Special Teaching of the Wise and Glorious King
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The Special Teaching of the Wise and Glorious King
by Patrul Rinpoche
The Root Text
Herein is contained The Special Teaching of the Wise and Glorious King, together with its commentary.
Homage to the master!
The view is Longchen Rabjam: infinite, vast expanse.
Meditation is Khyentse Özer: rays of wisdom and love.
Action is Gyalwé Nyugu, that of the bodhisattvas.
One who practises in such a way,
May well attain enlightenment in this very life.
And even if not, what happiness! What joy! A la la!
1. Introducing directly the face of rigpa in itself
As for the view, Longchen Rabjam,
Three statements strike the vital point.
First, relax and release your mind,
Neither scattered, nor concentrated, without thoughts.
While resting in this even state, at ease,
Suddenly let out a mind-shattering ‘phaṭ!’,
Fierce, forceful and abrupt. Amazing!
There is nothing there: transfixed in wonder,
Struck by wonder, and yet all is transparent and clear.
Fresh, pure and sudden, so beyond description:
Recognize this as the pure awareness of dharmakāya.
The first vital point is: introducing directly the face of rigpa in itself.
2. Deciding upon one thing, and one thing only
Then, whether in a state of movement or stillness,
Of anger or attachment, happiness or sorrow,
All the time, in any situation,
Recognize that dharmakāya you recognized before,
And mother and child clear light, already acquainted, will reunite.
Rest in the aspect of awareness, beyond all description.
Stillness, bliss and clarity: disrupt them, again and again,
Suddenly striking with the syllable of skilful means and wisdom.
With no difference between meditation and post-meditation,
No division between sessions and breaks,
Always remain in this indivisible state.
But, until stability is attained,
It is vital to meditate, away from all distractions and busyness,
Practising in proper meditation sessions.
All the time, in any situation,
Abide by the flow of what is only dharmakāya.
Decide with absolute conviction that there is nothing other than this—
The second vital point is: deciding upon one thing, and one thing only.
3. Confidence directly in the liberation of rising thoughts
At that point, whether attachment or aversion, happiness or sorrow—
All momentary thoughts, each and every one,
Upon recognition, leave not a trace behind.
For recognize the dharmakāya in which they are freed,
And just as writing vanishes on water,
Arising and liberation become natural and continuous.
And whatever arises is food for the bare rigpa emptiness,
Whatever stirs in the mind is the inner power of the dharmakāya king,
Leaving no trace, and innately pure. What joy!
The way things arise may be the same as before,
But the difference lies in the way they are liberated: that’s the key.
Without this, meditation is but the path of delusion,
When you have it, there’s non-meditation, the state of dharmakāya—
The third vital point is: confidence directly in the liberation of rising thoughts.
4. Colophon
For the View which has the three vital points,
Meditation, the union of wisdom and love,
Is accompanied by the Action common to all the bodhisattvas.
Were all the buddhas of past, present and future to confer,
No instruction would they find greater than this,
Brought out as a treasure from the depth of transcendental insight,
By the tertön of dharmakāya, the inner power of rigpa,
Nothing like ordinary treasures of earth and stone,
For it is the final testament of Garab Dorje,
The essence of the wisdom mind of the three transmissions.
It is entrusted to my heart disciples, sealed to be secret.
It is profound in meaning, my heart’s words.
It is the words of my heart, the crucial key point.
This crucial point: never hold it cheap.
Never let this instruction slip away from you.
This is the special teaching of the wise and glorious king.
| Rigpa Translations, 2008.
Tibetan Edition
o rgyan 'jigs med chos kyi dbang po. "mkhas pa shrI rgyal po'i khyad chos" in dpal sprul o rgyan ’jigs med chos kyi dbang po’i gsung ’bum, 8 vols. Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2003. (BDRC W24829). Vol. 5: 206–208
Secondary Sources
Dalai Lama, the Fourteenth. Dzogchen: The Heart Essence of the Great Perfection. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2000.
Reynolds, John Myrdhin. The Golden Letters. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 1996.
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