Advice for Negön Choktrul
Advice for Chokling Tulku of Neten Monastery[1]
by Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö
Clear-minded and possessing dharmic vision,
With expansive insight into the two traditions,
Courageously you seek to traverse
All the various fields of knowledge.
Now you’re in the prime of youth
But ageing with each passing moment.
Don’t think that the ravages[2]
Wrought by old age lie far away.
As if taming a wild and spirited stallion
With bridle and rein, use the Dharma
Of renunciation to subdue the mind.
You might temporarily complete tasks adopted
Without due consideration, but ultimately fail.
It’s much better to consider things thoroughly
And to finish whichever tasks you have begun.
Now, while you’re in the prime of youth,
Apply yourself physically, vocally and mentally
To all aspects of study, approach and accomplishment,
Like a hungry yak voraciously munching grass.
By the time you’re old, channels, winds and essences
Will have lost their strength and faculties declined,
And though you might wish to take on major tasks,
Your body will not permit you to succeed.
At this time, when the Chokling tradition is weak,
Since you are an emanation,
I request that you please do whatever you can to strengthen
The teaching and practice of these profound treasures.
Avoid negative, unwholesome companions
And befriend those whose advice is beneficial.
Make an effort to study carefully
The authentic treatises, kama and terma.
Speak too much and all will condemn you.
The parrot is caged on account of its talk.[3]
There are many faults to being garrulous,
So speak only in a measured way.
If you adopt a lowly position
You’ll eventually reach a higher one,
Whereas if you regard yourself as superior
And treat others with contempt and scorn
Or subject them to abuse,
Everyone will turn hostile and unfriendly,
And you’ll fall to a humble position,
Like an old owl flying about by day.
You must remain constantly in one place.
Roaming about only invites misfortune.
Few will show reverence and respect
To one who wanders like a village dog.
Such conduct provokes malicious gossip too
And distracts from study and meditation.
In short, it is by familiaring yourself with
The sublime tradition of the sublime ones
That you’ll accomplish your own and others’ aims.
Thus, an old fool has chattered away,
Intending that it might bring some benefit.
Advising another while lacking personal
Knowledge and experience is itself improper,
But as the sublimes ones adopt whatever
Is well spoken even from those below them,
Therefore, I, Dharmamati, offer this
As something to benefit your mind. Virtue!
| Translated by Adam Pearcey with the generous support of the Khyentse Foundation and Tertön Sogyal Trust, 2022.
Tibetan Edition
'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros. gsung thor bu/_'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros/ (rgya gar bir'i par ma/). (BDRC W21814). 2 vols. null: null, null. Vol. 2: 50–53
'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros. “gnas dgon mchog sprul la gdams pa.” In gsung 'bum 'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros (dbu med), Gangtok: Dzongsar Khyentse Labrang, 1981–1985. Vol. 2: 347–349
'jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros. "gnas dgon mchog sprul la gdams pa" In 'Jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros kyi gsung 'bum. 12 vols. Bir, H.P.: Khyentse Labrang, 2012. (W1KG12986). Vol. 8: 320–322
Version: 1.0–20221206
i.e., the Third Neten Chokling, Pema Gyurme (1927–1972). ↩
The gsung thor bu edition has 'jigs pa (terrors) but this has been emended in the two later editions to mnar ba (torments). ↩
A reference to a proverb: The parrot is caged on account of its talk; Speechless birds fly freely. (ne tso smra bas gzeb tu tshud/ dab chags lkugs pa bde bar rgyu). ↩