The Home of Tibetan Buddhist Texts in Translation
ISSN 2753-4812
ISSN 2753-4812


“You have accomplished so much for so many. Thank you so much.”
Tulku Thondup Rinpoche
“Congratulations on the beautiful website. May it flourish and the number of translations grow vast.”
— E. Gene Smith, Founder of Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center (now BDRC)
"I was amazed when I discovered Lotsawa House!"
Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche, Padmasambhava Buddhist Center

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— Prof. Steven D. Goodman, California Institute of Integral Studies

“Lotsawa House rocks.”

— Prof. Anne C. Klein, Rice University

“I am thoroughly enjoying the Lotsawa House website. You are featuring my favorite Tibetan Buddhist masters and producing great translations. Your generosity in sharing them like this is truly wonderful. Thank you!”

— Ann Helm, translator of Ringu Tulku's Ri-me Philosophy of Jamgon Kongtrul the Great

“Just to let you know I'm so impressed by your website and the work you and your team do. Always a pleasure to swing by your 'House' and discover new gems!”

— Jakob Leschly, co-translator of Wondrous Dance of Illusion: The Autobiography of Khenpo Ngawang Palzang

“Lotsawa House is such an incredible service!”

— Dr James Gentry, assistant professor, Stanford University & former editor-in-chief, 84000

“I love your site and the work you do. I have all the Dudjom translations on my computer here in the office for regular reminders of why I am here.”

— Joe Evans, Wisdom Publications

“Whenever I teach or give a talk on a text I look at Lotsawa House and whatever I need is almost always there. If I need lojong texts they are there; if I need aspiration prayers they are there; if I need ngöndro texts they are there.”

— Khenpo Yeshi, University of California, Berkeley

“Thank you for Lotsawa House. I use it all the time.”

— Marcus Perman, executive director, Tsadra Foundation

Tulku Thondup Rinpoche

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