the Śākyas through the eight great chariots of the practice lineage and the great pillars who uphold the tradition of exposition, may prove difficult to sustain. Yet still it inspires such intense respect, devotion and boundless joy and delight that even the samādhi of perfect joy does not serve as an illustration.
Thus, as a maṇḍala of gratitude representing clouds of offerings, we present an auspicious “good day”[1] silk scarf, five gor (coins) in place of the threefold support maṇḍala, and a thousand silver dhagor. May you look upon them fleetingly with a glimpse of delight, may your lotus feet, O great universal splendour of the teachings and beings of Jambudvīpa, remain unfalteringly upon the vajra throne for a hundred aeons, and may you never neglect in your compassionate vision the task of guarding and protecting, in this and all future lives, the whole land of greater Tibet in general and the teachings and beings of the kingdom of Derge in particular, especially all the lamas and tulkus of our own humble monastery. We also beseech you to bestow as an adornment upon our crowns any advice that you feel is appropriate for enhancing good and banishing harm.
Humbly, we request you: please, in your wisdom, consider this modest plea, which is accompanied by countless expressions of devoted homage.
| Translated by Adam Pearcey with the generous support of the Khyentse Foundation and Tertön Sogyal Trust, 2021.
Tibetan Edition
'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros. "khams gsum 'gro ba'i bla ma rgyal mchog thams cad mkhyen pa chen por phul zhu yig/" in ’jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros kyi gsung ’bum. 12 vols. Bir: Khyentse Labrang, 2012. W1KG12986 Vol. 11: 609–611
Version: 1.0-20210624
A type of silk scarf featuring a verse that begins, “May the days be well!” ↩