Takhyung Barwa Empowerment Extracts
༄༅། །ཀློང་ཆེན་སྙིང་གི་ཐིག་ལེ་ལས། བླ་མ་དྲག་པོ་རྟ་ཁྱུང་འབར་བའི་བྱིན་རླབས་ཀྱི་ཆོ་ག་རྡོ་རྗེའི་དོ་ཤལ།
The Vajra Garland
A Ritual to Grant Blessings for the Blazing Wrathful Guru, Hayagrīva and Garuḍa, from Heart-Essence of the Vast Expanse (student extracts)1
by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye
Offer a maṇḍala
The Request
ཀུན་མཁྱེན་ཡེ་ཤེས་ཕུང་པོ་ཅན། །
künkhyen yeshe pungpo chan
Omniscient one, embodiment of primordial wisdom,
སྲིད་པའི་འཁོར་ལོ་རྣམ་སྦྱོང་བ། །
sipé khorlo nam jongwe
Who thoroughly purifies the wheel of existence—
དེ་རིང་བཤད་པའི་རིན་ཆེན་གཏེར། །
dering shepé rinchen ter
Lord, with your kindness, grant me this precious treasure
གཙོ་བོས་བདག་ལ་བཀའ་དྲིན་སྩོལ། །
tsowö dak la kadrin tsol
Of which you have spoken today.
Taking Refuge
ན་མོ༔ བདག་དང་མཐའ་ཡས་སེམས་ཅན་ཀུན༔
namo, dak dang tayé semchen kün
Namo. Along with all infinite sentient beings
chok sum ngowo lama dang
And with my heart filled with devotion, I take refuge
drakpo ta khyung kyilkhor la
In the guru, who is the essence of the Three Jewels,
nying né depé kyab su chi
And in the maṇḍala of the Wrathful Guru, Hayagrīva and Garuḍa!
Generating Bodhicitta
ཧོཿ དྲག་པོའི་དཀྱིལ་འཁོར་འདིར་ཞུགས་ནས༔
ho, drakpö kyilkhor dir zhuk né
Hoḥ. Having entered this maṇḍala of the Wrathful Guru,
pama dro druk semchen kün
So that I can liberate all beings in the six realms,
tsemé nyingjé drolwé chir
My very parents, with an immeasurable compassion
mönjuk döndam changsem kyé
I give birth to bodhicitta, relative—in aspiration and action—and absolute!
Daily Confession
könchok sum la dak kyab chi
In the Three Jewels, I take refuge.
dikpa mi gé sosor shak
All my misdeeds, each and every one, I confess.
drowé gé la jé yi rang
In the virtues of all beings, I rejoice.
sangye changchub yi kyi zung
Buddhahood and awakening, I hold in mind.
sangye chö dang tsok chok la
In the Buddha, the Dharma and Supreme Assembly
changchub bardu kyab su chi
I take refuge until I attain enlightenment.
rangzhen dön nyi rab drub chir
In order to accomplish my own and others' aims,
changchub sem ni kyepar gyi
I generate bodhicitta, the spirit of awakening.
changchub chok gi sem ni kyé gyi né
Having set my mind upon supreme awakening,
semchen tamché dak gi drön du nyer
I invite all sentient beings to be my guests.
changchub chö chok yi ong chepar gyi
I shall carry out the supreme, delightful actions of a bodhisattva.
dro la pen chir sangye drubpar shok
May I attain enlightenment in order to benefit all beings.
The Mantra
om ah hung maha guru artsik nirtsik hrih hung trom pé
oṃ āh hūṃ mahā guru artsik nirtsik hrīḥ hūṃ trom phaṭ
Promise to Keep the Vows
གཙོ་བོས་ཇི་ལྟར་བཀའ་བསྩལ་པ། །
tsowö jitar ka tsalpa
Whatever the guru, chief of the maṇḍala, commands,
དེ་དག་ཐམས་ཅད་བདག་གིས་བགྱི། །
dedak tamché dak gi gyi
I shall carry out—each and every instruction.
ཁྱེད་ལ་བདག་ཀྱང་ཡོངས་སུ་འབུལ། །
khyé la dak kyang yongsu bul
I offer myself to you completely.
སློབ་མར་བཟུང་ནས་སྤྱད་དུ་གསོལ། །
lobmar zung né ché du sol
Please take me as your disciple and make use of me.
| Translated by Han Kop for the Longchen Nyingtik Project, 2025.
'Jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha’ yas. "klong chen snying gi thig le las/ bla ma drag po rta khyung 'bar ba'i byin rlabs kyi cho ga rdo rje'i do shal". In Rin chen gter mdzod chen mo. New Delhi: Shechen Publications, 2007–2008. Vol. 46: 671–681.
Version: 1.0-20250212
- ↑ These sections have been extracted for the benefit of students, primarily for those occasions where the empowerment is given in Tibetan.