The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812

Amṛta Offering for Chokling Kagyé

English | བོད་ཡིག

༄༅། །སྡེ་གསུམ་གསང་ཁྲོའི་སྨན་མཆོད།

Amṛta Offering for the Innermost Cycle of the Yidam from the Three Sections of the Great Perfection

by Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa



dorjé damtsik mepo ché

Vajra samaya, O great wonder!


tsa gyé tong la jarwé dü

The demon of the eight major and thousand minor substances


gyü druk dukngal jompé tsi

And the elixir which destroys the suffering of the six causes1


rik nga yeshe nga yi ngö

Are none other than the five buddha families and five wisdoms.2


om ah hung sarva pentsa amrita hung hrih ta

oṃ āḥ hūṃ sarva-pañcāmṛta hūṃ hrīḥ ṭhaḥ



yingrik yabyum nangtong heruka

Heruka—basic space and awareness in union, male and female deities, appearance and emptiness,


chö kyi dorjé khandro lé kyi wang

Vajradharma, Ḍākinī Karmendrāṇī,


rigdzin düpa lamé kyilkhor la

Entire Vidyādhara Assembly of the most supreme maṇḍala—


nyongdrol dütsi men gyi chöpa bul

To you I offer this amṛta elixir which liberates on taste!


sarva pentsa amrita kha ram khahi

sarva-pañcāmṛta kharaṃ khāhi



jampal dorjé trisong detsen

Mañjuvajra incarnate, Tri Songdetsen,


drubchen gyé dang lechen dakpé khor

Eight accomplished adepts3 with your pure retinue of destined disciples,


gyüpa dünden terchen lama la

Upholders of the seven transmissions, great guru treasure-revealers—4


nyongdrol dütsi men gyi chöpa bul

To you I offer this amṛta elixir which liberates on taste!


sarva pentsa amrita kha ram khahi

sarva pañcāmṛta kharaṃ khāhi



yeshe gu dzok traktung kyilkhor lha

To the heruka maṇḍala deities in whom the nine wisdoms are perfected,


pal gyi kadö jikten drekpé dé

Attendants of the Awesome One, arrogant worldly spirit classes,


düngya nyernga samyé lhündrub la

Seven hundred and twenty-five deities, spontaneously present, beyond imagining—


nyongdrol dütsi men gyi chöpa bul

To you I offer this amṛta elixir which liberates upon taste!


sarva pentsa amrita kha ram khahi

sarva-pañcāmṛta kharaṃ khāhi



dütsi nyingpochen gyi ü

In the heart of the kapāla5


sangye kün gyi ku sung tuk

Are the enlightened body, speech and mind of all the buddhas


yigé sum gyi nampachen

In the form of the three syllables.


damtsik chakgya nyenpö lang

Respectfully receive it with the samaya mudrā! 6


kaya siddhi om

kāya siddhi oṃ


waka siddhi ah

vāk siddhi āḥ


tsitta siddhi hung

citta siddhi hūṃ


| Translated by Han Kop in 2023 during the Kagye Deshek Düpa Drupchen at Mount Malaya. Reviewed and edited by Samye Translations, 2024 (Stefan Mang and Libby Hogg).


Source: mChog gyur gling pa. "sman mchod", in rin chen gter mdzod chen mo. New Delhi: Shechen Publications, 2007. Vol. 62: 355.


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  1. In other words, the six afflictions.
  2. In this verse, there is a play on the Tibetan word for amṛta, dütsi (bdud rtsi), which combines the words for demon (bdud) and elixir (rtsi).
  3. These are the eight accomplished adepts of Tibet. They can be listed as Nyak Jñānakumāra, Namkhe Nyingpo, Nupchen Sangye Yeshe, Gyalwa Chokyang, Yeshe Tsogyal, Palgyi Yeshé, Langchen Palgyi Sengé, and Vairotsana.
  4. This refers to Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa and Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. Both masters are praised here as an upholders of all seven types of transmission. These seven are the transmissions of the Nyingma Oral Transmission (bka’ ma), the earth treasures (sa gter), the rediscovered treasures (yang gter), the mind treasures (dgongs gter), the recollected treasures (rjes dran), the profound pure visions (dag snang), and the most profound whispered lineage (snyan brgyud).
  5. Literally ‘that which contains the essence of amṛta’.
  6. Tulku Dawa Rinpoche explains that this means that you should receive it reverently with the special mudrā or hand gesture.
Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa

Chemchok Heruka

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